Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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He also lies all the time. About stuff he doesn’t need to.
Halo effect. What does that have to do with the Heritage Foundation and Trump now? What from the list of things would make it through congressional approval?

Trump is a populist birthed from being a lifetime Democrat. What does that have to do with the Reagan era neocon movement?
Halo effect. What does that have to do with the Heritage Foundation and Trump now? What from the list of things would make it through congressional approval?

Trump is a populist birthed from being a lifetime Democrat. What does that have to do with the Reagan era neocon movement?

Cool man. If you don’t think this has to do with the election disengage.

We have seen that the choices the President makes have long lasting effects on things that are a big deal to many. Reproductive rights are not settled via the legislative branch of our government in case you haven’t noticed. Whether you know it or not Trump is supported enormously by Christian nationalists, who are not a benign entity. They vote, and donate. Their causes do not align with mainstream Americas.
Honestly, most of the mentorship and SOF specific discussion is on Reddit these days. There it is pretty specific, political discussions are not allowed. Reddit has basically replaced message boards like this for niche topics.
Random observation… In the past few months there has been a noticeable uptick in new members, not many introducing themselves and participating, but registering and I see them online quite a bit.

About one out of every two or three say they were referred here from a thread they saw on Reddit.
We have seen that the choices the President makes have long lasting effects on things that are a big deal to many.
Only by executive action, which the current "president" has taken advantage of.

Reproductive rights are not settled via the legislative branch of our government in case you haven’t noticed.
They absolutely are now at the state level. Which is a better representation than en masse at the federal level where the big cities get to dictate the whole nation.

Is Christian nationalists supposed to sound bad? Where outside liberal echo chambers is this even a defined group?
About one out of every two or three say they were referred here from a thread they saw on Reddit.

I'm active on R/Army and R/NationalGuard, and to a lesser extent R/GreenBerets when support questions pop up.

I've had a number of people DM me and subsequently reccomended they sign up here to check out the old threads on SOF and guidance/training.
I don't agree with this, at least as a christian nationalist surrounded by christian nationalists. I do agree that its changing.

Well take as an example 70ish percent of Americans have no problem with homosexuality or gay marriage. Yet a very vocal minority has us not far from making it illegal again.

I truly identify as a liberal libertarian, I say this because I find true libertarianism an absolute chaos masterpiece; think Somalia on crack. I honestly believe in freedom. If some pink hair wants to get trans gay married, live your life “dude”. Want to do drugs? Have at it. Want a gun, here you go. I find Christian nationalism at odds with liberty and freedom. I find conservatives as a broad group to be at odds with personal freedom outside of gun control. I would be at home saying I’m a nationalist as well. I love America as
Much as anyone here. I cannot think of a better place to be. I pay my taxes because I can drive on a freeway between states and not be harassed, I can work freely and happily in 50 states with a single license.

8 years ago I was significantly more left liberal than I am today, now I just want my children to live in a world that is not influenced by this project 2025 nonsense.

Much of this probably has to do with my biases. I make waaaay more money than I did 8 years ago. So does my wife. Tax policy affects my family more than it does most. I’m in a weird place where I am affected by these high wealth rates, but don’t make enough to actually be in the 1%. Trump and his policies actively fucked me over. And they probably fucked you over too.
Hahaha what’s up nerds I can’t even get a tag? I appreciate you all.

Two things can be true at the same time.

Joe Biden is a blatantly corrupt career politician that illegally funneled tens of not hundreds of millions of dollars to his family and has overseen the worst presidency in American history, and the only person that can compete is Woodrow Wilson. The damage he’s done over his lifetime (crime bill, crack epidemic, covid lockdowns, border, human trafficking EXPLODING) is immense and irreversible and he’s solely and specifically to blame and should be held liable; both in public opinion and in a court of law.

Also, watching a human deteriorate in real time while he’s essentially forced to continue his decline in public because a political party cares more about retaining power at all costs than protecting an obviously demented late stage Parkinson’s patient- that’s sad. It’s cynical, and it’s terribly sad.

I’m not personally sad for him, but I can understand why people feel that way and I get it.
Also- Project 2025 is a psyop, and no one here has read it. Know how I know? It’s 900 pages.

So people are forming an opinion and fighting over a 900 page document they CTRL+F’d for some keywords.

I’m reminded of the allegory of the rancher as I read the discussion here on ‘freedom’ and ‘values’ and ‘legislating morality.

A rancher built a fence to stop the wolves from attacking. Years went by, and the ranchers wife started to feel like the fence was only there to keep her in, so she tore down the fence. She was *eaten by wolves.

We, as a society, built guardrails of morality and learned hard lessons about life and the objective ‘good’ and ‘bad’ of man and their systems. Thats the fence.

And now, society is looking at those guardrails and saying things like “None of these issues really affect me personally! People should do whatever they want. These old restrictions are outdated.”

The wolves, ladies and gents, are here.

ETA- missed an autocorrect. Wolves will not warm you. They will eat you.
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I didn't take agenda 2025 seriously when I heard about it. Just and thats that.

Trump being pro abortion (at least before) and working to keep the issue a matter of State's rights was the right move. Abortion and gun rights are not like slavery. They are not a civil rights issue that needs to be regulated federally IMO.

NY and Cali can have all the fruity gun laws ( and lower homicide rates 🙄) they want. They also should have 0 say over Kansas or S. Carolina. I believe we can stay together as a nation by breaking apart by state, and not letting the whole system come crashing down over disagreements.
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