Ah, but probably better for a separate thread is criminal justice reform (defund the police thread?). How both Republican and Democrats fed the Black community (and others) into an endless prison meat grinder, then turned around and blamed one another. Communities were shit on, gun violence went up, and now both parties can make their own pro-gun/ anti-gun arguments. The losers here are people who aren't in a position of power, aka "almost every damn American since the War on Drugs kicked off."
Kind of like my post on abortion earlier today, my rants on Afghanistan, and whatever "pick a problem" argument any of us can make: 2nd and 3rd order effects and/ or a lot of our country's problems are interconnected. One reason I'm staunchly against gun control is because it is part of a broader problem in America, not a one-size-fits-all solution.
I hate our gay heart icon, but love the post.