United States & Gun Control discussion.

Anytime there's "discretion" over something that should be a right, there's a strong probability of something like this.

Knowing this process decently well, PDs tend to deny people that have demonstrated need for a permit, in fact that happens often because California PDs are under pressure and honestly full of liberals in uniform (not that that is a problem necessarily).

When trying to get them through the Sheriff's office it is purely about donating enough money to the campaign to have the conversation with the man. But you see here is subordinates taking advantage and acting in a wholly corrupt mode de vie.
Knowing this process decently well, PDs tend to deny people that have demonstrated need for a permit, in fact that happens often because California PDs are under pressure and honestly full of liberals in uniform (not that that is a problem necessarily).

When trying to get them through the Sheriff's office it is purely about donating enough money to the campaign to have the conversation with the man. But you see here is subordinates taking advantage and acting in a wholly corrupt mode de vie.
I've had some pretty bad experiences trying to get permits in CT and NY. GA and NC were e-z.
MD was stupid easy: I realized their laughter meant “no”.
Funny part is under current MSP guidance I could get one by simply getting a letter from my security officer on my clearance status. The MSP has no need to know what our status is and they will not receive that information. MSP: “See, we are trying to help the military but they don’t want it”.

That is towards the MSP licensing division. The rest of the boys there are good apples.
My fair burg has seen a pretty significant increase in shootings this year:

'This is an emergency:' Shootings up 43 percent this year in Durham :: WRAL.com

While the 'Defund the Police' movement has chattered about here and there, >85% of these shootings are in the same 15-square-blocks, and those people want more LE presence, not less. Interestingly, those same citizens are also (legally) buying guns and are getting in the faces of the elected officials who are trying to impose more laws on gun ownership. The people are speaking.

Also, for every one shooting we see on the news, there's one more who get to the ED via Home Boy EMS (slow drive by the entrance and dump out the door).
Unsure if anyone posted the letter that the Biden Campaign issued on the 8th. But Biden and Harris aim to bring this one civil right to its knees and also destroy the NRA. We can say what we want about NRA this or the NRA that. But it's really bad. This would be like any President-Elect saying they aimed to defeat the ACLU.

Biden Announces His Aim Is To ‘Defeat’ Pro-Second Amendment NRA
Unsure if anyone posted the letter that the Biden Campaign issued on the 8th. But Biden and Harris aim to bring this one civil right to its knees and also destroy the NRA. We can say what we want about NRA this or the NRA that. But it's really bad. This would be like any President-Elect saying they aimed to defeat the ACLU.

Biden Announces His Aim Is To ‘Defeat’ Pro-Second Amendment NRA

Now that White Boys have busted their cherries in the big DC riot, the cork is out of the bottle. Biden pushes it too far and masses of 2A supporters will start joining in on the fun. He says he wants to "heal a divided nation." Getting froggy with millions of gun owners ain't the way to go about it.
I remember when the ACLU defended both the Klan and Nazi rallies. Now they defend...Twitter? FB? I dunno.
Brother, do some serious digging into the founders of the ACLU and you will find they were card-carrying communist. Just watched a documentary on them two nights ago.
Remember the name of the documentary?
It's a series on Prime Video called "Hidden Agenda." It is several episodes long and was done in the 80's, I believe.

It's absolutely astonishing to see the exact things they are speaking of coming to fruition currently. If you can't find it there or don't have Prime, you may be able to find it somewhere else. Let me know if not, and I will help you hunt for it. It's sincerely worth the watch.

Here is a link to the series:

Hidden Agenda - Real Conspiracies that Affect Our Lives Today on Apple TV
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It's a series on Prime Video called "Hidden Agenda." It is several episodes long and was done in the 80's, I believe.

It's absolutely astonishing to see the exact things they are speaking of coming to fruition currently. If you can't find it there or don't have Prime, you may be able to find it somewhere else. Let me know if not, and I will help you hunt for it. It's sincerely worth the watch.

Here is a link to the series:

Hidden Agenda - Real Conspiracies that Affect Our Lives Today on Apple TV
Man, the guy who made that series, G. Edward Griffin, is a John Birch Society weirdo. Those guys think EVERYONE is a communist. The founder literally accused Dwight Eisenhower of being a secret communist!

Let’s not forget their paranoia over Jade Helm, Agenda 21 (Agenda 21 Exposed : The John Birch Society) and all of the other loony Alex Jones-esque stuff they buy into. Any media produced by a Bircher is not worth wasting your time on.