Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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C'mon man
...he's just a hapless old man with a bad memory - you cant hold him accountable for the shit he says.

Im just in my 50's - but if at ANY time since 2008 ANY of my had made the mistake of "SNEAKING UP AND JUMPING IN THE BED WITH ME"

and if I had a security detail they would have all been fired
Tie to this thread: crime is definitely on the agenda in this election.

I read an article on Fox that says 90,000 packages get stolen in NYC alone every day.
Bat-wielding homeowner catches porch pirate by setting trap, video shows

Every DAY.

The same article says the average value of the theft is ~$82. $82 x 90,000 = more than $7 million A DAY in losses. Multiple that by 365 and that's... we'll that's a shitload of money.

I thought the 90,000 a day figure had to be a misprint. Maybe it's 9,000 or that's a year or something.


NYC DOT to Launch Initiative to Cut Down on Package Thefts and Reduce Negative Environmental and Safety Impacts of Truck Deliveries
Most buildings in the city have a doorman and parcel service, if not the inner hallways where most have ring cams etc takes a code or key to get inside. Most townhomes just have the ring cam, no security.

In a 10-20 unit building any clown can still walk around inside and just take packages if they know the neighbors don't have a cam.
Crocs were strong for a hot minute, then they went the way of Axe body wash. For some odd reason, they're back....
Unilever is still making tens of millions off of Axe. You may be back on bar soap, but it occupies a significant portion of the men's hygiene aisle in Target and Walmart.

Crocs is on NYSE at 121 buckaroonies a share, they never left.
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