One "racist" thing to mention about the vast number of Indian IT folks I've run across: they have "paper certs."
What are those? Go to a brain dump website and memorize the test answers. Yes, the entire tests are online. Memorize the answers, take the test, you've learned nothing but have the cert. Another method I've seen is to go to places where people take the test for you. This is all over the place in India and the Middle East, way to easy for this to happen. Pony up the bucks and let another do the work. You have the cert but learned nothing.
I also saw a lot of people of all nationalities and groups do the same, including US contractors when I was overseas.
The bottom line though, is not only will they work for less, they also look better on paper because of the certs. That gives the hiring company some legitimacy if questioned because the certs make the incumbent "less qualified" if they aren't stacking Microsoft, Cisco, CompTIA, etc. on their resume like the H1B holder.