Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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So the senate offers Rick Scott, John Cornyn, or John Thune as our next senate majority leader. LOL. So basically its the next RINO in line, then?
The best thing Trump can do, if he does nothing else for the next 4 years, it to fire every single FOGO. All of them. Every single one. Look at all of the O-6's who are about to be promoted and ask them if they want to FAFO, is that Lockheed job more important than our country.

Dr. Strange can compute all 14 million or whatever possible outcomes and it will still never happen, but that's what it will take to fix the DoD. Remove the entire tumor and the surviving flash will remember how to grow.
I have no idea if this is accurate, but I'm assuming it's at least "directionally correct".

If this is indeed true, it's a problem. Very, unnecessarily top heavy -- too many chiefs, not enough indians. Perhaps explains, at least in part, this thread:


This motherfucker. Lol. Crazy! Over politicians?
He's a convicted felon with zero room to be saying smack to anyone. Every argument he used to support his position was either a straw man, appeals to ignorance, or an appeals to emotions. He's also been canned so far as we know, for the beta boi's sophomoric rant.

Man convicted in Fresno State hazing death under fire for comments about Trump voters

He's also proof that he's devoid of common sense and his degrees make him only book smart.
I have no idea if this is accurate, but I'm assuming it's at least "directionally correct".

If this is indeed true, it's a problem. Very, unnecessarily top heavy -- too many chiefs, not enough indians. Perhaps explains, at least in part, this thread:

Remember guys, we have more FOGOs now than WWII. We just shit out commands and create new UICs to keep our friends in. It's essentially gerrymandering, but for the Service. Our structures are completely FUBAR. Don't worry, we're going through another force structure implementation and killing off the BCTs. They say we're "modernizing" our formations to face the current threats. But no, that is not what we are doing at all. We're removing assets from the Brigade level and moving away from the "Team" concept. Gonna be a lot of OPCON, TACON, type things. Anyways, when functions can be done by extending permanent LTC and COLs, stop creating 1 and 2 star commands.
He's a convicted felon with zero room to be saying smack to anyone. Every argument he used to support his position was either a straw man, appeals to ignorance, or an appeals to emotions. He's also been canned so far as we know, for the beta boi's sophomoric rant.

Man convicted in Fresno State hazing death under fire for comments about Trump voters

He's also proof that he's devoid of common sense and his degrees make him only book smart.
One of the most annoying things about the excuses coming out about the election is that Trump got a lot of support from non-college-educated whites, implying that they're too dumb to know not to vote for him.
One of the most annoying things about the excuses coming out about the election is that Trump got a lot of support from non-college-educated whites, implying that they're too dumb to know not to vote for him.
  1. Rule# 5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."
  2. Rule# 13: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Guaranteed they may have most likely not read it but he's basically saying what all radicals were already or continue to think alike as with a timeless strategy for political & cultural warfare.

Fun fact, what Saul thought was indefensible was itself indefensible intellectually as an argument when it involves constant logical fallacies. Ridicule is what they use when unable to defeat the messenger's message, so they go after the messenger in place of.
Numbers are as of Sep. 2024.

How many voters have a party affiliation?

36 million registered Republicans and 45 million registered Democrats. (admittedly some states do not require a voter to declare for a party) Trump pulled roughly half of his votes from non-Republicans. That's hilarious.
Piers Morgan on Megyn Kelly's show just killing it.


Interesting point. I also saw a figure showing what Kamala spent on campaign staffing (consider they bussed fans across state lines to rallies to make them look better). According to the graphic Trump spent $11M on staffing. Kamala spent $500M on staffing.

We’ve been talking about voting numbers, here’s another fun wrinkle.

Someone really needs to tell me the problem with voter ID, every keeps talking about 80 yr old grannies in rural Alabama who've never left the house yada yada. But...
I'm not sure where the original video is, but there are a LOT of things that Trump has declared he is going to do. For reference, Asmongold was originally a game streamer (WoW) that leans to the left but is pretty centered and fact based. (he's also a complete He insists on proof when people make claims, including his viewers. He regularly bans people that make claims they can't support when he calls them out. I don't agree with many of his social views, but he's articulate, intelligent and backs up what he says with facts.

Trump will be able to do a lot of it too. He's President with the Senate and it looks like the House (soon) as well as a right leaning SCOTUS. The last time that happened we got Obamacare. Some of the things he's said he will do when he's in office in this video:

War on the Cartels including the use of SOF, OGA's and political power to prosecute them.
Federal institution of the death penalty for drug and human traffickers

Declaration of the Federal Government only recognizing biological male and female genders
Decertifying educators who influence minors towards gender reassignment
Prosecution of pharmaceutical companies that market puberty blockers
Deconstruction of Federal Agencies that have been created to promote gender reassignment
Asking congress to stop tax subsidies for health institutions that provide chemical or physical "mutilation" to minors including medicaid and medicare funding for those institutions.
Refusing to fund institutions that promote male/female crossover in sports that are gender based. (no more male boxers competing for female titles, etc.)

There's more. This is going to make a lot of people go absolutely crazy when it gets traction.

I watched this lady on Fox News this morning talking about her experiences as a DNC finance committee member and fundraiser for the Harris campaign. Listening to her I was thinking "you are so gonna get Clintoned". She is sitting in a rock and a hard place between donors she solicited and the Democratic mafia er I mean what is left of the party. Let me say it now. "Lindy Li did not commit suicide".

Harris surrogate gives firsthand account of the ‘epic disaster’ of election night loss to Trump

The Democratic Party official began by suggesting that Harris becoming the nominee was a bad choice instigated by President Biden to tank the party’s chances against Trump in revenge for pushing him out of running.

She mentioned that if Trump was such "an existential threat" to America, like Democrats had been saying, they should have had a process of voting on Biden’s successor, "instead of just coronating somebody."

"I actually think President Biden, you know, the whole endorsing her thirty minutes after he dropped out, I think that was a big F you to the party," she said.

"Suggesting that he’s sticking the party with Kamala Harris?" Cain asked. She replied, "Kinda like sticking it to the man."

Insisting that she was on no Democratic candidate’s payroll, Li told Cain she was there to give "the truth" on what happened with the campaign, calling it a "disaster." She said that the Harris campaign raised $1 billion-eighteen million only to lose.

The DNC member noted she raised money for the campaign based on the understanding that the election was a "margin of error race." "I raised millions of that. I have friends that I have to be accountable to and to explain what happened because I told them it was a margin of error race. I was promised – [Harris campaign chair] Jen O’Malley Dillon promised all of us that Harris would win. She even put videos out that Harris would win. I believed her, my donors believed her and so they wrote massive checks."
"I just, I feel like a lot of us were misled," Li said, elsewhere telling Cain she wondered if the campaign was "privy to internal numbers that I am not seeing" to explain their confidence.

Cain then asked Li about how the Obama family played into the Harris campaign results.

"I want to point out they waited three days – Michelle and Barack Obama waited three days to endorse Kamala Harris," Li replied. "It was the silence heard round the world."

She suggested this delay occurred because they Obamas were never planning to endorse Harris until Biden forced their hand. "And prior to Biden’s endorsement that no one really anticipated, they were vetting people like [Arizona Senator] Mark Kelly. Kamala Harris wasn’t at the top of the ticket."

Once again accusing Biden’s endorsement of being sabotage, she concluded, "I really think it was a big F you to everybody."
I watched this lady on Fox News this morning talking about her experiences as a DNC finance committee member and fundraiser for the Harris campaign. Listening to her I was thinking "you are so gonna get Clintoned". She is sitting in a rock and a hard place between donors she solicited and the Democratic mafia er I mean what is left of the party. Let me say it now. "Lindy Li did not commit suicide".

Harris surrogate gives firsthand account of the ‘epic disaster’ of election night loss to Trump

This is pure 100% bullshit. Not @Chopstick's words, but the article. I'm going to bed and will respond after coffee, but history (why I preach we should learn that stuff) blows her out of the water. The DNC and Clinton should be prosecuted under the RICO act, but that's for tomorrow.
I'm a little shocked by this if they go through with it, this is huge.

I mean, right now she only owes $20M. Cutting a check for $20M would be easy for him since he still has a large war chest...but they raised over a billion and spent it all on celebrity endorsements and Cardi B shaking her ass. They need to reap what they sowed. They helped to destroy this country and they won't take our generosity and then behave. They'll take our money and still call us everything in the book to continue to sow hatred. Nah, I'd rather salt their fields.
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