USMC Infantry Officer Service Transfer to Ranger Regt


Dec 17, 2019
I’m an active duty Marine infantry officer interested in a service transfer to Ranger Regt or SF. 11-years TIS and post company command. I have another 1.5 years on station at my current command. I think the USMC is headed in the right direction with an emphasis on Naval integration but I personally don’t want to deploy to Okinawa or Guam as a BN XO/CO. Two combat deployments and a deployment to Australia, so, I’ve never been on a ship and I’d like to keep it that way.

I can provide qualifications if anyone thinks that would be helpful.

I’m first and foremost would like to know is it possible to do a service transfer at this point in my career? Is there a role for a FNG Major in Ranger Regt or SF? Thanks.
Here’s a MILPER that I can’t access discussing field grade selection. If anyone has an active acct that wants to divulge any details, I’d appreciate it.


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I'm clearly not an Army guy but I think you will have a really hard time moving over to the Army active component as a Major. You may be able to swing a slot to a National Guard SF unit. Some of my friends have done it, one a Major in the Army and the other a LCDR in the Navy. Both of them resigned their commissions to do so. One of them just finished the Q course and is still in the guard, the other one made his way from the guard to 5th Group somehow. I know a couple of Recon Marines who transferred over as well but they all did it as mid grade Captains.
Welcome, sir. Don't let Teufel hear you say that you want to leave his beloved Corps.
Hahahaha. Life changes a lot post company command. You start to leave the tactical life you love and have several years of staff time before competing for a small number of battalion command opportunities. I get it.

Moving over as a Major to the active component of another branch though isn't easy though unless you already possess some kind of unique qualification like cyber or are a pilot. I can't imagine the Army would want to put an officer with 12 years of being a Marine and 0 years of being a solider into a key development billet over someone already in that track. I don't think they would even let one of their own personnel jump over from the infantry to SF or the Ranger Regiment at the 04 level, nevermind someone from another branch. I think you could do it, but you would probably have to resign your commission and apply for a National Guard billet.

Welcome aboard and Semper Fi. I wish you luck in your endeavors.
Appreciate the response. I recognize I’ve probably missed my window, but just throwing a Hail Mary at this point. If I didn’t have a family, then resigning and coming back in through the Guard might be a more viable option. Thanks again
Just putting this out there, an active duty Marine LT tried out to get into NG SF, he had to resign his commission in order to finalize his process of switching from USMC to Army NG. Don’t know if that information helps at all, but it’s what I’ve seen in my very limited experience with Marines switching to Army for SF opportunities.
I’d prefer to maintain my commission, but interested to hear if you know of an active duty officer to warrant officer service transfer
There are some actual Regiment folks here. [*Not one of them, but I was an S1] But it's important to note that should you be able to get to Regiment, most officers do not get to stay there. Many have to return to FORSCOM to complete their KD time at various grades before they can return.
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There are some actual Regiment folks here. But it's important to note that should you be able to get to Regiment, most officers do not get to stay there. Many have to return to FORSCOM to complete their KD time at various grades before they can return.

Copy, that makes sense. Thanks.
There's like 10 jobs for Major's in the Regiment, and 5 of them are executive officer positions at all the different Ranger Battalions.

That means there's 5 you could be eligible for, and as Infantry (assuming you'd cross over as that) you're relegated to like two positions of opportunity.

You haven't mentioned being Ranger Qualified, which is a very large prerequisite to being a combat leader, let alone any leader, in Regiment.

Most officers come to Regiment their first time as a senior 1st LT, and get culled as there are less and less positions the higher in rank you go, like every organization.

You're better off riding things out in the Corps, unless you're willing to resign your commission, which will give you much greater opportunity for joining the ARSOF community, no matter where you go.
So, that page basically tells you what a WO is and I'm def tracking. I guess I'm more interested if it's feasible to transfer into Ranger Regt or SF while staying AD and keeping my rank. It's highly unlikely, but worth a shot to post it here.
Again, not in the Army but there is almost no chance you can transfer across services into any SOF field other than aviation as a warrant officer.
There's like 10 jobs for Major's in the Regiment, and 5 of them are executive officer positions at all the different Ranger Battalions.

That means there's 5 you could be eligible for, and as Infantry (assuming you'd cross over as that) you're relegated to like two positions of opportunity.

You haven't mentioned being Ranger Qualified, which is a very large prerequisite to being a combat leader, let alone any leader, in Regiment.

Most officers come to Regiment their first time as a senior 1st LT, and get culled as there are less and less positions the higher in rank you go, like every organization.

You're better off riding things out in the Corps, unless you're willing to resign your commission, which will give you much greater opportunity for joining the ARSOF community, no matter where you go.
This is informative, thanks.