Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

Other than for blatant political pandering, why wouldn't we tax tips? Why do people in X line of work not have to pay taxes on their income, but people in Y line of work do?
I don't have an issue with tax- free tips.
My experience is people who rely on tips typically earn a lower wage. I tip based on performance, and usually tell the recipient that it is a gift, not a tip ( tax free then ).
We give all sorts of tax breaks to companies, individuals, why not service workers?
He may have gotten it from a source who reported reliably in the past. I probably would have done the same thing.

I did some Googling and it seems a whole lot of people are reporting on it right now. Of course it could be single-source and circular, but I'm not getting that sense yet.
If single source reporting is good enough to spark a 20 year war, with thousands of lives lost, and trillions in the shitter, it's good enough for 90 days of election season.
Re: John Kolb/Walz post 1914
- moved from the deployment thread to this thread.

I’m not trying to bust balls, but if you made an attempt to validate it, and then couldn’t validate it, why post it?

I couldn't find anything to immediately invalidate it. The benefit of community notes is that context might be added eventually
FWIW, the screenshot matches the profile picture of John Kolb's actual FB account.
I found his facebook profile, loaded with Army photos. But that post is not public, as can be seen by the icon of friends of friends chosen and not the public (which is a globe) one. So there may be some provenance to this.
All of us are "literally Hitler" and/or "literally nazis" (or at least white supremacists) if we don't toe the left's line.
Name calling is what people low in intelligence use when wanting to first make a dehumanizing pitch and because that's all they have for a position.

So she's literally being a cvnt.

Remember, she tried burning an innocent man's name and his integrity when they were lied to and knew they were being lied to by Brett Kavanaugth's accuser of made up BS. And was okay with lying so long as to achieve the party's goals.
I don't have an issue with tax- free tips.
My experience is people who rely on tips typically earn a lower wage. I tip based on performance, and usually tell the recipient that it is a gift, not a tip ( tax free then ).
We give all sorts of tax breaks to companies, individuals, why not service workers?
We're going to see tax shaming on a whole new level then, my friend.

FWIW I agree with you but the greedy always try to ruin nice things meant for those that are deserving of it.
Bro. Those are fighting words. When I was with the 160th, I was UNSTOPPABLE at old school CoD on a desktop. In Afghanistan all we did was lift, eat, watch... movies, do ops, and play CoD.

I was so good, West Point's Modern War Institute published an article about it. I would have pwned you back in the day.

Competition, Call of Duty, and “Naked Chicks with Guns”: Lessons on Teambuilding from an Elite Special Operations Unit - Modern War Institute

matt damon apples GIF

Not to get all political, you were called to serve, but instead retired back to Camp Alpha. I could run any gun, any map, and top frag 90+ percent of the time. I killed more contractors and Air Force than Boeing. I have more kills with a shotgun than the quiet goth kid in math class, deadlier with a Remington than Kurt Cobain. More machine gun kills than an M-60 gunner at My Lai. More headshots than Riley Reid.

You were right to run.
Not to get all political, you were called to serve, but instead retired back to Camp Alpha. I could run any gun, any map, and top frag 90+ percent of the time. I killed more contractors and Air Force than Boeing. I have more kills with a shotgun than the quiet goth kid in math class, deadlier with a Remington than Kurt Cobain. More machine gun kills than an M-60 gunner at My Lai. More headshots than Riley Reid.

You were right to run.
this... this was beautiful.

The Office Crying GIF
I don't have an issue with tax- free tips.
My experience is people who rely on tips typically earn a lower wage. I tip based on performance, and usually tell the recipient that it is a gift, not a tip ( tax free then ).
We give all sorts of tax breaks to companies, individuals, why not service workers?

OMG is this real?
It’s real.

I had 1724 days OCONUS. Tim Walz had 864 total days in service over 24 years and no deployments.

I get that basically all vet bros are firing at this with both cannons; the counter narrative now is sort of shifting to ‘the veterans are so toxic to each other’ (completely true) and ‘why are we comparing service?’

I actually think this is a much easier explanation. Tim Walz *is a the archetypical military douchebag.’

Guard officer coasts through entire life on 1 weekend a month 2 weeks a year, spend 870 days grifting, war heats up and he runs off rail between his legs.

We all know “this guy”. There are a couple at every unit. Always getting out of basic mandatory shit, not really a problem but never an asset. Nice enough but weird. Takes feedback shitty. Petty. And then that guy plays the attrition game and somehow makes a rank too high for you to punch him in his dopey ass face. And he wears that like a safety blanket and adds a smug condescension for effect. We hate this guy for all he is.

And now he’s using *that service* to try and limit your free speech. Take your guns. Trans your kids. Violate your fourth and fifth amendments. Let your cities burn. Kneel to the woke mob. Define your police.

So yeah his service is on the table. Tim Walz should never hold office. Anywhere.

Edits cause phone.
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Gov. Tim Walz remarks at the Minnesota 9/11 20th Anniversary Commemoration:

"I had the privilege of serving in this state's national guard. I stood one night in the dark of night on the tarmac at Bagram Air Base in Iraq and watched a military ramp ceremony..."

Yes, those were his words.
I really want this to be a real statement, but all I'm finding is either posts that got deleted or quotes that anyone could have made up. Is there a link to the record?