Honestly didn't catch that, I was too busy being pissed about a chick wearing the blue cord. Really can't explain why, but it just makes me mad as hell.
Honestly didn't catch that, I was too busy being pissed about a chick wearing the blue cord. Really can't explain why, but it just makes me mad as hell.
Do you feel like it cheapens your experience that a woman can do it too? I am not attacking you at all, I am just curious. It bothers me too, and I don't really know why. I get a visceral reaction to it.
Do you feel like it cheapens your experience that a woman can do it too? I am not attacking you at all, I am just curious. It bothers me too, and I don't really know why. I get a visceral reaction to it.
Do you feel like it cheapens your experience that a woman can do it too? I am not attacking you at all, I am just curious. It bothers me too, and I don't really know why. I get a visceral reaction to it.
I feel your career has transcended Mr. West's on the military front.I never even made it that far.![]()
I I mean Infantry OSUT isn't hard, she has passed Ranger school,
I'd like to invite the SecDef to put on a basic Infantryman's load, plus a ruck weighed out with enough to live on, plus M4, plus distributed extra ammo for the SAW/240, and hump up and down Atterbury with my unit for two solid weeks this summer.
Not moving tactically, not reacting to the inevitable occasional arty sim or any of the rest of it, just humping.
I would be surprised if one doesn't come to understand what one's about to ask our women to do, and what kind of physical damage they'll be dealing with for the rest of their lives, in the service of a social experiment.
At the end of the day, while being achievements, they're just schools, it's not enduring the unrelenting arse chafe that is life in an Infantry Battalion.
As it is (in our neck of the woods) COs are already considered a bit of an outsider due to spending only a quarter to a third of their careers in a Battalion (in our Army they hand in their Regimental hat badge and adopt the Staff Corps hat badge on promotion to Colonel) and Capt Griest has missed out on the most difficult part of that experience already.
I'm sure many of you guys are laughing at this, or maybe don't understand it, but that stupid blue cord on my greens/blues meant alot to me, now it's been cheapened.
SECDEF is a political appointee, so that's really not his concern. EVERY US Army General on the JCS staff should have filed for retirement when Carter said "can I has a female 11A with a short tab?" THAT would have shown the entire US that the idea is indeed a bad one yet instead, the Generals have traded their careers and future jobs as executives of pick a defense contractor.
This was a lesson that I took to selection from the 82nd.I'd like to invite the SecDef to put on a basic Infantryman's load, plus a ruck weighed out with enough to live on, plus M4, plus distributed extra ammo for the SAW/240, and hump up and down Atterbury with my unit for two solid weeks this summer.
Do you feel like it cheapens your experience that a woman can do it too? I am not attacking you at all, I am just curious. It bothers me too, and I don't really know why. I get a visceral reaction to it.
For me, yeah, a little. Part of it is that there are so few bastions of pure, unadulterated manhood left. Part of it goes way deeper. While I think 95% (maybe more) of jobs/tasks don't require a man or woman specifically, there are some that just one gender or the other can do, should do or is called to do. Women moving into combat MOSs is just one more reason the male part of our species is being made obsolete in society.*
*I am sensitive to this because of relationships in my own family that are attempting to underscore the fact that men just aren't needed.