Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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It was really entertaining. Fun to see Theo making Trump laugh. Dude is s riot. Talking to Trump about his drug use, he said it was great "like racing go karts with hookers bro" 🤣
I think it's the first time hearing that type of interview in general. Talked about his brother and that's certainly the first time I've heard that. The tone was very soft and compassionate. Theo straight up just called him Donald. Lol.
I often wonder why Newscum wasn't picked. Did they want to pretend that they're having a commoner for a VP to fool us with and appealing to, instead of another limousine liberal elite?
Why did he delete the Tweet? Because it was misleading. He posted no other pic. It was a bizarre thing to do....
Who posts a pic of themselves with someone else's dog, but then talks about how much fun his dog had (without his dog in the pic)? Not normal people.

With Walz, it's not just any one thing, but rather the culmination of them. He sure "misspeaks" a lot...but
Agreed. Dumbasses gonna dumbass.
Now, see...Tim Walz, HAHAHAHA, he is Tim Walz and that's why we like him (cackles). He's goinig to be our Vice President which is the president, but a vice and vice means that he's not the president. BWAHAHAHA! Tim, he's a good man. A veteran, a man who served, he's a coach, and like Joe Biden he loves children. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Loves being around children, everything about children even being alone with and he's a, he's a , he'sa, veteran and that's someone who served our great country. Tim has misspoken from time to time and misspeaking is just not saying the correct thing, but it isn't a lie, it just isn't what happened and that's called misspeaking and Tim would never lie because he's a coach that loves children and...BWHAHAHA (cackles) BWAHAHAHA! Anyway, Tim's a good man and I'm proud to have him on my team.
(whispers to an aide)
"He IS a coach, right? Right?"
Called it! When presented with a position that defeats the Harris narrative and unable to refute actual facts, out comes the accusations of racism and misogynistic from the ones stuck on blackout drive. Been seeing it a lot of late online.

I honestly don't think many of these political hacks of fallacy bliss have ever read or even heard of Saul Alinsky and his Rules for Radicals. I think Saul himself was one of the few to write it down what they're actually all thinking when on the defense and definitely timeless; vilify and dehumanize with the occasional insults tossed in.
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