I bring it up because it's tired. I am tired of hearing it from both sides- "Trump is a racist! Hillary is a witch and a criminal! Sanders is a communist! Cruz is the zodiac killer!" I'd like to have a conversation about politics that has to do with the best move for the country as opposed to who we hate because of an (R) or a (D) behind their name, honestly.
Really trying to not be snarky here- but I am in charge (not command) of 20 operators and 150-180 students at any given time. And considering the only information I have ever gotten about Hillary Clinton is through a news source and not personal experience, I can't really say what I would or wouldn't do if my students did what she did/didn't/may have done. I am not excusing her from anything- if/when she is charged and convicted of a crime (and not just your personal opinion) then yeah, throw the book at her. Until then, innocent until proven guilty. It's not a party thing- it's due process thing.
So let's say that Trump was the world's MOST successful businessman (he's not). How does that help him compare to Hillary in the terms of this election? He has more now than he did when his upper class multimillionaire father gifted him more money than I will make in my lifetime. He's done averagely,
but not as well as if he retired 30 years ago and just invested his money. What about those facts would make him a better presidential candidate, other than the fiscal responsibility and budget management aspect
@compforce adroitly put out there?
I could agree with your first statement if the facts known at present did not indicate that Hillary has committed crimes. My personal belief is that she is a witch, the fact remains that she is also a criminal. I am not required to abide by due process, though I do try to follow that as a guideline in my personal life. However, given her social and political status, it is unlikely that she will be brought before a court of law to answer for the charges one way or the other. Which makes the entire criminal justice system a joke when those of sufficient status are implicated.
I understand you are not trying to be snarky and appreciate it. Returning the favor...Not knowing you personally, or what you do, I can safely infer from previous postings and your profile that you are an NCO, quite likely a senior NCO, and would have commanded or been in charge of troops at some point. Quite possibly an officer, but I have never read you referred to as such. As a result, it is safe to conclude that as someone in charge or command of troops, that you can look at a situation and dissect a situation, with the given facts at hand, and formulate a personal opinion one way or the other. That is not to say that new data could not change that opinion. In any event, I was not asking for an official indictment of Hillary from you personally. Just as in your training scenarios (another inference), I know you are capable of taking available information and forming a picture with it. That picture would be that if those you are in charge of behaved in the same way that Hillary did, you would likely (hopefully), not stand for it or excuse it unless there were mitigating circumstances. In essence, we are here discussing a political situation as citizens, and not as professional whatever we do. Obviously in our professional rolls we must adhere to a different standard, that of course being due process.
I never said he was the most successful businessman. However, his obvious success allows him a degree of expertise in the field of the economy. Which is the foundation of any civilization throughout time. I am sure he has his opinions of foreign policy, and other areas he has no experience in. I am also sure that he will at least hear out his advisers as
@compforce noted he is likely to do. Most importantly, as I have said previously, Trump stands the best chance of breaking the stalemate that has developed over the last two decades of two-party wrestling. I understand many people want to see easy and peaceful change when a system is broken. However, that is highly unlikely and rare in the best of times. These are not, I think we can agree, the best of times. I want to see him in office to either fix the system (which will cause much butthurt), or wreck it to the ground. We cannot afford the same status quo we have had over the last several decades.
ETA: I think this is the preferred method of changing what we have versus a bloody civil war. Which is something I think most of us here would not want to see. I know I know, that escalated quickly, but I am thinking long term here.