Women in Combat Arms/ SOF Discussion

He has a great biography! Look at all of these operational commands:

- February 1969 - November 1971, propulsion and structures engineer, Standard Space-Launch Vehicles Program Office, Los Angeles Air Force Station, California
- November 1971 - July 1974, propulsion engineer, Headquarters Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
- July 1974 - April 1975, Program Element Monitor for the Short-Range Attack Missile, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C.
- April 1975 - March 1978, Executive Officer to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Research and Development, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C.
- March 1978 - January 1980, Special Assistant and Aide-De-Camp to the Commander, Headquarters AFSC, Andrews AFB, Maryland
- January 1980 - June 1980, Defense Systems Management College, Fort Belvoir, Virginia
- June 1980 - January 1981, Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Virginia
- January 1981 - June 1981, Chief, Avionics Division, F-16 Systems Program Office, Headquarters Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
- June 1981 - July 1984, Deputy Director for Special and Advanced Projects, F-16 Systems Program Office, Headquarters Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
- August 1984 - June 1985, student, National War College, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C.
- June 1985 - June 1987, Director of Tactical Aircraft Systems, Headquarters AFSC, Andrews AFB, Maryland
- June 1987 - April 1988, Director, Medium-Launch Vehicles Program Office, Headquarters Space Systems Division, Los Angeles AFS, California
- April 1988 - August 1989, Assistant Deputy Commander for Launch Systems, Headquarters Space Systems Division, Los Angeles AFS, California
- August 1989 - July 1992, Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Requirements, then Deputy Chief of Staff for Requirements, Headquarters AFSC, Andrews AFB, Maryland
- July 1992 - November 1994, Vice Commander, then Commander, Ogden Air Logistics Center, Hill AFB, Utah
- November 1994 - August 1996, Commander, Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles AFB, California
- August 1996 - May 1999, Director, Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, Department of Defense, Washington, D.C.
- May 1999 - April 2000, Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C.
- April 2000 - October 2003, Commander, United States Air Force Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
Simply put...he has no clue as to what he is talking about.

He seems like the perfect person to make the recommendation.

One who has never been in a situation even remotely similar to which he is suggesting should be changed.

Pathetic really.
Geez, FF, how could you miss this one??
June 1985 - June 1987, Director of Tactical Aircraft Systems, Headquarters AFSC, Andrews AFB, Maryland
Tactical...I'd say that makes him overqualified... :rolleyes:
My hat is off to the Marines for maintaining the standard. Do you hear that Army?
They were dropped!?! DROPPED!?!

I expected to read that they quit, not that they were dropped with 2 other men. That means that "someone" cares about the standard, regardless of the candidate's sex.

Jesus, the Corps adhering to standards regardless of any PC fallout, a new Commandant, and the addition of a certain Major about to fire up some 1st Recon Marines...I'm looking forward to hoisting a few come this 10 November!
...That means that "someone" cares about the standard, regardless of the candidate's sex.

There will always be Gatekeepers and Sentinels standing watch over the standard. At some point, they may have the standard changed, but there will always be those that are willing to uphold it to the last minute...whether popular to do so or not.

Good for them!
My biggest issues with this argument/tasking is that the standards are likely to be lowered, and as soon as women are in SOF units there will be a media and political firestorm about the inequities for those women who chose to attempt this life.... and also about the 'exclusivity' of SOF .... there is a reason the word 'Special' is the lead word in Special Operations Forces...

If you are the tasked machine gunner or AG... you better be able to carry the gun and the ammo and your standard load. If you are the medic, the aid bag and your standard load.

Be technically and tactically proficient, pull your own weight, literally, and be able to drag or carry anybody on your team, in your squad/platoon, with gear, to safety under fire, while prepared to return fire immediately when needed. Field shit is heavy, you have to be able to move it , for long distances, in poor conditions, under stress and be able to function.

Current Standards, current load, current POI... If you are transgendered, purple and have your entire body covered in tattoos while wearing dreadlocks... if you can meet and maintain the standard, 100%... go for it.... if you quit, it's on you.... if you fail, you were not ready.... if you were peered, you pissed off enough of your fellow students and instructors that you are not trusted.... and yes, it is that simple.

:thumbsup: AGREE!
Instructors used to be tabbed and have 75th time before they were even considered for the position, then they had to be stud Rangers to get the post...
Since I've been commissioned that has not been the case. I don't know how many of the RIs currently had Regiment time (I once thought they all came from there and not the FORCE) when I was at Benning. But from what I understand a lot of them had never served in Regiment. And there's no more Christmas in Mountain Phase that my friend Rob went through in '99.

And I could have sworn one of the first four women to attend IOC made it to the 3rd week of the course before having to withdraw due to the stress fracture in her foot that was listen in that article. IOC is no joke.

I would say @Viper1 is correct, but when I was going through the hell that was the Institute at the beginning the VFT was the same for all males and females. At the time it played into your PE grade at 20%. The standard across the corps was 5 Pull ups, 60 situps/2 minutes, 1.5mile run/12:00 minutes. Many men could not pass it, and in fact I did not pass that standard until junior year. I just never cared to do pull ups because the Army said pushups and it was the Army who paid for school. Not surprisingly due to pressures from the Dep of Ed the next year the VFT was gender normed, fear not though gentlemen, our standard for the mile and half was degraded to 12:30. What was the new female standard: 1 Pull-Up, 60 situps/2minutes, and 1.5miles/14:30. The Commandant said: well now you have to pass the VFT to have rank...I'm calling BS for a lot of the female officers we had my last 18 months there and since.

In regards to having Female Observers for "MAN" School...I thought we all had Army Values? If you live the Army Values there's no need for extra hoops, but then you say: "Sir, a lot of Soldiers have not lived them in the past, that's why we have EO, SHARP, and all sensing sessions run by Division." And I say: Fuck me.