Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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oh also- opposite of the national election “millions more people voted cause Covid but dropped off the rolls and didn’t vote this time, let me introduce-

“More people voted for this senator than they did for the presidential candidate. Both sides. Nothing to see here.”

I know people who say they voted but not for the president. My father(national review subscriber that he is) said he voted but cannot vote for Trump because of Jan 6th. Whether that is true or not who knows. I know what I did, and it doesn’t surprise me that people might have abstained from voting for president, but still cast votes for governor, senate, and the like.
I highly doubt it in those numbers. This IS the state where people whom no one can recall meeting anyone that voted for other persons from previous elections where they all came from behind at the last hours.

Huh, imagine that.
A quick look at reported vote counts shows there are currently 2,994,866 ballots counted for the President and 2,960,663 for Senate. Not sure where he's getting his numbers from, cause all I can find is reposts of the statement on X.

I know people who say they voted but not for the president. My father(national review subscriber that he is) said he voted but cannot vote for Trump because of Jan 6th. Whether that is true or not who knows. I know what I did, and it doesn’t surprise me that people might have abstained from voting for president, but still cast votes for governor, senate, and the like.
On *both sides*. This is very interesting to me; that potentially tens of thousands of people voted like your father may have (unverified) and didn’t vote for their presidential candidate but decided to vote in a hotly contested senate race in a swing state that overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

Can anyone find me an example of this happening in reverse? Meaning; are there examples of squishy numbers, weird reporting, potential voter fraud etc- that benefits a Republican?

Or am I just way better at finding these (multiple) stories all the time? Might be true.

On *both sides*. This is very interesting to me; that potentially tens of thousands of people voted like your father may have (unverified) and didn’t vote for their presidential candidate but decided to vote in a hotly contested senate race in a swing state that overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

Can anyone find me an example of this happening in reverse? Meaning; are there examples of squishy numbers, weird reporting, potential voter fraud etc- that benefits a Republican?

Or am I just way better at finding these (multiple) stories all the time? Might be true.

I voted in hotly contested swing state on the entire ticket and didn’t vote for President. So that is two. Our GOP candidate for governor was a garbage human being. I didn’t feel like I owed anything to Kamala, and I did feel strongly enough in our state elections to still vote against Mark Robinson.

I don’t think it is crazy to assume many people didn’t want to vote for either presidential candidate. I also don’t think it is crazy that some of these local politicians are just trash. In NC almost the entire state wide ticket went blue, but the presidential election went to Trump. That is because the statewide candidates were trash for the GOP. NC lost its supermajority in the legislature and elected democrats to Governor, AG and Lt.Gov. I know that many people wanted Trump but also couldn’t in good conscience vote for Mark Robinson. This is just one statewide election, I cannot possibly comment on nationwide ones.

This guy is stupid. People vote split ticket pretty often. People abstain from voting for things, pretty often. My water conservation district election was on the ballot, I knew nothing about any of the guys as it was non-partisan, had no idea what their platform was, you know what I did? I left that blank.

A quick look at reported vote counts shows there are currently 2,994,866 ballots counted for the President and 2,960,663 for Senate. Not sure where he's getting his numbers from, cause all I can find is reposts of the statement on X.

Consider that Senator was the next thing on our ballot...right below president...these people just skipped voting for Senator because Lake sucks and they couldn't find the balls to vote for Gallego. Or vice versa...which means Gallego who is a complete piece of crap wins. But that shows me if the Republican nominee had half a pulse and ran a normal campaign they'd be Senator. Pisses me off because Martha McSally got done dirty by the McCain family because she supported Trump.
I know people who say they voted but not for the president. My father(national review subscriber that he is) said he voted but cannot vote for Trump because of Jan 6th. Whether that is true or not who knows. I know what I did, and it doesn’t surprise me that people might have abstained from voting for president, but still cast votes for governor, senate, and the like.

Along the same lines:

A longtime friend of mine lives in upstate NY. He considers himself more or less a centrist... but he's not. He's definitely a leftist. But that's not really the point of this story, because I have lots of leftist friends. The point is, in the rational election postmortem discussion that we had, he mentioned he voted Harris and D in the national-level elections but down ballot, voted straight R. Which really surprised me.
But that shows me if the Republican nominee had half a pulse and ran a normal campaign they'd be Senator.

Can't speak for my dad, but I know my mom abstained from the Presidental and then split parties for Senator/Rep because of Lake.

I think the paticular thing with some bad GOP candidates (Dr. Oz, Herchel Walker, Karie Lake, etc) is they keep trying to elevate "Trumpian" people instead of actual candidates. Those people seem to lack the charisma to pull in independent voters and likely push them to vote D or 3rd party
Or am I just way better at finding these (multiple) stories all the time? Might be true.

Bro, you posted a deep fake A.I. video of someone claiming he was molested by Walz on here and seemed to not catch it until multiple of us pointed it out.

Finding random instagram posts that nobody else can find information on isn't really the flex you seem to be implying it is.

We're at the point where the implication is:

1. Dems stole the 2020 election.
2. Dems were unable to steal the 2024 presidental election.
3. While being unable to steal the presidental election, the dems still managed to steal the 2024 senate race.

Is that somehow easier to believe than that many refused to vote for a shit D candidate?
Bro, you posted a deep fake A.I. video of someone claiming he was molested by Walz on here and seemed to not catch it until multiple of us pointed it out.

Finding random instagram posts that nobody else can find information on isn't really the flex you seem to be implying it is.

We're at the point where the implication is:

1. Dems stole the 2020 election.
2. Dems were unable to steal the 2024 presidental election.
3. While being unable to steal the presidental election, the dems still managed to steal the 2024 senate race.

Is that somehow easier to believe than that many refused to vote for a shit D candidate?

So to answer:

1. There was enough funny stuff going on that you should be suspicious. Was it enough to turn the tide? Only on the EC side, maybe.

How many ballot harvesters did the Dems run? How many "registration" operations did the Dems run that were fraudulent? How many Dem AGs failed to act on these complaints? Kris Mayes is one of those AGs who chose against continuing investigations into Francisco Heredia who was submitting fraudulent registrations in Arizona in 2023. Complaints referred from multiple counties. Then his company/organization was caught in Pennsylvania fraudulently attempting to change registrations of people in Pennsylvania.

So excuse me if I think there are a few ducks out there. Maybe not enough to have changed the tide, but there is something out there. And it is only Democrats who fight against Voter ID.

2. Nope, because Republicans mobilized and registered voters, actual ones. Something that I guess Democrats did well in 2020. Trump's share of voters grew in every demographic except for White people older than 65+, the people who are most likely to watch Cable news and well...CNN and MSNBC are not really news anymore. They are left wing propaganda machines and you see that with how wildly nuts their panels are when they respond to the token Republican on the panel. That token Republican who gives them a road map on what to fix, but their brains are essentially poisoned.

3. I don't see a problem with split ticket voting. Remember that's how we all used to be, vote for actually represents you?

Also, Lake wasn't a "shit" candidate. In the last four Senatorial elections here, she is the closest to victory. The problem is the McCain family helped Democrats destroy the state GOP. Because Trump said a few bad words about John McCain, who wasn't exactly a good person by the way. Lake loses -1, McSally lost 2x -3, Masters lost -5. Martha McSally would have been a great candidate for us, a really good person, first female fighter pilot, (has a me too story in there), but we couldn't get her message across the second time well. But that was because the McCains helped scuttle her as she supported a Republican president. She's now retired quietly in Flagstaff being a nice person to whoever she meets.

Remember, this election was won on the issues. You could even say this election was won by Susie Wiles and JD Vance. She kept Trump under control and JD articulated the issues everywhere he went. The Democrats attempted to make this a race of personality. Calling Trump a Fascist, almost daily, but they told him to dial down the rhetoric? Odd stuff.

I was thinking this morning for a moment that the Democrats could re-form if they looked in the mirror, maybe get behind a Jason Crow type, but the party is pretty lost, probably about as lost as the Republicans were during the Obama years. I mean, like Romney? Binders full of women!

ETA: WAIT, so this Pennsylvania race is as close as the Arizona one. We're saying Lake is a shit candidate and stuff, whatever. So that means Senator Casey is also a shit candidate. Pennsylvania is at like 99% reporting, there is no world in which David McCormick loses. But Schumer is being Schumer.

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Bro, you posted a deep fake A.I. video of someone claiming he was molested by Walz on here and seemed to not catch it until multiple of us pointed it out.

Finding random instagram posts that nobody else can find information on isn't really the flex you seem to be implying it is.

We're at the point where the implication is:

1. Dems stole the 2020 election.
2. Dems were unable to steal the 2024 presidental election.
3. While being unable to steal the presidental election, the dems still managed to steal the 2024 senate race.

Is that somehow easier to believe than that many refused to vote for a shit D candidate?
It’s easier to believe that you’re willingly indoctrinated and purposefully obtuse because of your well established biases, for sure. What you infer is a ‘you’ problem.

I’ll be here when you’re ready ‘bro’. Let me know. Until then, just remember- you’re being lied to, and that should make you very upset.
The new thing is the 4b movement. Women who won't date/ sleep with men as long as our country is pro-life. LOL. We are definitely living in interesting times. Stay alpha gents, real women will be there.

I fully support this initiative. 1, cause those chicks are hideous and 2… I mean I guess there really doesn’t need to be a 2.

Bye Felicia.
The new thing is the 4b movement. Women who won't date/ sleep with men as long as our country is pro-life. LOL. We are definitely living in interesting times. Stay alpha gents, real women will be there.

LOL, they threaten to do this every time something doesn't go their way. It's not even original. See also: Lysistrata.

Or, this article from a few years back:

“If you don’t agree that I can unilaterally decide to kill any unborn children we may create together, I just can’t even.”

Pro-Abortion Women Threaten "Sex Strike" To Coerce Male Support • The Havok Journal
I watched this lady on Fox News this morning talking about her experiences as a DNC finance committee member and fundraiser for the Harris campaign. Listening to her I was thinking "you are so gonna get Clintoned". She is sitting in a rock and a hard place between donors she solicited and the Democratic mafia er I mean what is left of the party. Let me say it now. "Lindy Li did not commit suicide".

Harris surrogate gives firsthand account of the ‘epic disaster’ of election night loss to Trump

To follow up my earlier post.

Back in 2016, the DNC was basically broke, turn out the lights broke. Hillary had people lined up to write some really big checks to her campaign, but laws prevented that sort of thing. So, what they did was the donors sent the money to the DNC, the DNC kept a portion to remain afloat, and then sent the money to Clinton's campaign. What they did was exploit a loophole in campaign finance laws. An added bonus is the donations remained anonymous.

Wasserman-Schultz is punted on the eve of the convention and Donna Brazile took over. Brazile worked for Bill Clinton's election campaigns. In 2016, Brazile worked at CNN where she provided Hillary with debate and town hall questions ahead of time. Brazile was concurrently the head of the DNC and a talking head at CNN until she was fired from CNN in Oct. 2016. There's no way she didn't know about the laundering for Clinton.

So in 2024 we have a woman who sat on both the DNC's finance committee and was Harris' chief fundraiser. Harris' campaign is...20 million or something in debt? I can think of at least one bank account which has at least 20 million in it, because history has shown us that's how the DNC rolls.

The current head of the DNC's finances is a guy who worked for Miami Beach as a city attorney. In the early 80's. When drug money ruled Miami. I'm not saying money laundering is going on there, but...

A billion dollar disaster and you're 20 million in debt? The skim on campaign donations must be off the charts.
The new thing is the 4b movement. Women who won't date/ sleep with men as long as our country is pro-life. LOL. We are definitely living in interesting times. Stay alpha gents, real women will be there.

These are just women with shitty Tinder profiles and a propensity for causing a date to leave them at a restaurant or movie theater.
So... when are we going to see the Hunter Biden pardon? I'm thinking towards the end, in a raft of other others to make it appear less-sketch, and maybe announced at a time when something else big happens to take some of the air out of the scandal.

Also, the Iranians released their US hostages that they seized from our embassy the same day that Reagan was inaugurated. It was both an FU to Carter and payback for something the Iranians wanted politically. And of course it was a huge with for Reagan. Maybe something similar for Trump?
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