It's getting harder and harder to mock current political events when they are already so fucking unbelievable.
Clinton's campaign fabricates evidence - the head of the FBI uses subversion to leak information to the press - a few commie talk show hosts begin to strawman the idea that a guy is a racist...
...even though he was a fucking icon to the same ccommunity just a few years prior
Countless now, are the intellectuals, the virtuous, the self-righteous, and the useful idiots who can't wait to talk about how terrible he has always been based on information that has long since been proven to be fabricated and untrue. All the while refusing to admit that most of the reasons they lean on to justify hating the guy that have since been "debunked"
I wonder what it must be like to be an astrophysicist who is forced to carry on the myth that the moon is made of green cheese because your woke overlords have already declared that the approved narrative is still based on a "moon is green cheese" paradigm. I wonder because THAT is the framework of the liberal agenda in this fucking country.
Anyway, now that the Super Ball LVIIIII commercials are over, we can all show solidarity by going out and buying a commemorative Tyler Swift Football bat so the proceeds can help fund Obama's fourth term... long as it isn't Trump - I heard he's a racist that pays to have hookers pee on him while he eats his overcooked strip steak with ketchup.
This country doesn't need another well-done steak eating POTUS we need more cackling, cheese pizza eating, stuttering, ice cream slurping, coke addicted, ho' chasing, hair sniffing, kid touching degenerates roaming the halls of power...