Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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Considering that a unanimous declension means that even the incredibly uninformed about human biology "Kentanji - I Dont Know What a Woman Is - Jackson" and the wildly biased left wing "Sonia - Wise Latina Women Reach Better Conclusions Than White Males - Sotomayor" did in fact, vote as part of that UNANIMOUS Supreme Court Ruling...

Liberal meltdowns indeed. Cue the "peaceful protests" in five...
Trump seems to be fine mentally, personality wise Trump could use a tune up. We are living in the future, you can take TRT or neurotropics/stimulants etc. and be just as sharp or fit at 80 as you were at 40.

Question: did any of those states ever get away with throwing their state's delegates to the victor of the popular vote even if their own state voted the other way?
It's a great win for Trump and democracy, but it doesn't change the fact that both Trump and Biden are too old for the office. It's pathetic this is the choice we're given yet again.

You’re looking at things far too rationally. The only logical course at this late stage is to embrace this screaming nose-dive into the realm of lunacy. Because my friend, we have arrived. There are 164 different sexes now. 7 million new Democrats who can’t speak English…and a mayor of a United States city who meets with gang leaders to beg for a seven day cease fire. Laugh hysterically with me now.
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"It's a great win for Trump and democracy, but it doesn't change the fact that both Trump and Biden are too old for the office. It's pathetic this is the choice we're given yet again."

Oh yeah....completely agree
You’re looking at things far too rationally....we have arrived. There are 164 different sexes now. 7 million new Democrats who can’t speak English…and a mayor of a United States city who meets with gang leaders to beg for a seven day cease fire. Laugh hysterically with me now.

7 million is a gargantuan underestimate. We had 11-12m during Obama, are looking at 30+ million in a quick generation. My own BS estimates tell me about 60% will vote, 80% of them become Dems/Socialist. ~14.4 million Democrat votes. :-o

All you have to do is look at politics in Central/South America. If these people hold onto even half of their culture and societal norms, politics leading to election 2036 will be a whole lot sleezier.
Yes, this is not a Trump win, but a win for democracy....States cannot control who can hold federal offices. It was the only legal and logical outcome.

Sets the stage for any arguments in the future.

Going to disagree slightly with the bolded, simply because I think states should have some control over their Federal Reps in Congress. Granted that's more of an "if things ran more perfectly" than how it currently works.

Question: did any of those states ever get away with throwing their state's delegates to the victor of the popular vote even if their own state voted the other way?

IIRC, the popular vote compact laws won't be in effect until enough states join to equal 270 electoral votes.
Even if the 10 other states (88 electors) join, there will be legal challenges to it.

Constitution doesn't state how electors are to be chosen, so the legal battle would be whether the compact requires congressional approval or not.
...politics leading to election 2036 will be a whole lot sleezier.

Dear sweet baby HeySeuss that is a blood chilling thought.
As sleazy as it is already, just step back and think - could it really get even sleazier - if that thought doesn't send a chill down the spine of your average citizen, its because that citizen is already gleefully supporting the corruption.
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7 million is a gargantuan underestimate. We had 11-12m during Obama, are looking at 30+ million in a quick generation.

According to the article below, there've been 7.6 million border crossings in the past 36 months, not including those who crossed the border illegally and were never caught. Trump had crossings down to between 800-1,500 a day. Four months into the Biden administration that number spiked to 6,000 a day. In 2023, 8,219 a day and by the beginning of this year 12,000 to 15,000 a day.

An Immigration Crisis Beyond Imagining
Holy shit... I remember the estimate was 11-12m and some were deported (few thousand), some left. 7m in the past 3 years is fucking insane.

Forget Dems and Republicans, give it two election cycles and La Raza will be taking 30% of the vote...
...we need draconian measures to fight the “new” threat.

Ah yes - draconian measures.
Applied liberally to the good people of the United States of Draconia.

Or should I say the Democratic Peoples Republic of Draconia
Holy shit... I remember the estimate was 11-12m and some were deported (few thousand), some left. 7m in the past 3 years is fucking insane.

The only potential upside of this shit show is that I might find a real world application for the bayonet my kid gave me for my M1 Garand. Other than that extremely remote possibility, I don’t see any upside.
Nikki is on her 'goodbye tour.' The nomination is Trumps.

In spite of Biden winning just about everywhere, there was a more-than-statistically significant percentage of 'undecided' in almost every state. That is very alarming.

In NC we elected Mark Robinson, a black dude (important to my story) for Republican candidate for governor. He is a Trump acolyte. Before the election Joy Reid complained that NC never voted for black people at high levels of government, now she is saying he doesn't count because he is a republican.
I reject pretty much anything that comes out of joy reids pie hole because of that type of nonsense. Just like those silly bitches on the view - they operate an approved-message-echo-chamber and would start championing the cause of flat-earth science if Donald Trump or one of his supporters spoke favorably about large, rounded astronomical bodies.
I reject pretty much anything that comes out of joy reids pie hole because of that type of nonsense. Just like those silly bitches on the view - they operate an approved-message-echo-chamber and would start championing the cause of flat-earth science if Donald Trump or one of his supporters spoke favorably about large, rounded astronomical bodies.

Honestly, I love reading her stuff, and that of MSNBC, Keith Olbermann, etc. They bring a little joy to my life (no pun intended). I never get mad, they always make me laugh. So yeah, I reject it, but I always want to hear it.

Trump gave the black boys club $999,999.99.

Reid: "Well, Trump is a racist because he didn't give them a million dollars."
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