Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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Elections have some consequences don't they. Not gonna lie, sending these clowns to Niger further highlights cultural issues of sending women places. But it's honestly not that they were women, it's that they're idealogue democrats that are dumber than village idiots, well it's insulting to the village idiot for trying to draw comparisons of stupidity. But the entire Democrat/LibTard machine wants our country to fail, hell do they want us to break apart?

When Culture War Affects Real War

Molly Phee - United States Department of State

You read these technocrat resumes and what you come away with is how protected some of these turds are. Theoretically she should know better having had multiple assignments in Africa and in countries that have hard line or Military governments. But I'm pretty sure she fucked those up to but got gold stars because Democrats never get held accountable. This administration not only doesn't have a performance culture, but everyone is clearly busy snarfng ice cream from Joe's dog's anus.

So as the Bi-Polar world becomes more Multi-polar and our population continues to be asleep at the wheel, I when does the Chinese invasion happen? I'm not joking. We are weak. Our military leaders are weak. No one knows wtf they're doing except the people on this board and none of us are so stupid as to spend a dime of our own money on a campaign for the HOA let alone the school board.

ETA: I wonder if in the self identity thread we can talk about hot Brandon identifies our country as a tranny overseas? WTF is this happening in an Islamic country? Do this in Saudi Arabia and watch how fast we get a Tehran Embassy 2.0

Also, this is another great quote:
At this point, I legitimately wonder if those State Department sheep weren't on the Chinese or Russian payroll. No one is that stupid. They were compromised or this was malfeasance.
A lot of you probably followed the Trump fraud case in NY or at least heard all about it at this point, but I hadn't dived in until today. I tuned TF out. I heard the order to pay $400+ mm but not much other than the media constantly claiming Trump overvalued his properties and used the valuations for premium rates on loans and mortgages. Also, NY changed the law on fraud to prosecute Trump.

For those of you that haven't yet heard the details:

One of the main properties in question was Mar-A-Lago which he claimed at times was valued up to $739 at one point, despite the Palm Beach County assessor valuing it around $37 mm and a $602,000 yearly tax bill. The tax bill would skyrocket to $18mm or so with a higher assessment It turns out, Palm Beach County doesn't value the property as a single residential compound, because when Trump bought it in the mid 90s it was a dilapidated mansion the Post cereal heiress gave the government in the 70s and it fell into disrepair. Trump bought it in the mid 80s, repaired it over years, and opened up as a social club as part of the deal to keep it a national historic site. "The county gives Mar-a-Lago its current value for taxation of $37 million based on its annual net operating income as a club and not on its resale value as a home or its reconstruction cost. It is one of nine private clubs in the county taxed that way. Becky Robinson, the tax assessor's spokesperson, said that method is used because private clubs are so rarely sold or Trump estimate of the club's value was 2,300% times the Palm Beach County tax appraiser's valuations, which ranged from $18 million to $37 million. But Palm Beach real estate agents who specialize in high-end properties scoffed at the idea that the estate could be worth that little, in the unlikely event Trump ever sold. “Ludicrous,” agent Liza Pulitzer.. Pulitzer said the rock-bottom price for Mar-a-Lago would be $300 million. Thomson said at least $600 million.." Fast forward to the last 10 or so years now that he has the Dems on his ass, suddenly that is a yuge issue. A FL Dem wrote Palm Beach County to see why they don't up his taxes, and they responded that's not how they operate.

Is Mar-a-Lago worth $1 billion? Trump's valuations key to fraud trial

So here we have this very public case against the former President based on the valuation of his properties with a giant settlement that goes to the government and not the lenders? In NY apparently there does not have to be a victim for a fraud to occur, which makes sense with the amount of financial services there, but in any case I hope he beats this one.
A lot of you probably followed the Trump fraud case in NY or at least heard all about it at this point, but I hadn't dived in until today. I tuned TF out. I heard the order to pay $400+ mm but not much other than the media constantly claiming Trump overvalued his properties and used the valuations for premium rates on loans and mortgages. Also, NY changed the law on fraud to prosecute Trump.

For those of you that haven't yet heard the details:

One of the main properties in question was Mar-A-Lago which he claimed at times was valued up to $739 at one point, despite the Palm Beach County assessor valuing it around $37 mm and a $602,000 yearly tax bill. The tax bill would skyrocket to $18mm or so with a higher assessment It turns out, Palm Beach County doesn't value the property as a single residential compound, because when Trump bought it in the mid 90s it was a dilapidated mansion the Post cereal heiress gave the government in the 70s and it fell into disrepair. Trump bought it in the mid 80s, repaired it over years, and opened up as a social club as part of the deal to keep it a national historic site. "The county gives Mar-a-Lago its current value for taxation of $37 million based on its annual net operating income as a club and not on its resale value as a home or its reconstruction cost. It is one of nine private clubs in the county taxed that way. Becky Robinson, the tax assessor's spokesperson, said that method is used because private clubs are so rarely sold or Trump estimate of the club's value was 2,300% times the Palm Beach County tax appraiser's valuations, which ranged from $18 million to $37 million. But Palm Beach real estate agents who specialize in high-end properties scoffed at the idea that the estate could be worth that little, in the unlikely event Trump ever sold. “Ludicrous,” agent Liza Pulitzer.. Pulitzer said the rock-bottom price for Mar-a-Lago would be $300 million. Thomson said at least $600 million.." Fast forward to the last 10 or so years now that he has the Dems on his ass, suddenly that is a yuge issue. A FL Dem wrote Palm Beach County to see why they don't up his taxes, and they responded that's not how they operate.

Is Mar-a-Lago worth $1 billion? Trump's valuations key to fraud trial

So here we have this very public case against the former President based on the valuation of his properties with a giant settlement that goes to the government and not the lenders? In NY apparently there does not have to be a victim for a fraud to occur, which makes sense with the amount of financial services there, but in any case I hope he beats this one.

Given MAL's location you could bulldoze the entire property and the land alone would sell for more than 37 million.

Orange Man bad, political theater good.
Forgive me but I haven't even started to look into the rest of the properties in the case. I know there are some NYC condos and golf courses etc that are also part of it.

This is really an attempt at doing my homework. Don't back down from a good argument with a rabid liberal. You win when they start screeching and making things up.
A lot of you probably followed the Trump fraud case in NY or at least heard all about it at this point, but I hadn't dived in until today. I tuned TF out. I heard the order to pay $400+ mm but not much other than the media constantly claiming Trump overvalued his properties and used the valuations for premium rates on loans and mortgages. Also, NY changed the law on fraud to prosecute Trump.

For those of you that haven't yet heard the details:

One of the main properties in question was Mar-A-Lago which he claimed at times was valued up to $739 at one point, despite the Palm Beach County assessor valuing it around $37 mm and a $602,000 yearly tax bill. The tax bill would skyrocket to $18mm or so with a higher assessment It turns out, Palm Beach County doesn't value the property as a single residential compound, because when Trump bought it in the mid 90s it was a dilapidated mansion the Post cereal heiress gave the government in the 70s and it fell into disrepair. Trump bought it in the mid 80s, repaired it over years, and opened up as a social club as part of the deal to keep it a national historic site. "The county gives Mar-a-Lago its current value for taxation of $37 million based on its annual net operating income as a club and not on its resale value as a home or its reconstruction cost. It is one of nine private clubs in the county taxed that way. Becky Robinson, the tax assessor's spokesperson, said that method is used because private clubs are so rarely sold or Trump estimate of the club's value was 2,300% times the Palm Beach County tax appraiser's valuations, which ranged from $18 million to $37 million. But Palm Beach real estate agents who specialize in high-end properties scoffed at the idea that the estate could be worth that little, in the unlikely event Trump ever sold. “Ludicrous,” agent Liza Pulitzer.. Pulitzer said the rock-bottom price for Mar-a-Lago would be $300 million. Thomson said at least $600 million.." Fast forward to the last 10 or so years now that he has the Dems on his ass, suddenly that is a yuge issue. A FL Dem wrote Palm Beach County to see why they don't up his taxes, and they responded that's not how they operate.

Is Mar-a-Lago worth $1 billion? Trump's valuations key to fraud trial

So here we have this very public case against the former President based on the valuation of his properties with a giant settlement that goes to the government and not the lenders? In NY apparently there does not have to be a victim for a fraud to occur, which makes sense with the amount of financial services there, but in any case I hope he beats this one.

Who said this was about being just?
RFK 2.0 announced his running mate. Um, okay.

Live updates: RFK Jr. vice president announcement

As a video introducing Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, played to supporters in Oakland on Tuesday, the campaign crystallized the partnership by distributing “Kennedy/Shanahan” signs to the crowd.

Kennedy named Shanahan as his vice presidential pick Tuesday, introducing her as "my fellow lawyer, a brilliant scientist, technologist, a fierce warrior mom, Nicole Shanahan."

Shanahan's selection will accelerate Kennedy's attempts to gain ballot access in as many states as possible. She will also be tasked with broadening Kennedy's appeal and potentially helping to raise money for his big-spending campaign.
RFK 2.0 announced his running mate. Um, okay.

Live updates: RFK Jr. vice president announcement

As a video introducing Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, played to supporters in Oakland on Tuesday, the campaign crystallized the partnership by distributing “Kennedy/Shanahan” signs to the crowd.

Kennedy named Shanahan as his vice presidential pick Tuesday, introducing her as "my fellow lawyer, a brilliant scientist, technologist, a fierce warrior mom, Nicole Shanahan."

Shanahan's selection will accelerate Kennedy's attempts to gain ballot access in as many states as possible. She will also be tasked with broadening Kennedy's appeal and potentially helping to raise money for his big-spending campaign.
Hard pass.
Unbeknownst to me when I opening my trap about RFK Jr, he started a two part interview on Megyn Kelly that day. I listened to more than half, and that was all I could stand. He portrays a man of the people, anti-corporation, anti-vax, anti-world police persona but said too much nonsense to buy into him. MK did a good job of following up on some of the stuff he said, mercury in vaccines, Bill Gates sterilization projects in Africa etc.

Guy makes a lot of accusations without a lot of substance. As much as I wish there was another viable opponent for Biden, this dude ain't it. Trump is out ahead in the polls right now, and we're looking at another 4 years of crazy bitches screaming about dumb shit.
...In NY apparently there does not have to be a victim for a fraud to occur...

Right, but there is no fraud. You can value your property at any ridiculous price you want. That doesn't mean the bank's going to agree with that valuation. That doesn't mean a potential buyer has to agree to your asking price. The bank and government entities are going to do their own appraisals.

It's common for investors and home-owners alike to overvalue property if they want a loan or plan to put it on the market. Now, because Trump's normal business practices are being label fraud, investors are pulling millions out of NY. The fear is real, the danger is real. NY, in effect, can steal anybody's money if it's overvalued by the owner.

This is right out of the Bolshevik handbook. Seriously.
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