Hahaha what’s up nerds I can’t even get a tag? I appreciate you all.
Two things can be true at the same time.
Joe Biden is a blatantly corrupt career politician that illegally funneled tens of not hundreds of millions of dollars to his family and has overseen the worst presidency in American history, and the only person that can compete is Woodrow Wilson. The damage he’s done over his lifetime (crime bill, crack epidemic, covid lockdowns, border, human trafficking EXPLODING) is immense and irreversible and he’s solely and specifically to blame and should be held liable; both in public opinion and in a court of law.
Also, watching a human deteriorate in real time while he’s essentially forced to continue his decline in public because a political party cares more about retaining power at all costs than protecting an obviously demented late stage Parkinson’s patient- that’s sad. It’s cynical, and it’s terribly sad.
I’m not personally sad for him, but I can understand why people feel that way and I get it.