Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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Some of you are severely under estimating the power of the liberal voters in America... well as the conservative voters in this country

Roughly 49% of the votes in any American election will be cast by rabid partisans that don't even need to know who is on the ballot. I myself am an incredibly open minded free thinker that puts a lot of thought into using my LEFT hand to vote for RIGHT wing politicians so that I maintain a bipartisan voter ethic.
Serious questions: What if Biden dies or is removed from office? Harris takes over, sure, but what happens to the election in Nov.? It is postponed, do they nominate someone to run against Trump...

I could see china hitting Taiwan during the election/Whitehouse turnover, especially if Trump wins. All of the chaos of him coming back into office...why not?
He has ALWAYS been a rude, defensive, arrogant liberal - he just toned it down a little when his OWN rights were endangered by the Holy Church of COVID.
He has ALWAYS been and ALWAYS will be - nothing more (or nothing less) than Bill Maher, the rude, defensive, arrogant liberal.

You can see Maher clips sometimes where he takes on lunatic ideas the left comes up with though.

He does a pretty good job of it, really shits on some of their main policies and has his liberal audience agreeing with him. I'll always like him for that.
$80 billion in foreign aid to secure other peoples' borders. $20 billion--which would shouldn't even need--to secure our own. I have a problem with that.

I particularly have a problem with $10 billion for Gaza, which is headed by a terrorist group that attacks us, our interests, and our allies.

Gaza is neither our problem, nor our responsibility.

But hey, at least we only give the Taliban $1 billion. The United States Has Provided More Than $1.1 Billion To Respond To Humanitarian Crisis In Afghanistan Since August 2021 | Press Release | U.S. Agency for International Development
$80 billion in foreign aid to secure other peoples' borders. $20 billion--which would shouldn't even need--to secure our own. I have a problem with that.

I particularly have a problem with $10 billion for Gaza, which is headed by a terrorist group that attacks us, our interests, and our allies.

Gaza is neither our problem, nor our responsibility.

But hey, at least we only give the Taliban $1 billion. The United States Has Provided More Than $1.1 Billion To Respond To Humanitarian Crisis In Afghanistan Since August 2021 | Press Release | U.S. Agency for International Development

Agree, 100%. Things like this make me salty. Especially when they all get wrapped up into one bill.
We're giving Israel $14B (on top of the money we give them in aid in any given year) to fight Gaza.

Simultaneously, we're giving Gaza, who started a war with Israel, $10B (on top of the money we give them in aid in any given year).

...and we wonder why these wars keep happening.
Are you serious?
I mean, are you serious about asking if we are serious?
When was the last time this entire country was serious about being American?

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On September 11, 2001, radical Islamo Fascists conducted a coordinated suicide attack against the USA that killed thousands of innocent men, women, and children.
Everyone wanted to get a piece of whoever it was that masterminded the attack.
For a brief moment in time - ALL Americans shared a common pride in this great nation of ours. . When the World Trade Center Collapsed, it united every Black, White, Indian, Man, woman, and every other special interest group you could imagine.
"We the people" were pretty mother fucking serious about being Americans.

It lasted about two weeks - then the antiwar protests started - then the partisan blame started - then the enlightened discussions about how we may have even "deserved it" started - and then the moment was over.
Then we spent the next 20 years reelecting the same politicians that got us into the mess hoping that any day now - they'd get us out of the mess.
They didn't - but we laugh it off and reelect them anyway.
We have watched a legion of flag officers continue to get promoted up the ranks as though they were reality show celebrities - in spite of the fact that NONE of them have been successful at leading us to a tangible victory.
Many of us on this board still actively worship some of the more flamboyant failures - because they came from our unit - and labeling one of them a failure would be labeling ourselves as failures.
...but that is a rant for another time

We the people were ALL serious about being American for a few short weeks - but we didn't even make it to October before everyone decided to break out the weaponized partisanship. We couldn't all be serious about being Americans for a solid month before we went back to our mindless partisan bickering and now everybody that doesn't agree with us is either a nazi or a communist.

Which is ok - I don't take things very seriously anymore either.
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Are you serious?
I mean, are you serious about asking if we are serious?
When was the last time this entire country was serious about being American?

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On September 11, 2001, radical Islamo Fascists conducted a coordinated suicide attack against the USA that killed thousands of innocent men, women, and children.
Everyone wanted to get a piece of whoever it was that masterminded the attack.
For a brief moment in time - ALL Americans shared a common pride in this great nation of ours. . When the World Trade Center Collapsed, it united every Black, White, Indian, Man, woman, and every other special interest group you could imagine.
"We the people" were pretty mother fucking serious about being Americans.
Even after 9/11, there did not seem to be much of a jump in people willing to actually "do something" on the ground and in person. There were plenty of people who wanted someone else (or at least someone else's kids) to "do something."

Any uptick in recruitment after 9/11 quickly dissipated, especially after Iraq kicked off.

I haven't run the numbers, but I wonder if Top Gun had more impact on recruiting than 9/11, at least for the Navy.

Americans are happy to be Americans as long as Americaning is easy. Or until their masters on the left tell them that America isn't cool anymore.
I couldn't agree more - especially the part about Americaning not always being easy.

Being the privileged spawn of crooked politicians and spending the obligatory tour as an acquisitions officer, or a military lawyer that keeps the boss out of jail for all the crooked shit that goes on is a block check to "war hero" claim for political optics

Meanwhile the poor kid in the infantry that has to keep watching buddies get blown in half by road side IEDs only to get booted from the service with a BCD after trying to numb the pain by looking at the bottom of an empty Jim Beam bottle gets called an extremist.
...but I digress

Biden/Harris in 24 and 28 and again in 32
...finish the job
Meanwhile the poor kid in the infantry that has to keep watching buddies get blown in half by road side IEDs only to get booted from the service with a BCD after trying to numb the pain by looking at the bottom of an empty Jim Beam bottle gets called an extremist.
...but I digress

In my mind, I’m building a granite statue of you to put in my front yard… for this^^
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