Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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Checks thread. Whelp... looks like I'm not a conspiracy theorist after all. So much for the Deep State and Biden being a puppet being some far-right tinfoil hat delusion :ROFLMAO:.

There are times (like now) that I wish the same 19 year old interns running Biden’s account, were also running Trumps. I will forever believe that Trump would have been reelected had he stayed off social media.
You've essentially been lied to for the past 8 years. "Mean tweets" did not cause our intelligence, media, and political apparatuses to converge in an unholy way to gaslight the American people.

Again, we are literally living through a neo-Marxist coup. Yuri Bezmenov has been mentioned enough times that people should have an idea of what's going on.
You've essentially been lied to for the past 8 years. "Mean tweets" did not cause our intelligence, media, and political apparatuses to converge in an unholy way to gaslight the American people.
“Mean tweets” caused the average American to be so embarrassed by what they were hearing/reading, they could not in good conscience ask that person to be their leader again.

Personally, I believe that you and many others are the ones who have been duped and lied to the past 8 years; there is no grand world conspiracy, there are simply way too many unqualified people elected to office based on emotion instead of competence. That goes for both sides of the aisle. Somehow the same Chinese, Russian, etc bots you think are influencing me, are actually convincing you and yours that there is some grand conspiracy behind every action.
No conspiring needed when you have hundreds of hamds and interests in the pot all at once.

I haven't been following sonI dont know what Grump is saying, but we the people still need swing and moderate voters. Still need to drain a swamp...

These aren't problems that can be solved with one more term.
.... the great unknown is why no public appearance in making the withdrawal announcement and the next got to be publicly seen being presidential is currently not tentatively on the schedule until later this week. The public's confidence in the actual state of his ability to act and make decisions will be impacted the longer he delays an appearance, and the Democratic Party will certainly lose voter confidence the longer this unknown is allowed to persist.

If a significant major health change of an incapacitating nature happened during the past few days happened and is being covered up, the risk of domestic upheaval happening increases.
I mean… I’m not going to edit or delete this, but you’ve always come across pretty well spoken, I don’t know if this post represents your views the way you might want them to.
Okay, not all the woman will. The ones with a functioning brain that involves critical thinking and logical thought deduction won't. But the ones fence sitting and the partisans will be sure to. There will even be misandrists doing it from out of spite because that's what hater of males does, disregarding all reason to continue their personal war on men. And their simps and cucks will all follow along to stay in favor or currying it.

I'm calling it as it's being done. It's their way to try to shout down a person and bully when falsely and intentionally mislabeling someone one of those things, it's what people with no position do when they cannot defend with civil, rational, discourse, or are in line with the subject matter's views and have nothing else but emotions to use to defend with. I should know, It's happened to me and I've seen their dehumanizing attacks to others. Have you ever read rules for radicals? If you haven't then I suggest that you do. It's their playbook and the rub is that although many of them haven't read their own tactics bible, they still do it much the same as the right does with their own schticks.
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“Mean tweets” caused the average American to be so embarrassed by what they were hearing/reading, they could not in good conscience ask that person to be their leader again.
I'm going to disagree with that. Many trolls/bullies do not like being out trolled and out bullied. It enrages them to receive the same BS in return. They'd attack, and he would counter attack. Rinse and repeated to ad nauseam.

That's what we were seeing, assholes colliding.

I honestly never heard of anyone being embarrassed by it unless it was from a partisan. Even the bi-partisans and in some cases, RINO's weren't even bothered by it.

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“Mean tweets” caused the average American to be so embarrassed by what they were hearing/reading, they could not in good conscience ask that person to be their leader again.

Personally, I believe that you and many others are the ones who have been duped and lied to the past 8 years; there is no grand world conspiracy, there are simply way too many unqualified people elected to office based on emotion instead of competence. That goes for both sides of the aisle. Somehow the same Chinese, Russian, etc bots you think are influencing me, are actually convincing you and yours that there is some grand conspiracy behind every action.
The mishandling of Afghanistan is an embarrassment. Our foreign policy is an embarrassment. Our enemies, a bunch of third world savages, don't care about embarrassing tweets. They'll happily lop off heads, leave them in the public square, while leaving the victims bodies to be eaten by wild dogs. Vlad and Xi are no better. Guess who's laughing at our weakness?

Oh, I agree that both parties are compromised. Look at McCain and Crenshaw.

The very nature of combat and warfare has changed. Technologically, we should be wiping the floor with our enemies and yet we're constantly sabotaged. Look at the Afghanistan debacle. Look at the retention and recruitment threads. We're being sabotaged by the DC beltway. But hey... I'm just a crazy grunt. :ROFLMAO:

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From the linked ‘article’ (now deleted by staff)

They think that some investors might have had foreknowledge of the shooting, but there’s no evidence they’re right.

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Honestly people have been mentioning Roy Cooper as a VP ticket, and I’d like him to run for president, but I don’t think he will. Kamala is a no go for me.

I loathe Cooper. I hope he goes the way of the last great North Carolina democrat at the national level (John Edwards).

I think there are two reasons there's a push for Harris for president. 1) a black female, and 2) only she can access the war chest. Anyone else can only get $3,000 of their donations.
I think its not only possible but probable that the left - the media - and the DNC in general - could spend years gaslighting the American public by using a spotlight on peoples social media accounts - WITHOUT it having to be in any way tied to some hysterical belief in a deep underground state that is orchestrating some complex global conspiracy.

There is a cross section of society that goes to the same flavor of school that is taught by the same flavor of communist sympathizer that gets the same flavor of grandiose ideas about conflict theory and how good socialism is if we would "just do it it correctly" and they all believe that same shit that the rest of their class mates believe - and then when they get jobs as political apologists or "journalists" - they stand around and congratulate each other for how great their "original ideas"
...and it doesn't need to be a dark conspiracy to be 'possible'

Believing that a bunch of like minded people that went to the same schools and currently work in the same industry could be gas lighting EVERYONE that doesn't think like them without it being some nefarious Hollywood-like conspiracy plot seems VERY probable.

...but thats just my biased hypocritical overly judgemental right leaning opinion
I think its not only possible but probable that the left - the media - and the DNC in general - could spend years gaslighting the American public by using a spotlight on peoples social media accounts - WITHOUT it having to be in any way tied to some hysterical belief in a deep underground state that is orchestrating some complex global conspiracy.

There is a cross section of society that goes to the same flavor of school that is taught by the same flavor of communist sympathizer that gets the same flavor of grandiose ideas about conflict theory and how good socialism is if we would "just do it it correctly" and they all believe that same shit that the rest of their class mates believe - and then when they get jobs as political apologists or "journalists" - they stand around and congratulate each other for how great their "original ideas"
...and it doesn't need to be a dark conspiracy to be 'possible'

Believing that a bunch of like minded people that went to the same schools and currently work in the same industry could be gas lighting EVERYONE that doesn't think like them without it being some nefarious Hollywood-like conspiracy plot seems VERY probable.

...but thats just my biased hypocritical overly judgemental right leaning opinion
There's an easy way to tell. Watch/read what they say.

If they add opinion to it and using talking points meant to change or confirm POV's, then they're colluding with what you had just mentioned.

If they're presenting it to us without opinion and staying apolitical so that we can decide for ourselves to make an informed decision without trial's by media talking points, then they are not.
Traveling, so my time on the board is limited.
A. What stupid post did Trump put out?
B. Mean tweets, LOL, how dare Trump act like a Democrat. Trump won by using the Dem play book against his Republican opponents in the primaries, then against Hillary in the election. I like the fact he fights back. I like mean tweets.
Policies matter more than personalities.
Hillary calls people irredeemable and deplorable - panders to the 'bottle of hot sauce in her purse' crowd - says that you have to have TWO agendas, one for the voters and the one you are ACTUALLY going to pursue - her husband sodomized a government clerk in the oval office - Obama smoked so much dope in college that they called his circle of friends the choom gang - Biden calls people dog faced pony soldier - challenges people to push up contests - golf rounds - berates them - tells cripples to stand up and take a bow - and he has been doing it for decades
...and these mother fuckers are somehow "presidential"

Trumps posts silly shit on social media - literally the home stadium for outrageous comments - and suddenly - his fly is open and we can see his nonpresidentialness

I'll take mean tweets and and egomaniacally driven swagger - over a self righteous, pretentious, holier than though, two faced, cocksucker in a brooks brothers suit - every day of the week, and twice on Sunday

...but thats just me - I am guilty of confirmation bias and partisan hypocrisy of the highest order
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