Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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Trump is gonna draw 40k *in the bronx* and he has the highest polling (blacks/latinos) of any Republican ever.

I can’t wait till he smokes Michelle Obama in November.

The Trump-Biden debate at the end of June is going to be wild. The jury in that sham trial will have had about...3 weeks to make a decision before then. Foreign policy, the economy, cognitive breakdowns...lit.
If he is only up by 40,000 votes, then the machine programming already has him beat by at least 25k votes...
No worry thought - the democrats still have a few good weeks to figure out how to find him guilty of something

What I saw on TV was a woman that should be believed no matter what and a decent young man that was just exploited by power hungry boss.

Bill Maher was on Megyn Kelly yesterday saying Trump was an election denier. They already forgot Hitlery spent 4 years calling Trump an illegitimate president and saying he stole the 16' election.

Whatever the outcome this Nov, the USA is never going to be the same.
Sooo.... how many years has the left spent doing the same thing over the 2000 election ?

The left will never agree that they were beat in an election. For one - it doesn't fit the paradigm. If I've bought and paid for 190 electoral votes before the polls even open - then the only possible way for the other side to surpass that and win - is because they cheated.
Democrats don't have to steal an election - they only have to steal a tiny piece of it to get them over the top.
Closing arguments today in the first of four Trump trials. I'd like to think there's at least one juror in this blatantly political hatchet job who recognizes it for the sham it is. But, as Steve Irwin used to say, "dainger, dainger, dainger" for he/she/it who does not vote for conviction.

Hillary is watching.
Robert De Niro claims Trump 'could destroy the world' outside Manhattan court

"Trump poses a unique and growing threat to our fundamental rights and our freedoms, our very democracy and our economy. The threat is crystal clear today and will remain crystal clear tomorrow. And will be crystal clear on the debate stage in Atlanta on June 27th," Tyler said, referring to the anticipated June 27th debate between Biden and Trump

I don't understand why President Trump, specifically and uniquely, is "a threat to our very democracy." We had him for four years, and our "democracy" didn't end. In fact, in many ways things were much better during his presidency. I don't see any reason to believe that wouldn't be the case if we got for more years of him in the White House.

Also, why do Democrats insist on saying "our democracy" instead of "our republic?" I know a republic is a form of democracy, but it seems that they are deliberately using one term instead of the other. Republic has fewer syllables and is more accurate to describe our form of government. Or am I being pedantic?
Closing arguments today in the first of four Trump trials. I'd like to think there's at least one juror in this blatantly political hatchet job who recognizes it for the sham it is. But, as Steve Irwin used to say, "dainger, dainger, dainger" for he/she/it who does not vote for conviction.

Almost all of them are falling apart. I can't see a one of them that survives appeal. The classified docs one, the judge has all but said it's BS.
Robert De Niro claims Trump 'could destroy the world' outside Manhattan court

I don't understand why President Trump, specifically and uniquely, is "a threat to our very democracy." We had him for four years, and our "democracy" didn't end. In fact, in many ways things were much better during his presidency. I don't see any reason to believe that wouldn't be the case if we got for more years of him in the White House.

Also, why do Democrats insist on saying "our democracy" instead of "our republic?" I know a republic is a form of democracy, but it seems that they are deliberately using one term instead of the other. Republic has fewer syllables and is more accurate to describe our form of government. Or am I being pedantic?

Everything De Niro says that's not written by screenwriters just illustrates how genuinely stupid he is. If he couldn't act, he'd be digging ditches or picking oranges in Oxnard. I mean literally a dumb person.
Never realized how fucking small of stature that asshole was until I saw him around other adults. I wonder if the costume department that covered "The Irishman" had a contract with OshKosh B'gosh

Although I do respect that he is a true believer - disciplined enough to wear his religious articles of his faith while preaching to his followers.
People may judge - but if you don't signal your virtue, how else will people know you have so much.
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Perhaps an unpopular take, but I think they're both one dimensional and overrated.

Ever since Rainman, Pacino has basically done the same schtick in every role.

I think that about Kevin Costner. I liked Pacino in many of his flicks, but Devil's Advocate was one of my faves with him.

Generally I dislike it when any celebrity uses their celebrity status to push their agendas; however, at least you know where they stand.
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