Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

I want to be clear, I understand how he misrepresented himself as something he wasn’t. I’m as not cool with that as anyone……

But at the same time, the day this dude retired he was rightfully wearing CSM rank. He isn’t claiming to be a fucking delta seal sniper. He is saying he was a rank he technically was the day he retired. I think it is a nitpick, and to most of the population is going to come across as an “ACKSHUALLY” type situation.
lol no you’re not ‘as not cool as anyone with that.’

The Army demoted him from 9 to 8 after he retired. That demotion effective date would be his retirement date.

How about this. “Tim Walz was demoted to E8 post retirement and still claimed he was a CSM for 20 years because it was politically useful to him, and after his demotion, he still told people he was an E9. He’s also a non-combat pussy that had one chance to deploy after 24 years; he let another man take his place after saying he’d deploy.”

DUI, demotion, stolen valor. That’s a shitbag career and you’re here pretending to be ‘just as mad’ as everyone else but give him a pass because he’s not claiming a cool school or something? Where is this morally relativistic goalpost currently so I can understand your line here? Or are you just being contrarian?

Can we talk about the legislation where he lets doctors watch infants die on tables in front of their mothers in a slow motion live birth abortion or the fact that he made Minnesota a safe space for adult groomers to transition 6 year olds against their parents wishes?

Or are you gonna provide ‘nuance and context’ for that as well?
This. When people ask how many deployments I have it’s one number, when my 214 and record say more. Because I only count what we called ‘combat deployments’ in those.

I went to Africa a hand full of times; not sure I’d call those ‘combat deployments’, but we did some stuff.

Dan has a great point here- the bill came due for Walz, and he crawfished.

Is his Audience left leaning vets like a few of our friends on this board, because I have no idea why we're focusing on that at all. He's a fraud alright, but because he'll have your neighbor snitch on you for not wearing a mask or he'll let your neighbor burn your house down. We need to sort our shit out and make this race about policy, because their policies are horrific.

lol no you’re not ‘as not cool as anyone with that.’

The Army demoted him from 9 to 8 after he retired. That demotion effective date would be his retirement date.

How about this. “Tim Walz was demoted to E8 post retirement and still claimed he was a CSM for 20 years because it was politically useful to him, and after his demotion, he still told people he was an E9. He’s also a non-combat pussy that had one chance to deploy after 24 years; he let another man take his place after saying he’d deploy.”

DUI, demotion, stolen valor. That’s a shitbsg career and you’re here pretending to be ‘just as mad’ as everyone else?

Can we talk about the legislation where he lets doctors watch infants die on tables in front of their mothers in a slow motion live birth abortion or the fact that he made Minnesota a safe space for adult groomers to transition 6 year olds against their parents wishes?

Or are you gonna provide ‘nuance and context’ for that as well?
This. When people ask how many deployments I have it’s one number, when my 214 and record say more. Because I only count what we called ‘combat deployments’ in those.

I went to Africa a hand full of times; not sure I’d call those ‘combat deployments’, but we did some stuff.

Dan has a great point here- the bill came due for Walz, and he crawfished.

Same. Some people would characterize the couple of months I spent in The Philippines as a "deployment," but I don't. I refer to it as an "operational assignment."

Also, I try to make it clear that my deployments were much shorter, and much safer, than most people assume.
A testament to the bluest blue falcon who thought of himself and his own agenda more than his bros and sisters.

What is Army values
I think the interesting thing is we can’t even decide what is right..

He was a SGM, in rank and responsibility for sure. But not in professional development? He got a DUI, that is lame, but so have literally a ton of guys in the military. Including some of my best friends, like it or not I have certainly deserved one in my past.

I personally do not think getting out after 24 years with or without a deployment makes someone a shitbag. The military is one part of any persons life. If life lines up a certain way, and you want to get out, fucking get out.

How many people here have changed units, went to schools, or did numerous other things that changed their position or MOS or whatever that may have impacted their unit as a whole? I don’t see that as dodging anything, it is a big military and it goes on without all of us.
Here is where I give my rebuttal. While I agree if one wants out, let them out. However I see it as s straw man in this instance.

Is the senior leadership the top standard for the Army Values for all enlisted and noncoms, commissioned, and warrants or not? If the one at the top of the line for enlisted cannot exemplify to be the gold standard of what Selfless Service is as part of the Army Values for his battalion, then he's a charlatan and this should be uncontested and allowable to condemn for.

Please read to all of us what Selfless Service entails. In fact, read us all of it. Here, I will leave a link for you to read it:

Army Values

The bottom line here is that he chose himself and his own agenda over the needs of his men, that's why he got out after getting the orders to deploy which is exactly what a shitbag is and does. And judging from his reputation afterwards of the bad things he's done, he always was a shitbag and continues to not peak at being one either.

FWIW, I didn't take the cowards way out when Clinton or Obama was elected. Instead I stuck with and finished my service honorably because it's my country right or wrong. Presidents come and go, but this nation is ours forever and it is those to my left and right that matters more than my stupid and petty feelings over whom is now CIC.

And at the NG level, his selfless service was not just to the nation but also to his state. He failed to do both because he chose himself. He was supposed to be the living, breathing, embodiment of selfless service. He chose otherwise.
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He misspoke about his rank, he misspoke about his OEF experiences, and he misspoke about "carrying a weapon in war." Are those the ones we know about at the moment?

I've made ZERO claims about my time in Afghanistan beyond my Bagram to Go takeout and such, Ring Route flights and whatever. I like to think I've represented myself appropriately. That said, I could make some amazing claims, all of them legit, all of them trash.

This isn't a flex, so I hope our members don't see this as such, but I can out CV Gov. Walz and my CV is kind of trash. Wording matters, locations matter, orders matter, actual in country experiences matter.

I was a contractor and a fobbit. I saw more "combat" than Gov. Walz, but then what? What's the break point here?

Here's where the veteran community gets "weird." What are our definitions? As I posted earlier about OEF, what makes an OEF vet? You have OEF orders? I'm onboard, I am. Your time was in Italy? I'm onboard. If we have some grey area tier 9 years in Afghanistan will trump your 12 months in Italy all day long and twice on Sunday.

Veterans, what are our red lines? Not Obama red lines, but red lines that actually matter?
I've made ZERO claims about my time in Afghanistan beyond my Bagram to Go takeout and such, Ring Route flights and whatever. I like to think I've represented myself appropriately. That said, I could make some amazing claims, all of them legit, all of them trash.

This isn't a flex, so I hope our members don't see this as such, but I can out CV Gov. Walz and my CV is kind of trash. Wording matters, locations matter, orders matter, actual in country experiences matter.

I was a contractor and a fobbit. I saw more "combat" than Gov. Walz, but then what? What's the break point here?

Here's where the veteran community gets "weird." What are our definitions? As I posted earlier about OEF, what makes an OEF vet? You have OEF orders? I'm onboard, I am. Your time was in Italy? I'm onboard. If we have some grey area tier 9 years in Afghanistan will trump your 12 months in Italy all day long and twice on Sunday.

Veterans, what are our red lines? Not Obama red lines, but red lines that actually matter?

And the base in Italy is protected by carabinieri... so I don't even understand what they could have possibly done. "Deploying" to a location that other people are stationed at seems a bit bizarre to me. It's more like a TCS move funded by OEF funds. To your point regarding CVs. I actually did a year long OEF deployment in support of Africa... in Stutgart. It was not a hardship that in anyway deserves recognition. But still.. thank me for my service! 🫡
For me, it's in theater. Deploying to the JRIC stateside on OEF orders for reach back support doesn't do it for me. That theater could be Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa, West Africa, etc., though. Ironically enough, I interacted with more dead terrorists in Africa as CI than I did in Afghanistan as Infantry, but I was certainly safer in Africa. Individual experiences may vary.

When it comes to the CV aspect like some have mentioned, I was an augmentee in Afghanistan on SOCOM orders. I ran the MeS SOJTF-A/NSOCC-A CI platform providing direct support for CI screening of all NATO SOF partner forces in the North. There was also overlap to cover screenings for 7th Grp and 1st Grp out in Kunduz. To this day I'll still make the distinction that I was an augmentee and not SOF support because I'm still not sure if that were to qualify towards my SQI designation.
I've made ZERO claims about my time in Afghanistan beyond my Bagram to Go takeout and such, Ring Route flights and whatever. I like to think I've represented myself appropriately. That said, I could make some amazing claims, all of them legit, all of them trash.

This isn't a flex, so I hope our members don't see this as such, but I can out CV Gov. Walz and my CV is kind of trash. Wording matters, locations matter, orders matter, actual in country experiences matter.

I was a contractor and a fobbit. I saw more "combat" than Gov. Walz, but then what? What's the break point here?

Here's where the veteran community gets "weird." What are our definitions? As I posted earlier about OEF, what makes an OEF vet? You have OEF orders? I'm onboard, I am. Your time was in Italy? I'm onboard. If we have some grey area tier 9 years in Afghanistan will trump your 12 months in Italy all day long and twice on Sunday.

Veterans, what are our red lines? Not Obama red lines, but red lines that actually matter?
Yeah the only claim I wish you would make more is that we had an awesome lunch and I hugged you. That shit's true.