United States & Gun Control discussion.

Story for you all. Back to edit tomorrow with the story. Suffice to say, people be crazy.
This sucks IMO it is a micro eroding of our rights. My concern will be if other stores follow suit.
This sucks IMO it is a micro eroding of our rights. My concern will be if other stores follow suit.

I look at the bright side. Successful small business returns to America. There are plenty of one off, local gun shops in my area and they usually carry better quality and more interesting stuff. The only downside is the LGS may be a little more expensive because they don't purchase in bulk.
Anyone hear/read the Lance Armstrong podcast with Tim Kennedy? (does everyone have a podcast now?)

In a nutshell he said that he is pro gun control and does not believe that a 19 year old "kid" should be able to buy and AR. He is being absolutely slaughtered on the gun forum I read. I guess I need to watch the whole interview, but when there are very wealthy and very powerful folks out there who have dedicated their lives to removing guns from the common man, giving one inch is a chink in the armor that offers the anti-folks hope. I am disappointed with his response.

Here the video of the interview. The remark was made at around the 11:55 mark. They start discussing guns at 5:18.

I saw it. I've heard Tim clarify his/those comments several times but I'm not sure what he means or what his stance is.
So I just want to touch on one comment that Mr. Kennedy made. He said that kid who had a violent history never should have had access to buying a gun, which is true. But the local police and the FBI failed to do their due diligence to prevent it. So his answer is to give MORE power to the same people and the same system that failed in the first place? If everyone had done their job correctly the first time we wouldnt be here having this discussion. Talk about the definition of insanity
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In what I can only describe as a parental failure on my part...my daughter is a Liberal. With that said, she wanted me to take her to the range so she could shoot our pistols. She wants to buy a gun and she'd like to get a feel for them. She's never fired a pistol before in her life (she's 23), never shown an interest in guns...nada.

An hour later she declared she wants a Glock 43 and is considering a concealed carry permit.

Little victories. "Think globally, act locally" and all that.
No worries, AWP...I know several "liberals" that have no issues with weapons. I know "conservatives" that don't think you should be able to have any type of AR unless you are LE or military. After all, why should someone need that...they aren't for hunting or sport...only killin.....
In what I can only describe as a parental failure on my part...my daughter is a Liberal. With that said, she wanted me to take her to the range so she could shoot our pistols. She wants to buy a gun and she'd like to get a feel for them. She's never fired a pistol before in her life (she's 23), never shown an interest in guns...nada.

An hour later she declared she wants a Glock 43 and is considering a concealed carry permit.

Little victories. "Think globally, act locally" and all that.

I don't think it's your failure, it's society. Many young people are liberal because they believe in rainbows and unicorns, and that they will help change the world. but then life happens and reality sets in. ;-)