Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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Actually, if she has the receipts and doesn't show those given the allegations, particularly against Epstein...then she's complicit in his crimes. If you have proof and won't show it, but use it for blackmail, isn't that illegal?

Let's dance into the sunlight, Marge. Release the info. Do the right thing.

I see it a little differently. The House/Senate rules are there for a reason, and there are reasons they haven't broken the rules before. So don't fucking break the rules. However: if you decide to selectively break the rule for the one guy you don't like, game on: EVERYTHING is coming out in the wash. On EVERYBODY. Maybe we're saying the same thing just a little differently.
I see it a little differently. The House/Senate rules are there for a reason, and there are reasons they haven't broken the rules before. So don't fucking break the rules. However: if you decide to selectively break the rule for the one guy you don't like, game on: EVERYTHING is coming out in the wash. On EVERYBODY. Maybe we're saying the same thing just a little differently.

We probably are.

RE: Epstein, I'll bet an overwhelming majority of people want the Epstein info released; I know I'm one who wants to see the truth.

Here we have an elected official stating she either has the proof or can compel the truth. "I'll make sure we do." At this point she can cough up the evidence or she looks like the Hollywood shitbags who say they will leave the country if Trump wins.

Everyone, no matter the political color, put up or shut up. I'm tired of the posturing.

I suspect she's bluffing and even if she has the information she won't release over her bro bro Gaetz' nomination for AG. This is all political theater.

She's clearly made a statement that if the ethics report is released, she starts diming out other Republicans and their closeted skeletons. I am here for that. Do it, don't talk about it, do it. Also, if she has info on crimes and she isn't turning that over to the authorities she's complicit or maybe an accessory after the fact.

I tend to think she has nothing, she's hot air and bullshit. All the more reason to dislike her. Show us the proof or shut the fuck up, Marge. Her supporters can at least acknowledge she traffics in bullshit.
Everyone, no matter the political color, put up or shut up. I'm tired of the posturing.


Didn't the people of the United states of America hear enough of this type of blustery horseshit from Adam Schiff during the first Trump administration?

For shit sakes - would somebody
ANYBODY our government actually produce evidence that shines a light on all of this "systemic" corruption that apparently doesn't actually exist?

Is there any explanation as to WHY there is never any actionable shit released to the public until it is time to smear someone?
Even then, it always seems like the "smoking gun" is actually ice cold and unloaded.

Epstein - bad man - baaaaad man - Ghislaine - bad girl - baaaaad girl - they are human traffickers SKREEE SKREEE SKREEE
...but apparently they didn't actually "traffic" these victims to any perpetrators.
...well they TOTALLY trafficked the fuck out of some people
...buuuuuut we don't know who
...or when
...or where
...or who
...we DEFINATELY don't know "who"
...but it HAD to be "somebody - right ???

For years we were told by Adam Schiff that he had this weeks most newest worstest smokingest gun that would FINALLY prove that Trump colluded with Russia...
...right up until Zuckerberg said - "hey I colluded with the democrats to censor free speech on my platform to help get..."
What ?!?!

Now here we go again - MTG has got the goods and she is gonna release them
any day now
if we keep pushing her
because she TOTALLY has the goods on everyone
because EVERYONE is corrupt
except her
and she REALLY means it
...this time
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Can some of our left leaning residents explain why they would support governmental agencies releasing rapists on their own recognizance? Looks like ICE got the memo and won't be messing around over the next few months.

Headed home from work so don't have time for a full response, but the BLUF:
Cant No GIF

I'll edit this later with why I think this dumb shit happens.

There's a wing of the left that has people who believe pre-trial confinement is inherently wrong. These people argue that someone is not guilty until they are found so in a court of law, and therefore pre-trial confinement violates peoples rights. These people pretty much only function in an academic or "thought problem" situation (reddit nerds) and really have no power in government. I get their issue with bail, but removing the system completely is stupid.

In this instance, it's people who are more about resisting ICE than it is actually protecting their communities. The politicians get support from the dummies above, so its a political "win" in their book.
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Can some of our left leaning residents explain why they would support governmental agencies releasing rapists on their own recognizance? Looks like ICE got the memo and won't be messing around over the next few months.

I will say, the HSI guys I work with are looking forward to actually enforcing immigration laws and deportations again.

Hopefully, the whole Afghan refugee program will now get tossed....there are no more former US workers/terps left, it's all no skilled immigrants who can download the DOS application....with US money going to the Taliban to allow the travel of these people out of Afghanistan.
It would be great to finally hear something, anything really, instead of radio silent static.

Idk if this is acussing the broader left of radio static or myself/other board members.

If towards me; I've got school+work+applications+some projects going on, so my ability to spend time on this board is gonna nose dive a bit. It's not that I don't enjoy the convos, I'm just busy!

If not towards me than no worries!
Do people really have to believe these accusations with blind faith?
Or is it far more important that they just silently accept the narrative without question?
The former. In order to sway a population, you need fervent adherence; not apathy. People fight for something they believe in, not just something they’ll accept passively.

But you already knew that. 😎
"Centrist" is typically what you call a politician that you're trying to get elected. But there are no centrists in contested national-level elections.
Idk if this is acussing the broader left of radio static or myself/other board members.

If towards me; I've got school+work+applications+some projects going on, so my ability to spend time on this board is gonna nose dive a bit. It's not that I don't enjoy the convos, I'm just busy!

If not towards me than no worries!
I don't like to presume to speak for any other fellow member, but I don't think anyone would ascribe that sentiment towards you. I read it as a broader observation.
"Centrist" is typically what you call a politician that you're trying to get elected. But there are no centrists in contested national-level elections.

I don't like to presume to speak for any other fellow member, but I don't think anyone would ascribe that sentiment towards you. I read it as a broader observation.
It's definitely not towards him and it was much broader.

When ISIS was tossing gays and lesbians off of buildings, zero outrage from the alphabet mafia.

When Iran stones a woman who's story becomes national news, zero outrage from the feminazis.

When a pedo gets caught and it's an R, outrage from both the R's and D's. Never seen a D outraged when it's another D though.

Sexual assaults, rape, infidelity, nothing when it's a D, but if it's an R free range, baby.

OCT 7th as one just instance, no outrage for what Hamas had done but the minute Israel finally says enough is enough, outrage. One would think a person would be more outraged that a terrorist network was using hospitals for human shields as supply and command and control centers, but nope.

Name calling people things that they are obviously not, zero admittance to their side doing wrong. Call it semantics, in the Army things like that was called Fvck-Fvck games.

Pushing black lives matter, but won't admit it and stay silent when an obvious black on white/Asian/Hispanic racial crime has occurred or acknowledging that all lives matter from all the races and not just black ones.

I can go on about this.

At least Cookie called out that those doing it simply to resist just because as dummies, giving me faith that not all of them are deliberately obtuse acolytes. For this Cookie has my respect.

I generally do not respect a side who selectively chooses things to be outraged by. I believe in no side or cause being above any others, and that none are above any laws as well.
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Do people really have to believe these accusations with blind faith?
Or is it far more important that they just silently accept the narrative without question?
To some it really is selective listening. They want it to be true because it supports their narrative.

They just cannot let the other side have a win even when the other side is the winner and in the right. They have this diabolical and maniacal need to argue with the other because they cannot handle the cognitive dissonance that's going on with themselves over it.

In certain circles it's called irrational political immaturity.
"Centrist" is typically what you call a politician that you're trying to get elected. But there are no centrists in contested national-level elections.

I don't like to presume to speak for any other fellow member, but I don't think anyone would ascribe that sentiment towards you. I read it as a broader observation.
I certainly don't, speaking for me, @Cookie_ I've said it before and I'll say it again- we may disagree violently on any number of topics, but you're a welcome voice here.

You just have bad ideas sometimes and I am going to wear you down until you agree with me :ROFLMAO: (kidding, kidding).
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