^A broken clock is right twice a day, and even Alex Jones has hit on some things the regular media ignores. I'd like to see that documentary.
Brother, do some serious digging into the founders of the ACLU and you will find they were card-carrying communist. Just watched a documentary on them two nights ago.
I remember when the ACLU defended both the Klan and Nazi rallies. Now they defend...Twitter? FB? I dunno.
Indeed. That's where one should use critical thinking and the ability to dig deeper for the truth. They are simply a source to begin with and go from there....A documentary should not be taken as a thorough and factual source of information, even as compelling as they often are.
I saw a tweet put out by the ACLU calling out Twitter re: Trump, said it was (paraphrasing) dangerous precedent.
I see where the NRA has declared bankruptcy, moving from New York to Texas. I wonder if this is going to be a massive reorganization or if they're going to just sell their assets and just peter out.
I see where the NRA has declared bankruptcy, moving from New York to Texas. I wonder if this is going to be a massive reorganization or if they're going to just sell their assets and just peter out.
Wait, what?
like New York ain't exactly been a state that welcomes gun ownership
Bloomberg - NRA files bankruptcyI see where the NRA has declared bankruptcy, moving from New York to Texas. I wonder if this is going to be a massive reorganization or if they're going to just sell their assets and just peter out.
For real. It has been extraordinarily frustrating to me that I had to buy a completely different stock for my daughter's 10/22 because the one I bought it with--30+ years go--makes it some kind of evil "assault weapon" here.No truer statement. As @Marauder06 can attest.
Plenty of room in the bottom of the lake with my guns if you're looking to unload any other time.For real. It has been extraordinarily frustrating to me that I had to buy a completely different stock for my daughter's 10/22 because the one I bought it with--30+ years go--makes it some kind of evil "assault weapon" here.
An assault 10/22.
I had to offload my AR-15 and my SKS before I moved here. Getting the ammo I want, much less the guns, is a huge hassle. Getting a concealed carry permit? hahahahahaha.... no.
I'm actually going shooting here in a couple of minutes with my oldest daughter. Thank goodness for on-post gun ranges that are open to the public.
like New York ain't exactly been a state that welcomes gun ownership.
NRA is a goat fuck right now, but whos gonna line those pockets to make sure we have a 2A when they are gone? I think most of those saying "cold dead hands" will likely just hand'em over at the first knock.Fuck the NRA. They are lost in the sauce any more.
I honestly thought their HQ was down the street from me in Fairfax, VA. I've shot at the range there