Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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If he loses it will be because they voted for Trump the Man, not Trump the President.

Be honest, we view the world through a different lens. Even our more liberal members view the world differently. We, this forum, actually take time to read and think. A ton of Americans base their "thoughts" on Chinese controlled, short video clips.

Americans don't "news" anymore, they accept the Tik Tok algorithm's selected message. Videos showing Trump mocking the disabled and whatnot are powerful sound bites. Americans don't remember that Trump was a good president. Emotionally driven Chinese sponsored clips are all they will see leading up to the election.
I was on reddit last night, r/army reading about some triple tabbed woman LT. The comments were a mix of women are just as strong as men, these women are tougher than me, and older GWOT vets and other non-woke people that think the standards were changed are idiots.

I can't imagine what the next major war will look like. And that was the Army. Imagine the general populace trying to determine who is fit to run the country.
I was on reddit last night, r/army reading about some triple tabbed woman LT. The comments were a mix of women are just as strong as men, these women are tougher than me, and older GWOT vets and other non-woke people that think the standards were changed are idiots.

I can't imagine what the next major war will look like. And that was the Army. Imagine the general populace trying to determine who is fit to run the country.
Sounds like some folks need to read this article. And they need to consider who it was written by.

With Equal Opportunity Comes Equal Responsibility: Lowering Fitness Standards to Accommodate Women Will Hurt the Army—and Women - Modern War Institute
If he loses it will be because they voted for Trump the Man, not Trump the President.

Be honest, we view the world through a different lens. Even our more liberal members view the world differently. We, this forum, actually take time to read and think. A ton of Americans base their "thoughts" on Chinese controlled, short video clips.

Americans don't "news" anymore, they accept the Tik Tok algorithm's selected message. Videos showing Trump mocking the disabled and whatnot are powerful sound bites. Americans don't remember that Trump was a good president. Emotionally driven Chinese sponsored clips are all they will see leading up to the election.
Western society as a whole is dumber thanks to Tik Tok.
Oh look, the elephant in the room! Is there a word or a slang for a female uncle tom? Tomboy even? because they'll try to bury her with it using appeals to emotions because they cannot appeal to authority as the OP is already one.

For those that never served, the problem is simply this:

They've gotten too used to seeing Hollyfail heroine's kicking men's asses, not realizing that this is all choreographed and were using sex appeal to lure them all in with.

For those that have served, it's more an emotional one than a logical one. And most likely from a non combat unit. How quick they forget having to tote only their toolbox and their female counterpart that ain't carrying shit and was issued one too and is also required to carry theirs. Or being the female mechanic and having the operator carrying your shit for you despite them not supposed to be doing it for you and just their to help hold things, fetch things, and assist. That MOS was supposed to be vetted at MEPS to be able to lift a certain weight in order to proceed to whatever they are calling AIT now.

Edit to further add: The APFT and what they changed it to now, it's not going to show that a soldier can do it's assigned job and task or even maintain it as is. It's to make sure that when in full battle rattle that they won't have a heart attack and die after taking five steps. The rest is back to genders being different and this hurts the Left's narrative.

There are ways to make more fit soldiers. But the commanders have to want it for them already and not just delegate to their enlisted PT expert NCO and keyboard their intents with. We need meat eaters for commanders, not plant eaters. You want soldiers wanting to meet with, engage, and destroy and be fit to do so? That one hour a day ain't going to be executing shit and that herbivore commander thinking that his or her troop's only job is for their assigned unit's purpose isn't helping either.
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I was on reddit last night, r/army reading about some triple tabbed woman LT. The comments were a mix of women are just as strong as men, these women are tougher than me, and older GWOT vets and other non-woke people that think the standards were changed are idiots.

I can't imagine what the next major war will look like. And that was the Army. Imagine the general populace trying to determine who is fit to run the country.

Here is what I am waiting for before I buy into "ekwalitee"

A biological female soldier goes 'agro' on some random biological male Soldier for no reason
..."he" punches her right in the fucking mouth
...she takes another swing
...he beats the snot out of her and threats to beat her until the fucking photo on her ID cards turns blurry if she ever touches him again
...everyone goes back to work laughing about what just happens

Even as much as a single eyebrow raise from ANYONE in the unit acknowledging that a "man" hit a "woman" invalidates the event as proff of ekwalitee. asshole soldier decided to get froggy with another soldier and got dealt with - nothing more - nothing less

Until that can happen in every service - every profession - on TV - off TV - on the big screen - in your dreams...
...until then, there is no such thing as ekwalitee - its just make believe meant to push a narrative
Well I definitely can't be the one to stand up to Reddit. I'm on my 2nd account already....

There were plenty of Sapper school is just as hard as Ranger school, Sapper is harder but faster, Ranger is less physical but longer... but those comments were background noise. Just like the current VP is going to be tough on the border, and crime. Just like Trump is going to become a dictator if he ever gets voted in again, just like he is going to weaponize the DOJ to go after his opps...not like what has happened to him, he himself is an 80x felon.

The point is...damn...IDK anymore.
I wonder when twatifa is going to start doing twatifa things to mau-mau the voters again.

I admit that I never knew that there was an American contingent until Trump was sworn in. Like where the F did these sacks of shits come from??
...where the F did these sacks of shits come from??

They came from American schools and American businesses and American Churches and American families and American neighborhoods.

They live just down the street from you - in fact - they told you exactly who they were 16 years ago when they asked people to help them fundamentally change the United States of America...
...but nobody wanted to listen to them because all they wanted was "change"

Well - they got it.
Whats the takeaway?
When somebody tells you who they are - believe them the first time.
There has always been a fringe element that is crazy. We have had groups of commies, fascists, devil worshippers, MAPs, you name it.

It was only within the past 20 years that they put aside their differences and gathered together under one Party. The goal is to outnumber the "white nationalists" and "judeo-christians" (both of which include plenty of non white, non Christians) until they can take over.
There has always been a fringe element
Back in the day, you had militias ( now considered "right wing nutjobs") all over the country. They had websites, known compounds, openly wore regalia etc. I'm old enough to remember when these types were considered patriotic mens clubs and an important part of national security. About the time Ruby Ridge went down, that narrative changed.
They came from American schools and American businesses and American Churches and American families and American neighborhoods.

They live just down the street from you - in fact - they told you exactly who they were 16 years ago when they asked people to help them fundamentally change the United States of America...
...but nobody wanted to listen to them because all they wanted was "change"

Well - they got it.
Whats the takeaway?
When somebody tells you who they are - believe them the first time.
I don't remember anyone stating what they were going to do though.

At any rate, has anyone else noticed something peculiar about the DNC 2024 logo?

Now that we know it wasn't fake news, start googling Three Red banners
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