Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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ETA: I don't see Newsom or Whitmer or any other Dem jumping into the race because of how late it is. I think either of them could beat her if there had been primaries, but they don't have the same name recognition for most Americans right now.

Ya, because if they replace her, they look like assholes. They did it to themselves.

Now, tinfoil hat time. Knowing how Trump feels about war, does Israel go now before he gets in the way? Do they wait long enough to chance it with only two months to move if he gets elected? The timing for Yemen to blow up, no pun intended, is quite timely. The ME could get real froggy in the coming days/weeks. I don't think it'll be months.
The women and their cucks/simps are going to be voting for a vagina and a non white person. Be prepared to be recipients for the ad hominem if you disagree with anything Harris says. It's far easier to attack the person than to actually have a real position to discuss why they disagree with the message being spoken against the SJW whore.
Honestly people have been mentioning Roy Cooper as a VP ticket, and I’d like him to run for president, but I don’t think he will. Kamala is a no go for me.

See, I have no idea who that guy is, so it's hard to dislike him without a ton of research. I did look, though, and he's 67. If Kamala runs, and by some miracle wins, she'll run again. He'll be too old. That investment doesn't make any sense.
The women and their cucks/simps are going to be voting for a vagina and a non white person. Be prepared to be recipients for the ad hominem if you disagree with anything Harris says. It's far easier to attack the person than to actually have a real position to discuss why they disagree with the message being spoken against the SJW whore.
I mean… I’m not going to edit or delete this, but you’ve always come across pretty well spoken, I don’t know if this post represents your views the way you might want them to.
I mean… I’m not going to edit or delete this, but you’ve always come across pretty well spoken, I don’t know if this post represents your views the way you might want them to.

I don't disagree with him or the post. It's completely true, brother. We all know, many folks on both "sides" will vote for their favorite politician, no matter who/what they are or against, the same goes for women, racial and god know what other polarizing concepts.
Prepare for the greatest public image makeover you have ever seen the Democrats and MSM pull. By the time November rolls around, Kamala is gonna look like the 2nd coming of Obama. I expect nothing less than a full-court press from the media in regards to "she was that little girl" and the madness and tyranny of the Mad Tangerine. They will pump into the voters minds a vote for Kamala is a vote for progress, for democracy, for equality—it’s a vote for Fweeedom!!! Vote for Trump and you're just scum who hates women and minorities.
I don’t know why Trump can’t shut up and take a W. He has an opportunity to seriously woo people, and instead he posts cracked out shit.
There are times (like now) that I wish the same 19 year old interns running Biden’s account, were also running Trumps. I will forever believe that Trump would have been reelected had he stayed off social media.
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