Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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You know, it was wild when Republicans were losing cultural wars. But if the Republican just focus hard with single issue bills, they will whoop the Ds ass. Like how is this controversial?

Jill is on something insane. Obama math on Medals of Freedom, but dementia math on pardons. I guess since her husband is essentially Ted Kennedy, the Bidens has a lot of political favors to return. They said Trump would have a corrupt administration, but has there been anyone worse this side of Warren G Harding? She's gotta be worse, no she's in between Ulysses Simpson Grant and Warren Harding.

Was there anything else in the bill? I’m too lazy to check.
Was there anything else in the bill? I’m too lazy to check.

It was a single issue bill.

Here's a statement explaining why people voted against it


1. Those crimes already fall under the definition of "aggravated felony" in 8 USC 1101. They are deportable offenses already.

2. Worries that the expanded definition used for DV may lead to victims of DV being deported.

I can find information for #1, but I'd have to really go digging for #2 and just don't have the time.


My opinion; this bill seems like when the Dems put up a gun control bill legislating things that are already illegal. It's theater for the base.
The hits keep on coming....

Biden uses Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to prohibit new drilling in 625m acres of coastal waters off the U.S.

Without digging, I'll wager that Chinese and other foreign companies are already producing within a few hundred miles if the proposed areas... this doesn’t seem like an environmental win as much as a big FU.

Biden issues sweeping offshore oil, gas drilling ban in 625M acres of federal waters ahead of Trump transition
US Treasury takes a kick in the nuts too. Billions in royalties are lost, and China drills 13 miles out.
The hits keep on coming....

Biden uses Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to prohibit new drilling in 625m acres of coastal waters off the U.S.

Without digging, I'll wager that Chinese and other foreign companies are already producing within a few hundred miles if the proposed areas... this doesn’t seem like an environmental win as much as a big FU.

Biden issues sweeping offshore oil, gas drilling ban in 625M acres of federal waters ahead of Trump transition

These last days of the Biden train wreck are the most dangerous as he tries desperately to cement some kind of legacy. Right now he’s destined to go down as one of the worst presidents in recent history. He has 16 days to try and dig himself out of that hole.

It ain’t happenin of course, but that’s what makes him dangerous.
Lol, Zuckerberg is a traitor and belongs in a cell. Guy cozied up to Deep State, censored how China unleashed a bioweapon onto the world, and helped install a puppet into power. Some of the many sins of Facebook.

That lizard cocksucker can get fucked.
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