Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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If the Commie Cunt is elected and does this, that would open up government control/oversight of sites like this as well. This will lead to the same bullshit happening in the UK and what Trudeau is starting here.

Oh Ok, Kammie, so freedom of speech isn't really a thing in America....

I dont want to lose Twitter. Its the best forum to enjoy Trump Derangement Syndrome.
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Oh Ok, Kammie, so freedom of speech isn't really a thing in America....

I dont want to lose Twitter. Its the best forum to enjoy Trump Derangement Syndrome.
She's not going to do anything but spittle and be the typical mouthy San Fran liberal, and get mad with temper tantrums because both houses will be telling her to pound sand.

Trying to control the narrative no matter what and at all costs, to keep lies flourishing. What a horrible POS wHorris is.
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We're making these women out to be celebrities and they are not completing KD time to the same standard as their peers. They're becoming Instagram hoes. I mean good on you for using your tab to get that brand deal I guess...

A few of the comments were supposedly from guys who knew, and went to Ranger school with her saying she was a "beast" at rucking.

After doing CrossFit and BJJ with women, also knowing some D2 college track and CC chicks, I found that hard to believe.
Maybe for the Israel thread or maybe it's a crosspost. But why did the families of those hostages speak at the DNC? When you consider this administration has basically held Israel back from doing what was needed to finish this? Well now we have an American hostage who was executed. Great work Kamala & Co? I have no idea who is running our country, I thought it was Jill but FLOTUS seems out to lunch. Anyways.

Maybe for the Israel thread or maybe it's a crosspost. But why did the families of those hostages speak at the DNC? When you consider this administration has basically held Israel back from doing what was needed to finish this? Well now we have an American hostage who was executed. Great work Kamala & Co? I have no idea who is running our country, I thought it was Jill but FLOTUS seems out to lunch. Anyways.

I can think of two reasons. First one: for me, personally, if one of my family members was being held hostage somewhere I'd go on ANY show, program, convention, podcast... street performance I don't care if I thought it would help them. Young Turks, HuffPo, Epoch Times, Daily Kos, Jimmy Kimmel, Alex Jones, Al Jazeera, you get the idea. ANYTHING to try to mobilize support for them. Especially since the left has most of the levers of power in this country, including (especially including) the Executive Branch. And since most of America, especially the political left, seems to have forgotten that Americans were murdered and are still being held hostage by Hamas while they're falling all over themselves to "Free Palestine," this is a good opportunity to remind everyone "oh yeah, that's still a thing." So that's reason one. And if I were in that situation and felt that it would help in the slightest, I would have gritted my teeth and gone on that stage as well.

The other thing is, people underestimate the power of indoctrination and group think. "Orange Man Bad" runs so deep that even with everything the left is doing, and more importantly isn't doing, right now they can't break free.
We threaten to withold funding to Israel, but put no restrictions on Hamas.
This whole situation would end if the West quit funding both sides of the conflict. Cut off financial and political support to Gaza (including and especially UNRWA) and the conflict would quickly come to an end.

We need to quit giving money to people who hate us.
This whole situation would end if the West quit funding both sides of the conflict. Cut off financial and political support to Gaza (including and especially UNRWA) and the conflict would quickly come to an end.

We need to quit giving money to people who hate us.
Let the UN shoulder the humanitarian efforts...
This whole situation would end if the West quit funding both sides of the conflict. Cut off financial and political support to Gaza (including and especially UNRWA) and the conflict would quickly come to an end.

We need to quit giving money to people who hate us.
Likewise, cut funding until the hostages are released.
The current administration really doesn't care.
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