Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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^Maybe for his actual base. But for the swing voters and legit undecided/independents Trump's statements are cringey AF.

Perusing the NY Post today I saw a headline about him talking trash about Taylor Swift and Kelce. Dude, have some awareness... Kelce doing a shot commercial and Swift being a softie pop star shouldn't even get your attention. But talking stupid about them probably just lost you several hundred thousand votes...
He also got a potato elected in his place. He is likely gonna get the same potato a second term.
The Democrat Party apparatus and their proxies in the political/media complex are solely responsible for President Biden's election.

And there is no way there's a second term.
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It's Feb and they had a Dem on TV this morning talking about his metal acuity and fitness. You probably don't know this, but he brought the economy back and is handling the border crisis.

You are 100% correct it was the Dem establishment that got him elected. I myself became a registered Republican when I wanted to vote for Rubio in the 2016 primary. I received several unsolicited applications for an absentee ballot during the 2020 election. I filled out one of them since I was overseas at the time....don't you know that mail in ballot never made it back to my PO box? Very curious that Such and Such Committee for Conservative Values or Association of Conservative Voters would bombard me with so many applications for an absentee ballot just to not come through. (I think it was BS and my absentee ballot was tossed). I could be wrong.
It's Feb and they had a Dem on TV this morning talking about his metal acuity and fitness. You probably don't know this, but he brought the economy back and is handling the border crisis.
I kind of think that if a guy is too mentally infirm to be charged with a crime that the entire world knows he committed, he's probably too mentally infirm to be the President of the United States.
I kind of think that if a guy is too mentally infirm to be charged with a crime that the entire world knows he committed, he's probably too mentally infirm to be the President of the United States.

Joe Biden has brought us back from the brink.
Joe Biden has saved us from the abyss.

Besides, Donald Trump may or may not have grabbed women by the pussy - and when he withdrew the USA from the legally binding international treaty on climate change he committed an unforgivable offense.

Plus, TrumpBad because of something something dossier something something.
As a self described liberal, did you vote for the potato? Said Potato should have been 25thd like three years ago but his own party spent the last three years treating Trump as a bogeyman instead of trying to govern.

Bogeyman is a great call sign.

I’m not nearly the as liberal as I have been in the past. I did vote for Biden. I think a potato is a better option than Trump. I do wish that we could get two better candidates.
Bogeyman is a great call sign.

I’m not nearly the as liberal as I have been in the past. I did vote for Biden. I think a potato is a better option than Trump. I do wish that we could get two better candidates.
Yeah well- wish in one hand and shit in the other, amiright?

Are you voting for Biden again?
Wait, did that “border bill” just pass the Senate… with nothing in it for the border? lol, well I guess there is still plenty in it for other people’s borders.

Senate passes controversial foreign aid bill sending billions to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan
The timeline of democratic border policy.

2021- There’s no border issue! Trump unilaterally shut down the border, which he has the power to do, but we used an executive order to end Remainnin Mexico and title 42!

2022- saying replacement theory and open borders makes you a bigot and a racist! Even though you can google 40 Dems literally saying it. There’s no crisis.

2023- ok, we’ve let more people in than any administration in the history of the world. Sanctuary cities are overrun with crime and violence and sending 10k illegals a day to El Paso is our ‘moral duty’ but sending 2 buses to Martha’s Vineyard or New York or Chicago is heartless human trafficking (not real trafficking, we are allowing that at the border). If Texas tries to protect its own border because the federal government has abdicated its responsibility to protect its citizens, we will sue them. THERES NO CRISIS.

2024- Ok, there’s a crisis. It’s huge. BUT it’s Trump’s Fault, it’s always been like this, we need funding for Ukraine, and the reason there’s a crisis is because the Republicans won’t let adult males dressed up as females live out their kink of grooming kids. Also, not one official responsible for this crisis will be held accountable. Go fuck yourself.
The timeline of democratic border policy.

2021- There’s no border issue! Trump unilaterally shut down the border, which he has the power to do, but we used an executive order to end Remainnin Mexico and title 42!

2022- saying replacement theory and open borders makes you a bigot and a racist! Even though you can google 40 Dems literally saying it. There’s no crisis.

2023- ok, we’ve let more people in than any administration in the history of the world. Sanctuary cities are overrun with crime and violence and sending 10k illegals a day to El Paso is our ‘moral duty’ but sending 2 buses to Martha’s Vineyard or New York or Chicago is heartless human trafficking (not real trafficking, we are allowing that at the border). If Texas tries to protect its own border because the federal government has abdicated its responsibility to protect its citizens, we will sue them. THERES NO CRISIS.

2024- Ok, there’s a crisis. It’s huge. BUT it’s Trump’s Fault, it’s always been like this, we need funding for Ukraine, and the reason there’s a crisis is because the Republicans won’t let adult males dressed up as females live out their kink of grooming kids. Also, not one official responsible for this crisis will be held accountable. Go fuck yourself.
Yep. Pretty standard playbook. Deny something is happening, call people "racists" for noting that it is happening, and then when it's too late to do anything about it, say it is a good thing.
Yep. Pretty standard playbook. Deny something is happening, call people "racists" for noting that it is happening, and then when it's too late to do anything about it, say it is a good thing.
Yeah pretty classic “republicans pounce” narrative.

Thing happens. We notice thing. They say it’s not happening. We show them it is happening. They say that ok, it’s happening, but it’s actually a good thing, and the only issue is you telling people about it, which makes me the victim.

Ipso facto, I win you’re cancelled.
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