Let me add,The AF went down this road already.
When flight training opened to women the pressure was on to graduate females. I went to SOS in 1988 (?), we had two AFA grads from the same class, one was a soup sandwich, and one ok. The soup sandwich was a female KC-135 Pilot, the other guy washed out of UPT and was a Nav.
They were in the same UPT class, and both failed the same check ride, he failed a re-check and went to Nav School; per multiple sources she failed the re-check and got another checkride which she passed.
Same standards right?
When Clinton was President we opened fighters to women, the AF and Navy raced to see who could get the first combat ready female fighter pilot. The Navy won, and she planted her F-14 into the stern of a carrier on her first operational landing. RIO survived, she didn't. Her Pilot Training Records were leaked by a disgruntled instructor, and we found that she was rushed through the system (some say she didn't meet fighter pilot criteria, I won't go that far).
The first female C-ALO couldn't pass her PT test, so PT test was dropped from the officer standard (they shouldn't be leaving the FOB, that's swine, err, enlisted work).
Bottom line, standards were waived for a female to achieve.
Management talks the talk, but a standard should not stop me from getting those Eagles, or a(nother) star.
I trust the enlisted women more than I trust the officers, female officers pushing this have whined being support hurt their careers (it'a all about me, #1). The first females into Regiment are probably your recent Ranger School grads, getting staff jobs at Rgt HQ.