Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

This is exactly where it falls for me. A vet is a vet, but don't hate others for being "lesser" because they didn't get the same experience as you, and don't church up your own shit to be more that it was.

It's a big problem we've still got with the "combat patch vs slick sleeve" thing and perceived leadership.
I'm an E7 with a combat patch I got as an E3/E4; my time in AFG doesn't really seem relevant to the position I've made it to, but it's hard to convince my slick sleeved E5/E6 of that.
I had two slick sleeved 5's that put themselves ahead of their soldiers in the RFI line and then bounced when I had explicably told all NCO's to go last to ensure their troops were issued things and that they were taken cared of first.

The fact that I had to explain to them that if they were to leave their charges high and dry here in the rear, was inexcusable with me, just imagine what cowardly things they'd have done wrong for their troops for when it mattered for real. And it did happen, they were both goofing off in the shade and away when one of their soldiers was unsafe and lost a finger getting MRAP's serviceable for the units about to leave the gates.

This memory is probably why I am totally fine with Walz being raked through the coals. he was entrusted to take care of them. He thought of himself first. may F be upon him for that is no brother from another mother of mine.
It does look a bit silly that sites like factbook, giggle, tic tac, or twister are ok with either completely dismissing an attempted assassination of a former US president or even going as far as to suggest that it was staged, the photo was doctored etc - even though hundreds of millions of people saw the TV footage - and then tagging posts that suggest that we consider it might be misinformation

I get it - addressing every single uber silly shit post like "the former acting CSM of a National Guard Artillery Unit may or may not have sucked too much horse cock" is sort of like getting bent out of shape over every single article that folks the The Onion or The Bee have ever published because they didn't provide citations or proof or a disclaimer that its just a joke.
...but nobody seems to be getting accounts locked out, banned, or deleted for sharing and proliferating shenanigans like this?

That being said - NOBODY - gets a free pass from me.
Some of the biggest dipshits I know - with some of the most dishonorable traits imaginable are "veterans" and they are gleefully sporting cool service related ball hats and look at me license plates.
...I'm a vet and I do fucked up shit ALL of the time.
...I do my very best to destroy the "all vets should get a free pass" myth through my insane nonsensical bulletin board posts

Medals and awards mean exactly dick to me.
It's how people treat their waiter that really gets my attention.
The rest is all just a byproduct of being in the right (or wrong) place at the right (or wrong) time.

The world doesn't make sense; nothing is real, everyone is racist, and the moon is a hollow space station made of green cheese.
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Blocking any hashtags that had #cancelnetflix in it was and I quote "To keep the Facebook community safe". Exactly safe from what, is the million dollar question here.
Two of the Squad lost primaries because of their pro Gaza (Hamas terrorists and those that keep voting to be lead by them) anti Israeli stances.

Cori Bush (MO) and Jamaal Bowman (NY).

Either they didn't try to buy off the local rabbis for those two sects I told y'all about or just maybe there's actual NPC's becoming self aware going on here.
Yeah, let's talk about DUI's.

Technically he may be an OEF Vet, as his deployment to Italy may have been funded by OEF funds.
I think you are right. OEF is strongly associated with Afghanistan but the term also became a bit of a catch all name for the GWOT as well. Some examples include OEF-HOA, OEF-Phillipines, OEF-Trans Sahara, and believe it or not OEF-Central America & Caribbean. I think the last one will be featured prominently in the upcoming series Narcos Grupo Siete.
I think you are right. OEF is strongly associated with Afghanistan but the term also became a bit of a catch all name for the GWOT as well. Some examples include OEF-HOA, OEF-Phillipines, OEF-Trans Sahara, and believe it or not OEF-Central America & Caribbean. I think the last one will be featured prominently in the upcoming series Narcos Grupo Siete.
My trip to Colombia was OEF-CCA.
I think you are right. OEF is strongly associated with Afghanistan but the term also became a bit of a catch all name for the GWOT as well. Some examples include OEF-HOA, OEF-Phillipines, OEF-Trans Sahara, and believe it or not OEF-Central America & Caribbean. I think the last one will be featured prominently in the upcoming series Narcos Grupo Siete.
Pardon my ignorance here, but wasn't OEF against Islamic terrorism or was it mainly that and some others tossed in? I'm kind of bewildered that there were actions in our backyards so to speak.
In 2002 we were on the fence for OEF-Afghanistan and OEF-Philippines (AQ elements there). I was happy we got the desert and not the jungles. As far as south America...AQ, and others, were present in the South American Tri-Border Area (TBA), to plan attacks on the US.

Terrorist and Organized Crime Groups in the Tri-Border Area (TBA) of South America
Defense Technical Information Center
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I mean, it seems like this would be an easy thing to check. Did he draw combat pay? Did he earn a SSFFWS (combat patch)? If so, he was "in the war." If not, then he wasn't.

Saying he was "in OEF" because he hung out in Italy OEF support orders makes about as much sense to me as saying someone was "in OEF" because he earned the GWOT-S medal. We **all** supported OEF if we were in the Army at that time, one way or the other. **Not all** of us were "in war."
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I mean, it seems like this would be an easy thing to check. Did he draw combat pay? Did he earn a SSFFWS (combat patch)? If so, he was "in the war." If not, then he wasn't.

Saying he was "in OEF" because he had OEF support orders makes about as much sense to me as saying someone was "in OEF" because he earned the GWOT-S medal. We **all** supported OEF if we were in the Army at that time, one way or the other. **Not all** of us were "in war."
I get what you’re saying. But at the same time all of us got a GWOT-EX for being awake during terrorism. I’m not defending his record but we over used the term OEF to our disadvantage.
In 2002 we were on the fence for OEF-Afghanistan and OEF-Philippines (AQ elements there). I was happy we got the desert and not the jungles. As far as south America...AQ, and others, were present in the South American Tri-Border Area (TBA), to plan attacks on the US.

Terrorist and Organized Crime Groups in the Tri-Border Area (TBA) of South America
Defense Technical Information Center

Yeah I got hazard pay and one of my trips to SA was technically part of OEF…however while I would call those deployments, they weren’t combat.
I get what you’re saying. But at the same time all of us got a GWOT-EX for being awake during terrorism. I’m not defending his record but we over used the term OEF to our disadvantage.
Are you maybe confusing the two awards? IIRC the GWOT-S was for being awake during terrorism. GWOT-E you actually had to go somewhere and do something. And a GWOT-E still not necessarily "in war."
Yeah I got hazard pay and one of my trips to SA was technically part of OEF…however while I would call those deployments, they weren’t combat.
This brings up an interesting question about semantics. You say you weren't in combat, but were you "in war?" For example, I frequently say that I am a "war vet" but not a "combat vet," because to me they are two different things.