2016 Presidential Race

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You'd think the democrats wouldn't vote for her for the same reason they didn't vote for her before. Trump brings democrats to the Republican party
The last time Hillary ran she hadn't spent years as a SECSTATE, she was a former Senator First Lady. She now has "experience". I'm not a fan, but I think she has the political ability to eviscerate Trump.

I also think Trump has little to no substance. I think he is running a long con.
Sometimes I like to drink heavily and pretend it doesn't matter who the next president is. Has anyone else tried that?
Pretty sure it's a plot to make sure anyone with any intelligence left becomes thoroughly apathetic.
Pretty sure it's a plot to make sure anyone with any intelligence left becomes thoroughly apathetic.

eta- I realize now that I should have responded with something more apathetic and subtle; I think we all experienced a ballet of emotions today. ALSO. I have taken leave for the first time in about 2 years and my wife is on her way to the East Coast with great friends and I am drinking.
I hope everyone who hates the two nominees votes Johnson instead compromising their personal beliefs. I hate the whole 'you're throwing away your vote' thing. Play the long game this time, and maybe next time a third party candidate would be viable.

Unfortunately, a third party Presidential candidate is wishful thinking at this point. The only way an outsider can have a shot is to seek the nomination of either two parties. Which is what Trump and Sanders have done. At the very least they both have blown open the rampant corruption within both parties.
No President Clinton. No way Trump wins a general.

I agree. I think for Trump to win everything needs to break his way:

1. The anti-HRC/pro-Bernie voters will vote for him or not vote at all
2. The anti-Trump Republicans swallow their anger and vote for him
3. Trump gets the blue collar/blue dog Democrats
4. Trump picks a VP that would appeal to women and/or minorities and/or conservatives

If Trump can do these, he'll win. If he can't do these, he'll lose. I don't think everything will break his way.
I just want to see him shred her in a debate.

I do to. As @TLDR20 stated on the prior page, at this point his one-liners and silly attacks need to go. He's got his block who will vote for him no matter what, but to swing voters like myself, who currently do not know what the fuck to do come November, he needs to have something to say.
I wouldn't count him out.
The folks telling us he can not win told us Dole, McCain and Romney were winners.
I just want to see him shred her in a debate.

Yeah I don't think he will. He might make fun of her, he might call her names, but I honestly do not believe he will shred her on policies, for two reasons. Firstly he has no policy experience, at all. Two, Hillary is a damned good politician. I think she will drink his milkshake.
Unfortunately, a third party Presidential candidate is wishful thinking at this point. The only way an outsider can have a shot is to seek the nomination of either two parties. Which is what Trump and Sanders have done. At the very least they both have blown open the rampant corruption within both parties.

Exactly: 'at this point'. Both parties perpetuate this notion that, say, if you don't vote for trump, then you're givingit to hHillary, so you need to do it even if you don't really like it. Both sides do this, and it works in their best interest. I don't buy it, it's taking a very short view,and long term perpetuates the current state of affairs. A third party isn't viable now, but if everyone who didn't like Hillary or trump voted for a third party, next time would look different.

I think trump will kill Hillary in a debate, not because he's so awesome, but because she has a mountain of material he can pull from to bury her. If he can't shred her he's stupid.
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