At this point, it looks to me like the Russians have lost the initiative and are just wallowing around trying to show Putin, or whomever, that they're doing something. Other than vague statements about "freeing" the Donbas there doesn't seem to be any real overarching strategy. I'm wondering what the over/under is on how long it takes for Putin to hang a "Mission Accomplished" banner and start making noises about shifting to a new phase...whatever that may be. Just a random thought, I'm old enough to remember that in the runup to the Six Day War we heard predictions from the press and pundits that the sheer weight of numbers and materiel would eventually result in Israel's defeat. Although this war has and will last a lot longer than that one, it does show how group think can creep in. General Patton is quoted as saying that "If everyone is thinking the same thing, someone isn't thinking." Sure seems like that was true in this case.