United States & Gun Control discussion.

The Time magazine cover that's making the rounds on social media, though with captions. I love this cover!

My biggest beef with these Showboaters is that they're all now verified on twitter, @Ooh-Rah and I are apparently chop liver. ;-)
Looks as if CBS took it out of context. He rode his bike back to school at 6pm.
I dont have the time at the moment to re-watch the video, but why or how would he go back to the school at that time? Would the school not be a crime scene at that point? But then again if the norm is deputies hiding and/or sleeping and the fact the kid's dad is/was an FBI agent I suppose anything is possible and plausible at this point.
Maybe the activist class within the USA needs to create a formal organization - a league of sorts. Perhaps a league of American worker youth would be what the left is looking for. The left could use this youth league for ideological and political purposes to help fowrad an agenda of peace, equality, and diversity.

The greater youth movement would be great. The left could create a junior league for the younger kids and even an all girls movement to show that they support Grrl-Power...

Then the left can indoctrinate them on how imprtant it is to sacrfice for the cause. These kids can use their influence to undermine the elitist structures and priviledge of those on the right and finally put them on their place !!!

Just like Obamas recently stated desire to create a million youth in his own image, we could organize these cells at the community level !!!!
The kids that dont want to participate can sit in study hall and do essays explaining why they hate freedom.

Like Flounder said, "BOY IS THIS GREAT"

It's still disturbing, even in context. Look what's happening here. It's the vilification of a very large segment of peaceful, law abiding Americans. They have taken the horrific crimes of a few homicidal cunts and completely shifted the blame from those individuals to millions of innocent gun owners.

It's like Hitler blaming the Jews for everything wrong in Germany.
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The Time magazine cover that's making the rounds on social media, though with captions. I love this cover!


Look at the genius of the cover! Whatever I think of this "movement", this cover is brilliant.
1. Black people? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! All of that inner city violence, but a dozen-ish white kids are shot up and this is society's rebuttal? Brilliant! You think Suzie Homemaker in the 'burbs gives a shit about a bunch of inner city kids? Nope. Black Lives Do Not Matter, not to Time and not to the anti-gun movement. Keep the violence Black and they won't take our guns back.
2. The girl with the short hair front and center. Another masterpiece in choosing your subjects. The second you call her a dude or whatever you've aliented those in the center and pissed off gays and lesbians....a surprising number of whom are pro-2A. If the topic of LGBTEIEIO bothers you, you either ignore her, force yourself to recognize that she's a girl/ woman, or accept everything (second and third order effects) that goes with calling her a dude.
3. I thought this was an Abercrombie and Fitch ad. All the diversity represented by America besides an obvious minority; not even a token one!

The pumpkin spice latte crowd should be pissed off, this cover SPEAKS to them! This is their jam!

I hate the message, but have to respect their market research. These folks are bringing their A game.

Well played @AWP very good job indeed.

Retired Supreme Court Justice Stevens says Second Amendment should be repealed

@Devildoc I saw the same link. They can repeal the 2nd, good luck enforcing it.
Kinda what I thought. Congratulations, it's repealed. So now what are you going to do about the 300 million guns and billions of rounds of ammo?
I honestly think most people would turn in thier guns and ammo. Most people are talking out their ass when they say they won't. Some will stand, most won't. IMO.
I honestly think most people would turn in thier guns and ammo. Most people are talking out their ass when they say they won't. Some will stand, most won't. IMO.

Of course we are getting into hypotheticals. But how would they find them? How many people buy/sell/trade on local forums or gun shows and keep minimal paperwork? How many people have Uncle Bob's WWII-era 1911 in a box in their closet that is largely unforgotten? Sure, a massive shitload will willfully turn them in, but an equally massive shitload will not, for whatever reason, but the bigger kettle of fish would be got the government to try to account for all of those guns there's no paper on.
Of course we are getting into hypotheticals. But how would they find them? How many people buy/sell/trade on local forums or gun shows and keep minimal paperwork? How many people have Uncle Bob's WWII-era 1911 in a box in their closet that is largely unforgotten? Sure, a massive shitload will willfully turn them in, but an equally massive shitload will not, for whatever reason, but the bigger kettle of fish would be got the government to try to account for all of those guns there's no paper on.

There would no doubt be hold- outs for the reasons you mentioned. However, most people will succumb to guilt and the thought of losing their freedom altogether, ie prison, if they get caught not obeying the laws. It will come down to either you are criminal or a law abiding citizen.

Geez, I hate that we are even talking about this as as a possibility.:mad:
Geez, I hate that we are even talking about this as as a possibility.:mad:

Worry not, mon amie...35 states have to sign on. It's not an issue. If they really want to push full-scale confiscation without having the states go through due process, they'll have bigger fish to fry than illegalizing and finding 300 million guns....
Worry not, mon amie...35 states have to sign on. It's not an issue. If they really want to push full-scale confiscation without having the states go through due process, they'll have bigger fish to fry than illegalizing and finding 300 million guns....

We can't even figure out if weed should be legal, I think our guns are safe.
Guns aren't going anywhere. It's like the alleged "war on drugs." It's a talking point and running platform for politicians.

Just think about it...without those "wars" going on, what would they have to do in Washington?

Bunch of freaking clowns over there....
Worry not, mon amie...35 states have to sign on. It's not an issue. If they really want to push full-scale confiscation without having the states go through due process, they'll have bigger fish to fry than illegalizing and finding 300 million guns....
Maybe they can give jobs to the undocumented workers. Send them around to collect, 😂
I am marshaling my troops as we speak, stalwart Florida militia men, stouthearted supporters of 2A and ready to die for the cause. They will be here as soon as they fill the truck with beer.

Take that, former Justice dude.
Geee...color me shocked that no college wants any part of this kid:

David Hogg revealed on Tuesday that he has been rejected from four schools

Despite organizing a global movement against gun violence which they themselves billed as a 'revolution', some of the survivors of the Parkland school massacre have not been granted admission to their chosen colleges.

On Tuesday, David Hogg, one of the most vocal survivors of the February 14 atrocity, revealed that he had been rejected from four of the schools he applied to; UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine.

Hogg, 17, is not alone. Fellow survivor Ryan Deitsch was turned down by UCLA.

It is not clear what either wants to study. Hogg has a 4.2 GPA and scored a 1270 on his SATs, both of which are considered above average.