Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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So the good people of Delaware elected a biological male that dresses as a female to represent them in the House of Representatives. Well, some women in the House aren't about that life.

I find it interesting that women are starting to care about women's sports, but they're not interested in protecting them much in certain states.
So the good people of Delaware elected a biological male that dresses as a female to represent them in the House of Representatives. Well, some women in the House aren't about that life.

I find it interesting that women are starting to care about women's sports, but they're not interested in protecting them much in certain states.
Bro. BRO. Look at this reel. IDK why it goes so freaking hard it just does.

I'd provide her with the opportunity to talk shit about me to her friends afterwards. My memories, my choice.
I'm almost certain that you may just be, the dude with all the spank banked primes that have been shared as MWR across the globes and into millennia.
A good article on how we are still at war with the far left's social justice campaign, and how a meritocracy and their brand cannot live harmoniously with one another.

We Are Still at War
Not to go off tangent but I'm hoping one day that those who call Biden a centrist, openly discuss why they would think so when Biden has been all in for social justice himself. That's not what a centrist is by definition. Neither was Obama, and neither was Clinton either.
Not to go off tangent but I'm hoping one day that those who call Biden a centrist, openly discuss why they would think so when Biden has been all in for social justice himself. That's not what a centrist is by definition. Neither was Obama, and neither was Clinton either.
bro. Your fatal flaw here is thinking definitions matter. They don’t. We are living in full double speak/semantic overload world. Just lean into it- speak your truth in plain language and don’t bother with the labels.

And if you go one step further and ignore labels other people use for themselves (“liberal”, “centrist”, “conservative”) and just watch their actions, your life gets immediately better. Just an offering.
bro. Your fatal flaw here is thinking definitions matter. They don’t. We are living in full double speak/semantic overload world. Just lean into it- speak your truth in plain language and don’t bother with the labels.

And if you go one step further and ignore labels other people use for themselves (“liberal”, “centrist”, “conservative”) and just watch their actions, your life gets immediately better. Just an offering.
Sage advice, thank you. My problem is that I don't play with double tongues and this game of thrones semantical play is what I consider to be intellectually deficient and intellectually dishonest. I can't respect a person when they use these words to flat out LIE. It's propaganda.

I'm a centrist, to put so an so whom obviously are not these types is demeaning to actual centrists. But again, all IMO of course.

But I still do want to discuss this. It's a culture war. So let's do battle and fact check the deliberate misuse of words.
Not to go off tangent but I'm hoping one day that those who call Biden a centrist, openly discuss why they would think so when Biden has been all in for social justice himself. That's not what a centrist is by definition. Neither was Obama, and neither was Clinton either.

Biden IS a centrist, right? One day he's making deeply racist comments and the next he's a social justice warrior. It balances out.

Actually, if she has the receipts and doesn't show those given the allegations, particularly against Epstein...then she's complicit in his crimes. If you have proof and won't show it, but use it for blackmail, isn't that illegal?

Let's dance into the sunlight, Marge. Release the info. Do the right thing.

I truly enjoy any opportunity to share this. Thanks MTG, we agree.

Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point
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