On another 100% unrelated note, velcro patches and the big velcro square look terrible on a uniform, IMO.
Good job cheapening a conversation. You win man, you are obviously the most upset.![]()
I can't fucking believe anyone in their right mind would allow that little girl to sign an 11X contract.
Where are the girls that packed down in the scrums in the forward pack at College, the 75kg + Olympic lifters, the light/heavyweight freestyle wrestlers, the throwing disciplines from track? Those are the girls that have half a chance of making it. 5'4", 120lb Loren Ross, with no discernible muscle definition, is just going to snap.
In my experience, the women I know who do have backgrounds in rugby, weightlifting, martial arts, etc. are more likely to say, "Yeah, we can do some shit, but we're just not built like a dude." It's the princesses that have never done anything that are so convinced they can just show up and perform and it's gonna be NBD.
I don't think that girl could even stand up off the ground from a rucksack flop position with a standard infantry load on her back.
The S&W shirt says it all.
if you support S&W, you carry their guns. If you want attention and everyone to know that you carry a gun you wear their shirt.
The S&W shirt says it all.
What does it say?
Saw article on "first female enlisted tanker" and "second female infantry enlistee" today.Mod hat on: We are getting off topic, gents. Time to return to the OP discussion.
ASOS in Mississippi has the first female TACP recruit. Her first PAST she failed every event, and then quit on a 4 mile ruck. Like, sat down and just wasn't having it.