Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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I try to keep my like for certain artists and their politics separate. But Jason Isbell must have cancer in his brain, the Democrats are no longer the party of the working man. They're the party of extreme wealth with their backers using that wealth to poison the brains through ownership of the social institutions and the press. And they are for open borders. If only the people running the Republican Party would make this race about policy...because Kamala's platform is one for the Stalinists.
DNC running a psyops on Facebook.


Search their names and see what groups they are posting in. Look at what some of those group rules are supposedly for, such as being from and still living in said state. Now click on their profiles after you find them and tell me what you are seeing.

One definitely ain't from the states or was even born in or had lived here.

One of the pollsters who is warning that the polls showing Harris way up because of faulty sampling said that a lot of the polls' have identical responses to questions, to the point of it being statistically impossible.
Nothing is dumber than a left wing veteran account.

Its helps to remind yourself that posts like that come from a political wing of the American population that thinks its ok for grown men to kiss little boys.
The same side of the political spectrum that are represented by a supreme court justice that cant tell you what a woman is because "she" isnt a biologist.
The same side of the political spectrum that are mad because female basketball players that cant dunk dont make as much money as male basketball players that can dunk from the free throw line.
The same side of the political spectrum that screech out about "women" (that ever so hard to define gender) are being abused by men - while celebrating that a man beat up a few women on his way to winning a medal in the sport of olympic woman fighting...

The ones that want you to vote for the first "woman" president
Left wing polyticks has been their family business since they transitioned from being rum runners and bootleggers to being politicians - Teddy, Bobby, and Jack would all roll over in their graves if he was to even hint at an endorsement for Donald Trump.

The proof that Overton's Window is alive and well is the very idea that people like RFK and Bill Maher seem to have something in common with conservative amercians.

I don't want Haley's Comet to impact in my back yard right in the middle of a BBQ.
I suspect that neither Bill Clinton's wife or Willie Browns ex-girlfriend want Haley's comet to ruin their gala event either - that sure as hell doesn't mean that I have anything in common with either of them kacklin' witches - but here we are:
- ya know guys, Bill Maher sure is making a lot of sense right now
- I know, that Kennedy guy seems to be making a lot more sense these days too

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According to recent posts, the Democrat's are attacking him with lawfare, just like Trump. Using "sympathetic" judges to remove him from the ballots. I think he was removed from NY already.

Plus denying him secret service protection. I think the Democrats have burnt that bridge.
Left wing polyticks has been their family business since they transitioned from being rum runners and bootleggers to being politicians - Teddy, Robert, and John would all roll over in their graves if he was to even hint at an endorsement for Donald Trump.

The proof that Overton's Window is alive and well is the very idea that people like RFK and Bill Maher seem to have something in common with conservative amercians.

I don't want Haley's Comet to impact in my back yard right in the middle of a BBQ.
I suspect that neither Bill Clintons wife or Willie Browns ex-girlfriend want haley's comet to ruin their gala event either - that sure as hell doesnt mean that I have anyhting in common with either of them - but here we are:
- ya know guys, that Bill Maher sure is making a lot of sense right now
- I know, that Kennedy guy seems to be making a lot more sense these days too

I grew up there, they treat the last name as if it's from a line of nobles with such reverence.
I grew up there, they treat the last name as if it's from a line of nobles with such reverence.

For fuck sakes - the left has given multi-generational adulation to their royal family line by referring to his administration as "Camelot"
...private jet vacations to Palm springs
...YUGE parties with people like Frank Sinatra
...huge piles of bullshit (just my own subjective observation)

Much like all of the other left wingers in polyticks today - the Kennedy's may well have been the very first family of champagne & limousine liberals to celebrate their accession to the White House Throne.
All the while, JFK was to skirt chasers what Dexter Morgan is to serial killers

The leftist history book writers would have you believe that he was the most popular awesomest guy ever - he cruised into the white House...
...truth be told, he only edged out Nixon by one of the narrowest margins of victory in presidential election history.
Nixon carried 26 states to Kennedy's 22 states - and lost by a mere 112,827 votes NATIONWIDE depending on which source you check.

The only thing that resembled "Camelot" was the nepotism that kept the family business so firmly anchored (much like Teddy's car when it sank to the bottom of Poucha Pond with Mary Jo Kopechne trapped inside)

Not buying it.
RFK is a left wing liberal that would gleefully rob you of your constitutionally listed civil privileges (they certainly aren't INALIENABLE RIGHTS that were granted by your creator, they are privileges; and NONE of them are absolute - Joe Biden already clarified as much)

but sure - maybe RFK will endorse and even campaign for a republican nominee....
For fuck sakes - the left has given multi-generational adulation to their royal family line by referring to his administration as "Camelot"
...private jet vacations to Palm springs
...YUGE parties with people like Frank Sinatra
...huge piles of bullshit (just my own subjective observation)

Much like all of the other left wingers in polyticks today - the Kennedy's may well have been the very first family of champagne & limousine liberals to celebrate their accession to the White House Throne.
All the while, JFK was to skirt chasers what Dexter Morgan is to serial killers

The leftist history book writers would have you believe that he was the most popular awesomest guy ever - he cruised into the white House...
...truth be told, he only edged out Nixon by one of the narrowest margins of victory in presidential election history.
Nixon carried 26 states to Kennedy's 22 states - and lost by a mere 112,827 votes NATIONWIDE depending on which source you check.

The only thing that resembled "Camelot" was the nepotism that kept the family business so firmly anchored (much like Teddy's car when it sank to the bottom of Poucha Pond with Mary Jo Kopechne trapped inside)

Not buying it.
RFK is a left wing liberal that would gleefully rob you of your constitutionally listed civil privileges (they certainly aren't INALIENABLE RIGHTS that were granted by your creator, they are privileges; and NONE of them are absolute - Joe Biden already clarified as much)

but sure - maybe RFK will endorse and even campaign for a republican nominee....
Kennedy won because of Vote fraud in Chicago.
Nixon didn't challenge because he was concerned about creating a Constitutional crisis.
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