Democrat Senators and Representatives will have to explain why they didn't notice his decline, or admit they knew and didn't say anything.I've watched/listened to several of President Biden's public engagements since the debate. There is no way any objective person can legitimately think that he is cognizant enough for political office. And now he has COVID, something he told ALL OF US that we WOULDN'T GET if we got the COVID vaccine.
There's no way he can survive this politically. The writing is on the wall. Barring some calamity (like, I don't know, President Trump getting murdered), the Republicans are going to take the White House. The Democrats now need to worry about the House and Senate, which are going to be SUPER hard for them if President Biden remains in the picture. If they ditch him now, and remove him as a point of focus for this election, then they may be able to beat the "ORANGE MAN BADDDDD!!!!!" drum enough to affect the legislative elections.
But I think a lot of people, including some on this site, are starting to see through it...
Have faith, Lindsey Graham will say something stupid a week prior giving Democrats the Senate.