Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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I just turned 56, on Friday. I've heard that rhetoric since Ronald Reagan's campaign. I am cautiously optimistic that his administration will come up with a plan to get rid of the known criminal element and find a way to increase the ability for people who want citizenship to be on a path to get citizenship.

That’s cool. It isn’t what was promised. I doubt it will be delivered either, but part of me just wants to see everyone feel the consequences of their actions.

I truly hope for a Trump presidency that is moderate. Where he is either unwilling to do his more extreme things, or is unable. But if he does the crazy stuff, I look forward to seeing it play out in many people day to day. “It’s the economy” cuts both ways, and if he fucks it up, it will be a long time before another republican is elected.

I’ll be fine either way.
I just turned 56, on Friday. I've heard that rhetoric since Ronald Reagan's campaign. I am cautiously optimistic that his administration will come up with a plan to get rid of the known criminal element and find a way to increase the ability for people who want citizenship to be on a path to get citizenship.

So there is (somewhat common) left-of-liberal/leftist arguement that instead of deporting these aliens, you provide them paths to citizenship to make them taxpayers, and write legislation that smashes American businesses that are using illegal labor.

It's literally just doing The 1986 Amnesty bill, but keeping the teeth in it. If Trump pulls off something like that, I'd be willing to put money that it would supercharge demographic changes from D to R and win a shit ton of good will with independent/non-commital voters.

Poor assumption, there are younger members than you!!! But it's not me. @Archangel27 is one of them, there are more they just don't post as often as us losers without lives. ;-)8-)
I knew there were a few, but I couldn't think of who!
Taylor Swift is worth 1.6B and she has 283M followers on instagram. If that doesn't qualify as a societal elite, I'm gonna be grasping at straws. Beyonce has 314M Followers on the gram and is worth 800M, definitely an elite.

The point here is that the Elite in this country heavily backed the Democrats. Yes, some elites backed Trump, but far fewer. That's the point. Trump got the working man's and woman's vote, because he ran a normal campaign. And Kamala couldn't even string a sentence together. But we're here arguing over definitions because some people won't just admit that their party caters to fringe issues and identity politic.
I don't disagree with anything here.

In the real world this would have been a 45 second discussion about the term "elite" before we agreed and went back to our beers, but the internet does have a way to make it more convoluted.
I'm kind of stupid, I'll wait to see what Trump actually does before I get my panties in a bunch. No cheers, no jeers, just let the man cook and see what happens. Not the market reacting to what it thinks he will do, or even what he's saying now, but when he actually does something. I won't base my expectations on Trump 1.0 like so many in the country right now, I'll wait for Trump 2.0 to do something because I have a feeling this time around the sun will not be the same as the last time.

That's assuming President Vance isn't sworn into office in January.
That’s cool. It isn’t what was promised. I doubt it will be delivered either, but part of me just wants to see everyone feel the consequences of their actions.

I truly hope for a Trump presidency that is moderate. Where he is either unwilling to do his more extreme things, or is unable. But if he does the crazy stuff, I look forward to seeing it play out in many people day to day. “It’s the economy” cuts both ways, and if he fucks it up, it will be a long time before another republican is elected.

I’ll be fine either way.

So you want to see others fail to prove you're right?

I want to see others matter the cost. That's where we disagree.

8-) :thumbsup:
That’s cool. It isn’t what was promised. I doubt it will be delivered either, but part of me just wants to see everyone feel the consequences of their actions.

I truly hope for a Trump presidency that is moderate. Where he is either unwilling to do his more extreme things, or is unable. But if he does the crazy stuff, I look forward to seeing it play out in many people day to day. “It’s the economy” cuts both ways, and if he fucks it up, it will be a long time before another republican is elected.

I’ll be fine either way.
False narratives are called false for a reason, but you wanting him to fail and for us to be punished for not going with a dumpster fire that lived a dumpster fire life is an entirely new level of apathy and vindictiveness.

Limousine liberals say the same thing that they can ride it out, party of the people my ass.

FYI I'm still waiting for you to explain where Walz kept faith to the US Army NCO Creed, Soldier's Creed, and remained true to the Army Values as the senior living embodiment of it. Your lack of a response pre election day tells everything.
What is an oligarch but an elite through money?
It's like how all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares.

To your early question, I'd say "elites" would be people with outsized social influence through economic/cultural means. What you're saying here is the point I was making. Elites aren't just entertainment industry celebs, and they aren't just tied to one party anymore.
Taylor Swift is worth 1.6B and she has 283M followers on instagram. If that doesn't qualify as a societal elite, I'm gonna be grasping at straws. Beyonce has 314M Followers on the gram and is worth 800M, definitely an elite.

The point here is that the Elite in this country heavily backed the Democrats. Yes, some elites backed Trump, but far fewer. That's the point. Trump got the working man's and woman's vote, because he ran a normal campaign. And Kamala couldn't even string a sentence together. But we're here arguing over definitions because some people won't just admit that their party caters to fringe issues and identity politic.

I never said Tay Tay wasn't an Elite, I merely said that she doesn't rack and stack when it comes to Elon. Which would also include Zuck, Bezos, the Gates', Soros, The Murdocks, etc. Having a fuck ton amount of money and a huge IG base...meh. The others listen have real power and influence, and not just in the USA. Tay Tay isn't going to run her own media platform, news outlet, space company, etc, nor is she going to take on governments. Elon bought Twitter and a giant fuck you. Swift had to be paid to show up to a rally to speak for Kamala.

The Hollywood Elites have influence, but the others...the others have power. They're part of a club the elites don't belong to.
I’m excited to see what food prices do when/if the deportations happen. Will be fun when food 3-5x’s price, or the deficit balloons because we have to increase subsidies to farmers to artificially drive prices down. But hey Military aged males(also working in fields and manual labor aged males) will be deported. I know I can afford my grocery bill to double or triple. I don’t think most Americans can.
Why do you think it will go up? Most of the illegals aren't working in our fields picking lettuce, this isn't the 1980s. Illegals are in major cities just sucking the social services teet, they are a drain on local economies and resources. It's pretty racist to think brown illegals are automatically the ones working our fields. Actually I don't think you're being racist, I think you're just being reductive.

Most of us brown folk from legal immigrant stock hate illegals. My grandfather would rail against them at the dinner table all through the 90s every time an INS raid would a factory here, a Walmart there, and it hit the news.

Cameltoes political career is over, She's less likeable than Hillary, and totally incompetent.

Joe's camp (headed by Jill) hates her, and that keeps him in office (unless Soros offers a 463L pallet full of cash). The Biden's know the gravy train has run it's course and are gonna keep it going as long as they can.

Now to answer the question on how could the DNC run through a Billion Dollars.

My theory: Presidents Clinton, Obama (including Joe) and Biden (including Kamala) had/have massive staffs, paid for by tax dollars (unlimited money supply). They also created six-figure jobs for friends.

They got use to a never ending money supply, and took that attitude with them when running for office (am I correct in understanding that they paid Taylor and Beyonce for those appearances?). It never occurred to them that the money supply was finite, hence the overspending.

Pulling this in from the Iran thread. When Trump first took office, we found out that the NSC had over 400 staff directly assigned to the NSC. And Trump was trying to gut it, make it more efficient...but you had idiots like the Vindman twins who are shithead politicians who definitely didn't want to go anywhere. I'm certain that he didn't get to cut it in half and the NSC probably has 600 staffers assigned to it now.

This about all the bloat. They Byron administration attempted to say October was slow, but still positive job growth. Well, the federal goverment had added 400,000 new you get rid of those hires from October and we're contracting by 600,000 jobs!
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Every Hispanic I know personally is more anti illegals than whites I know. Which perplexes me, whom is exactly racist here, the ones more hardliner and of the same race, or the whites whom are softer here?

This is also why I know anyone derping the racist card for whites is full of it and another winner of the Dunning Kruger Effect Bowls of buffoonery.
The reason I know what that is now is because someone smarter than me used it on the site years ago. Based on the name I thought it was a disease.
Maybe this was me whom you learned that from, but I do know that I am not smarter than most people. However I am smart enough to know when I am being lied to, like someone giving the okay to do a drop with 27 knot winds 🙄
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So you want to see others fail to prove you're right?

I want to see others matter the cost. That's where we disagree.

8-) :thumbsup:

No. I am ambivalent. I am at the point where I don’t really care about politics all that much. I’ve posted rarely here, or really anywhere relating to politics. I’m resigned to what I’ll pay in taxes and federal policy has little to do with my day to day life.

I want America to succeed, but I am ok with people feeling the consequences of their actions. Just like with my kids, sometimes if I tell them not to do something, and they do it, I let them fall. Part of what I think makes our country great is the ability to recover from retards.
Why do you think it will go up? Most of the illegals aren't working in our fields picking lettuce, this isn't the 1980s. Illegals are in major cities just sucking the social services teet, they are a drain on local economies and resources. It's pretty racist to think brown illegals are automatically the ones working our fields. Actually I don't think you're being racist, I think you're just being reductive.

Most of us brown folk from legal immigrant stock hate illegals. My grandfather would rail against them at the dinner table all through the 90s every time an INS raid would a factory here, a Walmart there, and it hit the news.

Pulling this in from the Iran thread. When Trump first took office, we found out that the NSC had over 400 staff directly assigned to the NSC. And Trump was trying to gut it, make it more efficient...but you had idiots like the Vindman twins who are shithead politicians who definitely didn't want to go anywhere. I'm certain that he didn't get to cut it in half and the NSC probably has 600 staffers assigned to it now.

This about all the bloat. They Byron administration attempted to say October was slow, but still positive job growth. Well, the federal goverment had added 400,000 new you get rid of those hires from October and we're contracting by 600,000 jobs!

Who do you think picks our food bro. Honestly?

Immigrant farm workers make up like 3/4 hires farmworkers in the US. It isn’t racist to present factual data.

USDA ERS - Farm Labor.

Watch This 'VICE' Episode About Alabama's Harsh Anti-Immigration Laws
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