United States & Gun Control discussion.

...and how many of us are on multiple 'watch lists' due to our military service, belief in the Constitution, and willingness to share cogent argument on issues we believe are the basic tenets of our society? I gave up checking on the watch list sites because it made me understand how far into the socialist abyss society as a whole had fallen... and most have no clue they are jumping on the bandwagon that brought the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Musolini, Mao, Tito, Allende, Pinochet, TuTu, et al. to power...

A right surrendered is a right lost, a responsibility squandered is a crime.

Heard, and I agree. I am not about to surrender any right. A right is a right, not something the government should be able to take away. There's a reason, though, I don't open carry, sport "molon labe" stickers on my van, wear a NRA cap. Just as one has the responsibility of knowing when to draw and use a CC gun, one also has the responsibility of knowing when to keep it concealed.
Everyone's a gangsta' until The Man's in front of them. A lot of "patriots" won't know a word of Greek the day they are asked to turn in their guns.
Yeah, we'll see. But we won't because we'll be decaying in the ground following the nuclear war we're going to get into with John Bolton as NSA...
I for one am looking forward to power armor and the invasion of china in the near future. Wonder if I should start hoarding stimpacks and ammo?

Anyways, I get the feeling that the American populace is going to be on the defensive in reacting to attacks on the second amendment for a while. Until we figure out a way to expose the globalists and communists who prop the 'useful idiots' up, I don't see us on the attack anytime soon.
I'm not sure how I feel about this.

Merriam-Webster Changes Definition Of 'Assault Rifle' After Parkland

As someone who has always believed language and words hold more power than bullets and bombs, it's disconcerting that the definition (which was already a loose one to begin with) has been changed to an even more vague and all encompassing one. What this allows is a platform and and increases misinformation in regards to the debate around gun control.

Not to mention that since the 2000's the Supreme Court and judicial system at large have started to rely more and more on dictionaries to set statutes and precedent. What this means is that, if one justice wanted to look at Merriam-Webster as the singular definition of what an Assault Rifle is. They could set the legal precedent for an all encompassing ban on any "Assault style" weapons which according to MW now would be the following.

Definition of assault rifle

"any of various intermediate-range, magazine-fed military rifles (such as theAK-47) that can be set for automatic or semiautomatic fire; also : a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but is designed to allow only semiautomatic fire"

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but this is the type of stuff that concerns me the most.
"A rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but...."

Yeah, that's concerning. Those evil-looking rifles that aren't assault rifles but look evil.....
Yeah, that's concerning. Those evil-looking rifles that aren't assault rifles but look evil.....
I have talked to a lot of unknowing people who believed that AR-15 actually stands for Assault Rifle 15. Words do matter. I guess after so many AKs and ARs have been used as the weapon of choice by modern school shooters and mass murderers, its only natural for average people to associate these guns with evil.
So...an M-1 Garand would not fall under the definition?

Apparently. Same with being able to own an M1A as long as you choose wood over "scary and black".

I have talked to a lot of unknowing people who believed that AR-15 actually stands for Assault Rifle 15. Words do matter. I guess after so many AKs and ARs have been used as the weapon of choice by modern school shooters and mass murderers, its only natural for average people to associate these guns with evil.

Words and language by themselves are harmless, however we give them power by how we react to, and treat them.
Definition of assault rifle

"any of various intermediate-range, magazine-fed military rifles (such as theAK-47) that can be set for automatic or semiautomatic fire; also : a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but is designed to allow only semiautomatic fire"

Did they just use a "theorem to prove a theorem?" An assault rifle is a device that resembles an assault rifle? WTF?
It isn't about gun control - or knife control - or anything remotely similar - its simply about the leftist academia seeking control of ALL aspects of your life - one small item at a time.
Control of what you can own, control of what you smoke and where you smoke it, control of what you eat, control of the size of your sugary drink. Leftist academia just wants to redefine your life because they care. The left has weaponized Overtons Window.
It's NOT about gun control; it's just about control.

So, if you allow the academics to "define you" - they will drink YOUR milkshake...
...drink it up
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It isn't about gun control - or knife control - or anything remotely similar - its simply about the leftist academia seeking control of ALL aspects of your life - one small item at a time.
Control of what you can own, control of what you smoke and where you smoke it, control of what you eat, control of the size of your sugary drink. Leftist academia just wants to redefine your life because they care. The left has weaponized Overtons Window.
It's NOT about gun control; it's just about control.

So, if you allow the academics to "define you" - they will drink YOUR milkshake...
...drink it up

Okay... my less than intelligent self thought a posting of this little piece of literature might be some reading that could inspire some discussion in this thread - The Communist Manifesto, Marx & Engels. Does anybody else see any parallels to Mr. Salcido's rant, and the link posted by @Topkick from this little treatise?
What's sad is that while the loudest idiots in academia are spreading communist ideals like it's cool, others have their nose to the grindstone doing actual meaningful research.

When I get a chance I'll upload a copy of my school paper (nevermind, figured it out). The shit that some of these people publish and push boils my blood. Fearmongering and social conditioning, under the guise of 'safety' and 'informing the public', is the agenda being pushed on local level by these halfwits. Below is a link and image of the headline story in my local university paper.

The way that academics use and condition/traumatize kids to push their agendas is pretty fucked up.

Link to article
