Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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It was determined many years prior ( and reaffirmed with @ShadowSpear not long ago ) that there are plenty of places on the internet to find photos of dead and bloodied terrorrists and attempted assassins. Just not on this board. I’ve deleted them quite a few time in the past few minutes…
Let's see them spin it as a Christian right wing fundamentalist assault....

The spin room dream scenario would be for some anti-abortion guy taking it out on Trump for his "leave it to the states" approach. Hits all the tropes needed.

In all likelihood, it's someone deranged and stupid. I'm sure we'll know more soon.
My current favorite one was somebody on the conservative reddit convinced that this was a false flag operation so the "UN and WEF can say we need to be saved from ourselves and send in peacekeepers to take us over for the globalists."

The problem with people getting so deep into conspiracy holes is that everything has to be a conspiracy.

Just like the lefties are going "false flag."

Listen, I've seen Shooter and In The Line Of Fire. I know what's up.
Have you seen some of my acquaintances who passed the Twitter Bar Exam?
Question I know very little about guns would a smaller caliber bullet have less ability to
Listen, I've seen Shooter and In The Line Of Fire. I know what's up.
Exactly. My years of training in the brutal campaigns of Call of Duty have taught me that if I hold my breath while aiming a sniper rifle, it's a headshot guaranteed. Obviously, the shooter didn't hold his breath.
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The shooter was 20. He would have only been 13 when he was elected and 17 when Trump left office. Which mean Tweet was it that ruined his life?

The left has been spewing hatred for so long and the indoctrination so deep that people who have no life experience are killing themselves over it. Maybe it’s time to finally arrest people like Kathy Griffin for promoting Trumps death.
The shooter was 20. He would have only been 13 when he was elected and 17 when Trump left office. Which mean Tweet was it that ruined his life?

The left has been spewing hatred for so long and the indoctrination so deep that people who have no life experience are killing themselves over it. Maybe it’s time to finally arrest people like Kathy Griffin for promoting Trumps death.
Take a deep dive into social media. Pick your platform to research with. There are many folk whom are consumed with it so much that it's now a part of their identity be it online only or with both the internet and in real life.

It's no small wonder that there's so much hatred, they've exhausted themselves mentally by to the point where it's all they live or breath for now.

Live and let live FFS, don't just preach it at the left and right, actually be the standard that it's being pontificated by and not to be a contradicting turd.
If Americans actually got their collective heads out of their asses, the ones that blindly idolize their favorite politician like those politicians were gods, they'd realize that they are being played by the very government that holds utter disdain for them.

No matter where you lie in regards to political parties, this is fucking unsat and the fact that we, the people are ripping ourselves to pieces over fucking vile, blood sucking leaches that don't represent us is beyond comprehension.
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