United States & Gun Control discussion.

I really don't think their scores are going to matter much to prospective colleges. Colleges are getting tons of applicants from students that actually want to learn and to be college students not "activists". Students that want to change themselves, not the world. If you listen to and read the interviews they give, these kids are already legends in their own minds. The have made themselves in short order carbon copies of Colin Kaepernick. That Gonzales chick (can I say that?) says she is going to attend New College of Florida. It sits on the grounds of the former Ringling estate. How appropriate because I have a feeling she is bringing the circus back to town.
Nick Koumalatsos put up a pretty solid video about the marching and touches on the fact that things like knives, obesity, cars, and heart disease kill more people on a yearly basis than firearms do. But since gun violence or more specifically mass shootings gain more attention from soccer mom Susan than say anything that you're more likely to die from, the main causes of death are largely ignored.

I am marshaling my troops as we speak, stalwart Florida militia men, stouthearted supporters of 2A and ready to die for the cause. They will be here as soon as they fill the truck with beer.

Take that, former Justice dude.

I got a buddy that sells Labatt Blue, drops some off at the house once a week. I’ll help fill the truck..what’s the uniform of the day? PT formation? I’m hoping for a bunch of “zonks”..
Just my opinion, but these kids aren't using any avenue...
Its not even within my imagination to refer to these kids as pawns - they are more like checker board pieces.

Coached, managed, handled

Their handlers are using every avenue. Their handlers are pulling out all the stops because after all, just like Rahm Emanuel let slip -"never let a good crisis go to waste." These kids are the gold standard for "useful idiots" as measured by the propagandists yard-stick. (or meter stick for those of you that cannot understand the 'Murican system of weights and measures)
It's also probably illustrative of why some of these kids are suddenly shocked that all of their favorite Universities aren't only failing to extend invitations - but are declining their applications. Chessboard consequences with checkerboard strategy - the problem is - too many voting age Americans these days are equally as impaired as some of these 'woke' teenagers...
...go eat some soap Hogg - adults are talking
There would no doubt be hold- outs for the reasons you mentioned. However, most people will succumb to guilt and the thought of losing their freedom altogether, ie prison, if they get caught not obeying the laws. It will come down to either you are criminal or a law abiding citizen.

Geez, I hate that we are even talking about this as as a possibility.:mad:

TOP, there were hold outs in 1920's Germany, 1890's Russia after the 2nd Revolution, and again in 1918 Russia after the Novermberist (using the Cyrillic calendar) Revolution, more holdouts in Italy, the Eastern European countries had very strong partisan action before the OSS could supply them, the Greek guerillas kept their arms.... I think a repeal of the 2A would be fruitless for the anti-gun lobby/crowd, the quiet, sane, self preservationists will retain their arms, just in case. Although the formalized militia of the US is the NG, how many veterans believe that their oath of service has never been repealed, and will fight to defend the Constitution should anybody try to dismantle it?
@x SF med, I Want to believe that most would take a stand, but I don't. When it comes down to breaking the law, these are the very people who usually don't. I do hope you are right, but more importantly, I hope we never go there.

To be honest, I don't think we will. All of the media coverage, all of the marches, all of the political grandstanding, is for show. I'm sure there are those out there actively trying to repeal 2A, but we have to take a step back and ask ourselves, how real is the possibility? How would the government actually manage collecting every single firearm in the US?

I say wait 3 months and if the fervor is still as strong as it is currently or stronger then we can start worrying.

Right now all we're hearing is the vocal minority.
To be honest, I don't think we will. All of the media coverage, all of the marches, all of the political grandstanding, is for show. I'm sure there are those out there actively trying to repeal 2A, but we have to take a step back and ask ourselves, how real is the possibility? How would the government actually manage collecting every single firearm in the US?

I say wait 3 months and if the fervor is still as strong as it is currently or stronger then we can start worrying.

Right now all we're hearing is the vocal minority.

The 2nd amendment repeal diatribe has been going on forever. The fervor is like a pulse. Comes and goes and forgotten through the decades. Vote and wait it out. It will pass.
Sadly... most of my guns fell overboard during a deep sea fishing trip - except for the ones that I turned in at a no-questions-asked gun-buyback.
How would the government actually manage collecting every single firearm in the US?

They would never get them all, but this is where I apparently differ in view from others on here. Hypothetically speaking, the government will say give it up or get locked up and then many people will comply due to the fear of being locked up. Americans are mostly law abiding citizens. Most people believe being a good person means obeying the law. Mr. Jones, next door, will not be able to sleep well at night just knowing he is committing a crime by hiding a weapon in his closet.
They would never get them all, but this is where I apparently differ in view from others on here. Hypothetically speaking, the government will say give it up or get locked up and then many people will comply due to the fear of being locked up. Americans are mostly law abiding citizens. Most people believe being a good person means obeying the law. Mr. Jones, next door, will not be able to sleep well at night just knowing he is committing a crime by hiding a weapon in his closet.

How could I possibly give up what no one knows that I have? The government going to sifts through millions of 4473s, to find the few guns I bought years and years ago which have been privately sold or traded?

If Mr. Jones wants to give his up, then that's on him. If it helps him sleep better at night. I hope he is OK with the hypocrisy of giving up his guns but being OK by keeping that expired bottle of Mrs. Jones' Xanax or oxy or any number of other laws which he breaks on a daily basis.

I think you are right in that there is a sect of gun owners who would do just that, I think it is a fairly small number. I think most gun owners are the ones who will say, even privately, "aw, hell naw....", be as inconspicuous as possible, and suffer any number of incidents in order to "lose" their arsenal in order to minimize risk.
They would never get them all, but this is where I apparently differ in view from others on here. Hypothetically speaking, the government will say give it up or get locked up and then many people will comply due to the fear of being locked up. Americans are mostly law abiding citizens. Most people believe being a good person means obeying the law. Mr. Jones, next door, will not be able to sleep well at night just knowing he is committing a crime by hiding a weapon in his closet.

To add, many of us on here have proven that we are willing to go the distance for what we believe in, but we are only about 1% of the population.
To add, many of us on here have proven that we are willing to go the distance for what we believe in, but we are only about 1% of the population.

See, this is where I think you're wrong. I think there is a lot more people who think like us than that. They just are not vocal. Why draw undue attention in the face of such hostility? Those people are vocal and animated. They make good targets (for the media, for notoriety). Our people slide into the shadows, understand SA. That's also the downside. We'll never know just how many people are like us.
Why draw undue attention in the face of such hostility?

...and how many of us are on multiple 'watch lists' due to our military service, belief in the Constitution, and willingness to share cogent argument on issues we believe are the basic tenets of our society? I gave up checking on the watch list sites because it made me understand how far into the socialist abyss society as a whole had fallen... and most have no clue they are jumping on the bandwagon that brought the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Musolini, Mao, Tito, Allende, Pinochet, TuTu, et al. to power...

A right surrendered is a right lost, a responsibility squandered is a crime.