Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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But we were just saying that he was actually not, and him saying he was, was disingenuous
I'm not sure who "we" is, but I don't think I ever said that. I hope I didn't. He was disingenuous about saying he retired as a CSM, because he didn't, and that has now been corrected. And I personally believe he was extremely disingenuous to lead people on about serving "in war."
I'm not sure who "we" is, but I don't think I ever said that. I hope I didn't. He was disingenuous about saying he retired as a CSM, because he didn't, and that has now been corrected. And I personally believe he was extremely disingenuous to lead people on about serving "in war."

I agree with you.

However, I think it is picking nits pretty hard to be wearing CSM rank the day you retire but then say you weren’t a SGM.
I agree with you.

However, I think it is picking nits pretty hard to be wearing CSM rank the day you retire but then say you weren’t a SGM.
He was a CSM, but he didn't retire as a CSM. He held himself out as something he wasn't for years, until literally this week when he felt compelled to change it. I don't think that's a little thing. Reasonable people can disagree and that's fine.
He was a CSM, but he didn't retire as a CSM. He held himself out as something he wasn't for years, until literally this week when he felt compelled to change it. I don't think that's a little thing. Reasonable people can disagree and that's fine.

For sure. I’m with you, I just see the below as being what happened:

I can see a thousand scenarios where someone would say “I was a CSM at xxxx.” And “i retired out of xxxx” without clarifying that after their papers cleared their retirement rank was busted to E-8. That isn’t super crazy to me. And in the guard? All kinds of weird shit happens over there.
I want to be clear, I understand how he misrepresented himself as something he wasn’t. I’m as not cool with that as anyone……

But at the same time, the day this dude retired he was rightfully wearing CSM rank. He isn’t claiming to be a fucking delta seal sniper. He is saying he was a rank he technically was the day he retired. I think it is a nitpick, and to most of the population is going to come across as an “ACKSHUALLY” type situation.
It really doesn't matter what his OMPF says anyways, why we're even talking about it is a legit distraction. He's a gaping asshole who was MIA like Mayor Pete on Paternity Leave of a child he adopted with his male partner during the biggest supply chain crisis in America, except that his entire state was burning to the ground and he hid in his governor's mansion. Then he decided you want to know how we stop COVID? Let's set up a snitch line so people could snitch on their neighbors. Before we even get to his military record understand that his policy positions, which include making [some] speech against law (hi, 1st Amendment being ripped to shreds, what is this the Patriot Act shit again?), completely show he is of horrible character and is unfit for office and that the good people of Minnesota have been hypnotized by the caliphate that runs their state that they couldn't figure out this thing called a recall petition. If you are a Democrat, do us a favor and vote for Mickey Mouse or someone else because your party has put forward people that will just curb your rights. Also, last night Kamala met with a pro-Hamas group. AYFKM?
I'm beginning to understand the political brilliance of selecting Gov. Walz. He shores up the hardcore left, which was waning due to Pres. Biden's perceived support of Israel. He is ideologically fully aligned with VP Harris' agenda, which reassures the party's base. And it give political top cover for "they're attacking veterans!!" for the Democrats' attacks against Vance.
Yeah I got hazard pay and one of my trips to SA was technically part of OEF…however while I would call those deployments, they weren’t combat.
This. When people ask how many deployments I have it’s one number, when my 214 and record say more. Because I only count what we called ‘combat deployments’ in those.

I went to Africa a hand full of times; not sure I’d call those ‘combat deployments’, but we did some stuff.

Dan has a great point here- the bill came due for Walz, and he crawfished.

I want to be clear, I understand how he misrepresented himself as something he wasn’t. I’m as not cool with that as anyone……

But at the same time, the day this dude retired he was rightfully wearing CSM rank. He isn’t claiming to be a fucking delta seal sniper. He is saying he was a rank he technically was the day he retired. I think it is a nitpick, and to most of the population is going to come across as an “ACKSHUALLY” type situation.
lol no you’re not ‘as not cool as anyone with that.’

The Army demoted him from 9 to 8 after he retired. That demotion effective date would be his retirement date.

How about this. “Tim Walz was demoted to E8 post retirement and still claimed he was a CSM for 20 years because it was politically useful to him, and after his demotion, he still told people he was an E9. He’s also a non-combat pussy that had one chance to deploy after 24 years; he let another man take his place after saying he’d deploy.”

DUI, demotion, stolen valor. That’s a shitbag career and you’re here pretending to be ‘just as mad’ as everyone else but give him a pass because he’s not claiming a cool school or something? Where is this morally relativistic goalpost currently so I can understand your line here? Or are you just being contrarian?

Can we talk about the legislation where he lets doctors watch infants die on tables in front of their mothers in a slow motion live birth abortion or the fact that he made Minnesota a safe space for adult groomers to transition 6 year olds against their parents wishes?

Or are you gonna provide ‘nuance and context’ for that as well?
This. When people ask how many deployments I have it’s one number, when my 214 and record say more. Because I only count what we called ‘combat deployments’ in those.

I went to Africa a hand full of times; not sure I’d call those ‘combat deployments’, but we did some stuff.

Dan has a great point here- the bill came due for Walz, and he crawfished.

Is his Audience left leaning vets like a few of our friends on this board, because I have no idea why we're focusing on that at all. He's a fraud alright, but because he'll have your neighbor snitch on you for not wearing a mask or he'll let your neighbor burn your house down. We need to sort our shit out and make this race about policy, because their policies are horrific.

lol no you’re not ‘as not cool as anyone with that.’

The Army demoted him from 9 to 8 after he retired. That demotion effective date would be his retirement date.

How about this. “Tim Walz was demoted to E8 post retirement and still claimed he was a CSM for 20 years because it was politically useful to him, and after his demotion, he still told people he was an E9. He’s also a non-combat pussy that had one chance to deploy after 24 years; he let another man take his place after saying he’d deploy.”

DUI, demotion, stolen valor. That’s a shitbsg career and you’re here pretending to be ‘just as mad’ as everyone else?

Can we talk about the legislation where he lets doctors watch infants die on tables in front of their mothers in a slow motion live birth abortion or the fact that he made Minnesota a safe space for adult groomers to transition 6 year olds against their parents wishes?

Or are you gonna provide ‘nuance and context’ for that as well?
This. When people ask how many deployments I have it’s one number, when my 214 and record say more. Because I only count what we called ‘combat deployments’ in those.

I went to Africa a hand full of times; not sure I’d call those ‘combat deployments’, but we did some stuff.

Dan has a great point here- the bill came due for Walz, and he crawfished.

Same. Some people would characterize the couple of months I spent in The Philippines as a "deployment," but I don't. I refer to it as an "operational assignment."

Also, I try to make it clear that my deployments were much shorter, and much safer, than most people assume.
A testament to the bluest blue falcon who thought of himself and his own agenda more than his bros and sisters.

While any leader is likely to have both cheerleaders and straight haters, especially in a polarizing election, I think it's telling to hear what the people who actually served with someone have to say about them. So far... yikes.
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