Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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Every Hispanic I know personally is more anti illegals than whites I know. Which perplexes me, whom is exactly racist here, the ones more hardliner and of the same race, or the whites whom are softer here?

No BS, my son's friend has two Mexican parents that've been in country for about 20 years. Both illegal, both speak only a tiny bit of English. It's a Trump household....

My guess is a lot of foreign born people here want America to succeed and see the nonsense brought by the left.

Oh, and I would work the damn farms myself if it made a living wage. I did roofing, landscaping, security guard, and worked Amazon once, because that's what pays the bills. Good jobs are scarce. Thank God for contracting.
Glad you watch mate. One point that had puzzled me is the polls. Here it was seen as always neck n neck or within the 2% margin of error. How could the pollsters miss such a landslide?

I think because--despite what they say--they're all tainted by the political leanings of the companies that hire them or conduct them.

And speaking of SkyNews Australia, Mrs Gunz turned me on to Rita Panahi and the gang a few years ago. They showed all the embarrassing Biden videos the MSM buried. If George Clooney and his entertainer clowns had tuned in, they'd have jumped Biden's ship a long time ago.
No BS, my son's friend has two Mexican parents that've been in country for about 20 years. Both illegal, both speak only a tiny bit of English. It's a Trump household....

My guess is a lot of foreign born people here want America to succeed and see the nonsense brought by the left.

Oh, and I would work the damn farms myself if it made a living wage. I did roofing, landscaping, security guard, and worked Amazon once, because that's what pays the bills. Good jobs are scarce. Thank God for contracting.

That is wild, considering Trump is talking about deporting their parents. Hopefully that doesn’t happen to your son’s friend.
Glad you watch mate. One point that had puzzled me is the polls. Here it was seen as always neck n neck or within the 2% margin of error. How could the pollsters miss such a landslide?
1) Most of the media and political research companies are fully in the bag for Democrats. They have no reason to try to report honestly.
2) Many people, particularly conservatives, are deeply distrustful of anything political, including pollsters.
3) Leftists have conditioned conservatives to not broadcast their political preferences because of potential social (and sometimes physical) consequences. Until recently, it wasn't socially acceptable for the average person to be a strong Trump supporter. I mean, would YOU want to be affiliated with a racist/misogynist/rapist/literallyHitler/whateverthey'resmearinghimwiththistime candidate?
4) All of the above notwithstanding, polls are hard. Even when/if everyone is honest.
Maybe this was me whom you learned that from, but I do know that I am not smarter than most people. However I am smart enough when I am being lied to, like someone giving the okay to do a drop with 27 knot winds 🙄
It's entirely possible. But the guy I remember the most for making look up words I didn't know was x SF med. That guy is a well-read dude.
Who do you think picks our food bro. Honestly?

Immigrant farm workers make up like 3/4 hires farmworkers in the US. It isn’t racist to present factual data.

USDA ERS - Farm Labor.

Watch This 'VICE' Episode About Alabama's Harsh Anti-Immigration Laws

Mexicans can apply for a US work visa at locations in Mexico. And enter the US legally. The Visa costs $205. can pay a Coyote $2000 to let you swim across the Rio Grande and take your chances.

One of the reasons food prices are going up, and will continue to go up, is not because farm laborers are getting kicked out but because farmland is disappearing at staggering rates.

I have a USDA-registered farm in an area that used to be almost entirely agricultural. Every day, I see more orange groves being ripped up and burned, cattle ranches, food and hay-producing fields turning into subdivisions and shopping centers almost overnight.

Children of long-time farm families are GTFO of agriculture occupations because they've seen their parents and grandparents saddled with back-breaking work with little reward. So when the parents die, the land goes to the next developer.

Over 140,000 Farms Lost in 5 Years

Net Farm Income in 2024 Forecast to Be Down 25% from Last Year

The US is losing almost 2-million acres of farmland every year. Almost 14-million acres gone since 2015.
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How could the pollsters miss such a landslide?

Many on this forum, myself included, though Hillary was a lock, a blowout, in 2016. It was easy to question the media before that race, but it died on election night. Left, right, mainstream anything died that night. Coverage didn't matter and the polls missed it completely.

People made fun of "fake news" and used it as a punchline, even as it proved true time and time again in the years following. Left and right media outlets alike produced polls which were garbage. Bookies taking bets on the results were the closest source of correct info I found this year and even they missed the margin of victory.

People talk about podcasts becoming the future of media, but bad info and ethics do not care about the platform they use.
Many on this forum, myself included, though Hillary was a lock, a blowout, in 2016. It was easy to question the media before that race, but it died on election night. Left, right, mainstream anything died that night. Coverage didn't matter and the polls missed it completely.

People made fun of "fake news" and used it as a punchline, even as it proved true time and time again in the years following. Left and right media outlets alike produced polls which were garbage. Bookies taking bets on the results were the closest source of correct info I found this year and even they missed the margin of victory.

People talk about podcasts becoming the future of media, but bad info and ethics do not care about the platform they use.
I certainly thought that way.

Why did I think it? Because I trusted the media. That, and my own values and biases. Donald Trump is a lout. He talks a LOT of shit. He says things like "they will let you grab them by the pussy." I don't like that. He regularly cheated on his various wives. He engaged in sketchy business practices. He is a deeply flawed individual. I couldn't vote for someone like that in 2016. And I was told that there was no way he could win. I stayed home and didn't vote at all.

...which is exactly what the leftist-led media-political complex wanted. They went all-in on how bad Trump was and how bad conservatives were and how it was Clinton's turn--she was "ready on day one!"--and said there was no way Trump could win.

And despite all of that, Trump won.

And his win gave me something I didn't have: hope. Hope that our country could start returning to the vision that I, and millions of Americans (enough to win an election against the left's anointed queen) had for our country. And it also made me realize that despite all of the othering, all of the invective, all of the "conservatives are evil" and "white people are inherently bad," that I was not alone. That millions of people of all races, both genders, and all income levels, felt the same way.

And then he delivered for the country.

America knows what four years of Trump would look like, because we've already seen it. We've already seen what four years under Harris would look like, because we just saw it. America fundamentally rejected one of those, and embraced the other.

And I think America will be better off in four years because of the choice in this election.

I don't trust the media anymore, and haven't since the 2016 election. I don't trust "the experts" or "the science" after the COVID debacle. I don't trust a lot of things after Afghanistan. I take a lot of outside inputs into consideration, but I trust my own eyes, my own ears, my own experiences, and own analysis.

To be clear, I also don't trust the Trump administration. I've never met any of those people. I don't know them. But I always trust that people will do what's in their own best interests. It's in the Trump Administration's interests to deliver on the promises he made on the campaign trail and to support the future for America that I think is best for my family, myself, and my country. If that changes in the future, I'll re-evaluate. But for now, I'm going to give Trump a chance.
Glad you watch mate. One point that had puzzled me is the polls. Here it was seen as always neck n neck or within the 2% margin of error. How could the pollsters miss such a landslide?
A local radio political reporter I’ve learned to trust over the years says this…don’t put any stock in political polls. Neither side will ever admit that ‘their side’ is losing, so it is always ‘we’re crushing’ or it’s a ‘dead heat’. In regards to news organization polling, many voters are embarrassed to say they are voting for a particular candiate so they name the safer candidate so as not to feel judged.
I really hope concealed carry permit reciprocity 50 state legal happens, it would make traveling great again. Heck I'd even consider visiting friends in CA and MA again, and sleep like a baby if there's a layover in NJ or NY especially.

That's one small way to get the economy going again, anyone who thinks that this is an invalid argument is making an invalid counter argument themselves because I know many folks that simply won't travel to states where they aren't allowed to carry legally.

This is how we fix things, by removing BS barriers wanting to make criminals from victimless honest persons whom before crossing a state line had committed no actual crime other than a political and childish made up one that hurt an anti gunner's fee-fees.
I really hope concealed carry permit reciprocity 50 state legal happens, it would make traveling great again. Heck I'd even consider visiting friends in CA and MA again, and sleep like a baby if there's a layover in NJ or NY especially.

That's one small way to get the economy going again, anyone who thinks that this is an invalid argument is making an invalid counter argument themselves because I know many folks that simply won't travel to states where they aren't allowed to carry legally.

This is how we fix things, by removing BS barriers wanting to make criminals from victimless honest persons whom before crossing a state line had committed no actual crime other than a political and childish made up one that hurt an anti gunner's fee-fees.
It should happen. It's ridiculous that a privilege like my driver's license is good in every state but my constitutional right to keep and bear arms gets the shit infringed out of it when I cross an invisible line in my own country.
Who do you think picks our food bro. Honestly?

Immigrant farm workers make up like 3/4 hires farmworkers in the US. It isn’t racist to present factual data.

USDA ERS - Farm Labor.

Watch This 'VICE' Episode About Alabama's Harsh Anti-Immigration Laws

Never said we weren't reliant on migrant farm workers, most of them are here legally. The millions that came across the border during this administration are not in the fields picking your lettuce. Also, in your same data, 2/3 of all farmworkers are family members of the owner, so I guess family farms is still a thingish.

Mexicans can apply for a US work visa at locations in Mexico. And enter the US legally. The Visa costs $205. can pay a Coyote $2000 to let you swim across the Rio Grande and take your chances.

One of the reasons food prices are going up, and will continue to go up, is not because farm laborers are getting kicked out but because farmland is disappearing at staggering rates.

I have a USDA-registered farm in an area that used to be almost entirely agricultural. Every day, I see more orange groves being ripped up and burned, cattle ranches, food and hay-producing fields turning into subdivisions and shopping centers almost overnight.

Children of long-time farm families are GTFO of agriculture occupations because they've seen their parents and grandparents saddled with back-breaking work with little reward. So when the parents die, the land goes to the next developer.

Over 140,000 Farms Lost in 5 Years

Net Farm Income in 2024 Forecast to Be Down 25% from Last Year

The US is losing almost 2-million acres of farmland every year. Almost 14-million acres gone since 2015.

Bill Gates is gobbling up farmland almost anywhere, I doubt he's leasing it out to be farmed.
Never said we weren't reliant on migrant farm workers, most of them are here legally. The millions that came across the border during this administration are not in the fields picking your lettuce. Also, in your same data, 2/3 of all farmworkers are family members of the owner, so I guess family farms is still a thingish.
They also have to eat. And they are an additional burden on everything from the DMV to the medical system.
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