United States & Gun Control discussion.

Here we go again: POTUS about to do yet another power grab yet doesn't appear to care that power is a zero sum game. If the executive branch gains power, it TAKES it from either the other branches or from the governed. This President needs to read the Declaration of Independence.

"...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,.."

“The president is a petulant child,” New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie told “Fox News Sunday.” “Whenever he doesn’t get what he wants, … this president acts like a king.”

“The president has a pattern of taking away rights of citizens,” GOP candidate and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush told “Fox News Sunday.”

Bush suggested that he didn’t object in principle to keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, but that he is wary of how far-reaching and burdensome the proposed changes might be on small-scale gun sellers.

“How do you know?” he asked. “The better approach would be to punish people who violate federal gun laws. … If it’s such a great idea let (Obama) go to Congress.”

“I’m sure (the gun executive action) will get stopped by the courts,” Christie said Sunday.

Christie, Bush take aim at Obama's plan to use executive powers to tighten gun control laws | Fox News
They're claiming (in the article somewhere) that the 21 day period allows for 'due process' to take place. But as far as due process for confiscating the firearms, I don't know what to tell you.
Obama seems conflicted over Hilary; on one hand, he could indict her and take her out of the game, but doesn't. He then proposes actions she will support knowing the voter base on both sides disagrees with his actions, thereby hurting her campaign.
I also want to make another post that We The People aren't doing enough. We are allowing such laws to pass which infringes on our rights. I just don't know what else to do.
I also want to make another post that We The People aren't doing enough. We are allowing such laws to pass which infringes on our rights. I just don't know what else to do.

It's going to come to a head, our society is split down the middle, one group thinks people don't have rights, the other thinks we do. I foresee a second civil war, when IDK, but it's almost impossible to avoid at this point.
It's going to come to a head, our society is split down the middle, one group thinks people don't have rights, the other thinks we do. I foresee a second civil war, when IDK, but it's almost impossible to avoid at this point.

I don't think it will come to that. I think it will continue to be a center struggle.
Let's hope you're right.

I hope so. I now understand why people are armed to the teeth in public. I now carry a (legal) knife with me at all times. I am always checking out where I am going.

I don't like any of these gun laws and I fear it will take the country in the wrong direction.
The fact is that we have a God given right to defend ourselves. The Constitution clearly states that this is a right that is not up for discussion. We have the right to arm ourselves. The very reason they guaranteed this right was due to an oppressive government like the one we have. If we cannot defend ourselves, our voices are of no use. The system of checks and balances is failing and the people's voices don't matter. Anytime POTUS wants to do something, he just creates and executive order. Many of his executive orders have been un-Constitutional and this would just be another. The fact is that gun laws only affect law abiding citizens and make it easier for bad guys. Bad guys don't use guns registered to them. Sure, some crimes are committed with the persons own weapon but generally they are stolen or purchased illegally. Gun control does not work and never will in a nation with over 300 million guns. It is time to allow the People to be armed without all the shenanigans. Waiting periods, background checks, and gun safety quizzes literally do nothing to deter crime. It is all a means for the government to make money off of citizens exercising there rights. I'm tired of the left trying to make victims of people so they run to the government for help. We are not free anymore. It is sad. We also need to allow military to own guns on base. That is something tat shocks me that we don't allow the highly trained persons who serve and protect this country to own a firearm on base. That is nutty to me. I just hope we get a pro 2nd Amendment President once Obama is gone. And the statistics show just how horrible gun restrictions are. One look at the utopia of Chicago and see that. Accounting for 1/4 of all gun homicides every year. Almost 3,000 this year. Crazy.
Indeed it is our right, but we as a nation are too apathetic to anything to matter. Most people...could care less about an individuals right to bear arms...concealed or not. I know avid hunters who could care less about one's ability to open or CC a firearm. They simply care about their shotgun and nothing more.

Apathy is a silent killer and it's doing its work well!
Indeed it is our right, but we as a nation are too apathetic to anything to matter. Most people...could care less about an individuals right to bear arms...concealed or not. I know avid hunters who could care less about one's ability to open or CC a firearm. They simply care about their shotgun and nothing more.

Apathy is a silent killer and it's doing its work well!
Agreed! I don't understand why some guys don't care. All gun owners need to stand together. Whether you only want a shot gun or to have an AR-15. We should all be standing together on this.
Gauran-damn-tee OEF and OEF vets will be over represented in the "acquisitions".
All Vets in general.
It'll come down to a city/suburban vs suburban/rural debate.
I see some sort of civil violence in the future, civil war, maybe; over reaction to a terror incident, possibly, reaction to the abuse of power by the feds-IMO most probable.
The left taught civil disobedience during the 60's and those on the right are starting to mimic those protestors.