United States & Gun Control discussion.

My sniper partner went to his church’s “security” meeting which involved the church’s insurance agengy. They are trying to use CCW holders has armed security. Cool plan but if you read the Ohio Revised Code closely it’s pretty illegal. Anyway, the point about what weapon/ammo each person in the church is carrying comes to the front of discussion (generally speaking). My LE/sniper buddy goes, “you’ll never know exactly what ammo or weapon a person is going to carry because they might forget or might just carry something else that day. Maybe one day I bring a hollow-point and one day I forget after going to the range and bring FMJs.”

The insurance lady says, “yeah, you don’t want to bring hollow-point bullets, people blow up when they’re hit with those.” My partner said his mouth dropped wide open in disbelief and asked her if she was joking. “No, that’s what happens in the movies,” she said. I told him that this is the exact audience we are working against.

Ignorance is another thing we are fighting against.

Stop wearing body armor and walking around loaded up. Yes you have a Right but one also has a moral responsibility.
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"Ok for me but not for thee". Taking bets on how quickly De Blasio sweeps this under the carpet.

https://nypost.com/2018/04/08/direc...medium=site buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons

This de Blasio administration official set one heckuva bad example for the teens she was hired to keep out of jail.

Reagan Stevens, a deputy director in the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, and two young men were arrested for illegal weapons possession while sitting in a double-parked car near the scene of a Saturday night shooting in Queens, cops said.

A loaded, 9-mm. semiautomatic pistol with its serial number defaced was hidden in the car’s glove box, and there was a spent shell casing on the floor near Stevens’ feet in the rear of 2002 dark-red Infiniti SUV, law-enforcement sources said.

The trio’s arrest followed a burst of five gunshots that activated an NYPD “ShotSpotter” device in Jamaica at 9:42 p.m. Saturday, sources said.

The listening device pinpointed the shooting at 174th Street and 109th Avenue, and private surveillance video captured the muzzle flashes of five shots fired from the Infiniti, sources said.

The handgun seized by cops has an eight-round magazine and held three cartridges — two in the magazine and one in the chamber, sources said.

Stevens, 42, and the two men — who cops says also had knives on them — were awaiting arraignment Sunday night in Queens Criminal Court, where her mom, Deborah Stevens Modica, has been a judge since her appointment in 1997.

Her stepdad, Salvatore Modica, is an acting Queens Supreme Court justice. They both declined to comment.
Modal TriggerWilliam Miller
Stevens, who lives in Brooklyn’s Bay Ridge, manages youth and strategic initiatives, and her main job is implementing a 2017 state law that will raise the age at which kids can be prosecuted as adults for non-violent crimes from 16 to 18.

Stevens, who previously worked for the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office and makes more than $90,000 a year, was immediately suspended without pay, said Office of Criminal Justice spokesman Patrick Gallahue.

“We take these allegations very seriously,” he added.

De Blasio is an outspoken supporter of strict gun-control laws, and last month, he joined a student walkout in the wake of the mass shooting that killed 17 students and staffers at a Parkland, Fla., high school.

Stevens was arrested around 10:25 p.m. near the corner of 177th Street and 106th Avenue along with driver Caesar Forbes, 25, and front-seat passenger Montel Hughes, 24, both of whom live in the neighborhood.

Hughes’ sister, Jade, 17, told The Post that her brother and Forbes were longtime friends and that he recently became acquainted with Stevens.
She said she didn’t know anything about that relationship other than that it wasn’t romantic.

Stevens, Hughes and Forbes were each charged with two counts of criminal possession of a weapon — one for the gun being loaded, another for its illegally obscured serial number — because no one admitted owning the pistol, sources said.

Cops were also weighing charges involving its firing, based on the video that traces the shots to the car, sources said.

Forbes and Hughes also were charged with criminal possession of a weapon related to the knives they were allegedly carrying, and Forbes was also ticketed for double parking, cops said.

Hughes’ rap sheet lists nine prior arrests, six of which are sealed. The others include an October 2010 bust in Queens on robbery and weapons charges, and a July 2016 arrest on firearm, trespassing and harassment charges, sources said.

Stevens has a sealed, 2015 arrest that stemmed from allegations of driving illegally, while Forbes has no criminal record, sources said.
If London subscribes to the concept of "policing by consent" how are they going to enforce a knife ban ??

If the effectiveness of the police is not measured on the number of arrests, but on the lack of crime - is it safe to assume that the bobbies are ineffective ??

If the people of London wish to live under the dominion of a monarch, then they need to stop complaining and turn in their zombie knives before Sadiq Khan begins to taunt them a second time........................
....blah blah blah London, blah blah so cosmopolitan blah blah, zombie knives.
You don't need a knife to stir tea
You don't need a knife to eat fish and chips
You don't need a zombie knife to defend against criminals - the Bobbies are the ones that deal with criminals.
...now box up your knives and turn them shits in before the Mayor is forced to taunt you a second time
A very liberal friend of mine hit me up the other day. She's very anti-2A, "ban assault rifles, ban high cap magazines, etc." Her dad passed and she's cleaning out his gun cabinet.

"What's the difference between a rifle and a shotgun?"

I had to ask her if she's serious or if that was the lead in to a joke. Despite the absolute hilarity (and tragedy) of the moment, I'm taking the high road and trying to explain the hardware aspects of firearms.

The pro-2A crowd doesn't lack for idiots, but remember the woman above is an active voter.
The useful idiots are so much more dangerous than the community organizers. The leaders of the movement have a plan. The leaders of a movement have vision. The leaders of the movement are moving towards a goal. Useful idiots are little more than blunt objects floating around the cabin during a plane crash...
...no plan, no goal, no trajectory, no purpose; just unrestrained energy waiting to collide with something.
From the London knife ban article:

"...Strangely enough, Khan is responsible for decreasing the number of stop-and-searches, having previously declared the tactic racist and potentially Islamophobic..."

Will just leave this right here. Just in case I had any thoughts of caving on my self imposed boycott of Dick's (no comments please) and Field and Stream.

Dick’s will destroy remaining inventory of ‘assault rifles’

After announcing policies that most gun owners saw as alienating, Dick’s Sporting Goods said it will go one step further and destroy its remaining inventory of firearms dubbed “assault weapons.”

A spokeswoman told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that the remaining inventory at the retailer’s Field & Streams stores will be destroyed and then recycled.

“We are in the process of destroying all firearms and accessories that are no longer for sale as a result of our February 28th policy change,” she said. “We are destroying the firearms in accordance with federal guidelines and regulations.”