I would imagine she will end up on a btn staff or an HHC commander.
Only if Big Army doesn't have different plans for her! She may become "their" poster child -- willingly or unwillingly.
I would imagine she will end up on a btn staff or an HHC commander.
Let's see what they do with her.
Prediction: She goes to the 75th Rgr Rgt in 2-4 years as their first female officer.
2-4 years? That's what has me uncorked. She's headed to RASP next.
Which means the standards HAVE CHANGED.
Only if Big Army doesn't have different plans for her! She may become "their" poster child -- willingly or unwillingly.
It's very common to command fairly shortly after a branch transfer. The twist here is very few officers branch transfer into combat arms in the Army. Combat arms are usually where other branches detail their officers as LTs and CPTs - then they transition back to their primary branch. Usually a CPT right out of the career course will go to a BDE and serve somewhere on the staff - preferably in the BN they are competing for command. They'll then take command based on a BDE OML approved by the BDE CDR that factors in time in service, performance, potential, and an internal board process.
Now what....has she earned the right to COMMAND an infantry company?
She has never commanded an Infantry Platoon, at any level, (And sorry, 58 days in the suck doesn't count) never served as an XO in an Infantry Company. So, based on this, and her rank, she just gets to sidestep all the usual requirements of assuming command of an Infantry Company that occurs over a period of 4-6 years along with all the OER's that go along with that recommendation???????
I thought about Branch Details, but have only ever heard of combat arms first and then transitioning to a CS or CSS company. As for a BDE OML....I have zero faith in the system to not politicize it where female soldiers are concerned. The odds of her taking an infantry company and outperforming her peers who grew up in infantry units are astronomical.
At the same time, her being the test case and with all eyes on every step of the process, doesn't that potentially ace out any chance of preferential treatment in regards to her assignment? Granted I'm so far out of my lane of expertise here that I'm driving the wrong way in Europe, but I am genuinely curious about this.
At the same time, her being the test case and with all eyes on every step of the process, doesn't that potentially ace out any chance of preferential treatment in regards to her assignment? Granted I'm so far out of my lane of expertise here that I'm driving the wrong way in Europe, but I am genuinely curious about this.
Now what....has she earned the right to COMMAND an infantry company?
She has never commanded an Infantry Platoon, at any level, (And sorry, 58 days in the suck doesn't count) never served as an XO in an Infantry Company. So, based on this, and her rank, she just gets to sidestep all the usual requirements of assuming command of an Infantry Company that occurs over a period of 4-6 years along with all the OER's that go along with that recommendation???????
Now what....has she earned the right to COMMAND an infantry company?
She has never commanded an Infantry Platoon, at any level, (And sorry, 58 days in the suck doesn't count) never served as an XO in an Infantry Company. So, based on this, and her rank, she just gets to sidestep all the usual requirements of assuming command of an Infantry Company that occurs over a period of 4-6 years along with all the OER's that go along with that recommendation???????
Having been an S1 in my last job, I will inform all who would think otherwise: Command is a Right! Captains are managed by year groups and at a minimum will get their 12+ months...if they serve under 12 months you know something bad occurred. HHC should always be a second command...why, because the BC needs a solidly built HQ and a CDR that knows how to maneuver pieces. She may end up as an FSC commander, I've seen Armor and Artillery officers command them, I've also seen an Artillery Officer command a Recon Troop. But make no mistake, HRC does not value commands outside of your MOS as much as commands within your MOS.
Having been an S1 in my last job, I will inform all who would think otherwise: Command is a Right!
On what basis? Your answer to why you belong in charge of a formation (ANY formation, much less a combat arms formation) is that it'll fuck your career otherwise? Holy shit...
That's the reality of how Officers are managed, you get placed into Key Development jobs, if you fail to complete the required amount of time you're done. For Captains that means 12 months of command time within your MOS. For Field grades it's 24 months of S3/XO time, for LTC it BN CMD (of any kind). Should it be that way? Probably. Now how the BDE CDR and BDE S1 manage the command OML is different in every BDE.