2016 Presidential Race

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Know what pisses me off? Being a libertarian is the most attractive option for me. Max freedom, beholden to our core docs, minimum government involvement, everyone do your own thing and don't infringe on others doing theirs, etc etc.

BUT IT'S TOTALLY NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL and they always put the biggest assholes out in front of their cause.
Preach it, brother! I'm in the same boat.

For a party that has so many appealing ideas (for me), they can't seem to attract a single likeable candidate. Most are, or at least come across as, total crackpots and the policies they choose to focus their energy on just aren't the right priority. Frustrating.
Yeah I think bottom line I just don't want the country to suffer while we figure it out. I laughed at the civil war comment- civil wars have been fought over much, much less than this throughout history.

If some good comes out of this whole deal is that change happens? Awesome. If that change comes because we elect some idiot that really does negatively affect the country? That's like, not cool at all brah.

In all seriousness though, this shit is important. We need to have these conversations. It helps us all. But shit.... I have no idea how to vote in November.

Preach it, brother! I'm in the same boat.

For a party that has so many appealing ideas (for me), they can't seem to attract a single likeable candidate. Most are, or at least come across, as total crackpots and the policies they choose to focus their energy on just aren't the right priority. Frustrating.
It's always crackpots man. When is Ron Swanson gonna run so I can finally just pick a political party?!?
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In all seriousness though, this shit is important. We need to have these conversations. It helps us all. But shit.... I have no idea how to vote in November.
Agreed and the very sad reality is that one of these three will be elected to the highest office in this country come November:
Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, or Donald Trump

Scares the piss out of me.
What is unlikable about Johnson? There are a few things he might be weak on, but he seems likable enough to me.
Ladies and Gentlemen...your Republican Nominee...

I feel like that like I felt about Schwarzenegger running for gov, when the pics of him with naked chicks came up: hi five bro, naysayers are just jealous they didn't hit all that.

Could Ron Paul be joining Trump? Tweet below from a few years ago.

As important as the primary races have been for Trump, now is probably the most critical in his push for POTUS. Selection of staff will be watched critically, as will his ability to look Presidential, as @TLDR20 noted. He is a seasoned CEO, and that really is the position a POTUS should take. I think he is capable of leading our nation, with proper guidance from a well selected Cabinet. It is more so the most critical test of the GOP. In the past, the GOP has not done well in backing the chosen GOP front runner. The GOP has to be part of the team this time, with solid 100% backing; I'm not sure they can pull it off.

For all the things that have been said about Mrs. Clinton, and I am no fan; what about Sanders? He is a hard core Socialist, and if elected we will see even bigger government. With a Government bursting at the seams now with employees, it will most likely grow even larger, and more controlling. I have not seen much said about Sanders, and I'd like to do a little digging there.

I think the 2016 election is one of the most critical in decades. We need to see another Reagan, and Sanders is not it; nor is Mrs. Clinton. I can see Trump more Reagan like than any of the others.

The real worry, is the voting public, and the media. That is who is going to decide the election outcome. I pray the media returns to a more Professional Journalistic approach to their coverage.
Don't forget the arguably more critical and lasting influence our next president will have on the Supreme Court.
Paul Ryan Won't Endorse the Presumptive Republican Nominee—Yet

Truly a shot from the GOP saying Trump is divisive to his own party, or just a savvy media play where, just as the race gets a little further down the road, the GOP can rally dramatically in order to appear unified just when they need the voters to beat Clinton?

I don't know, I am no good a this shit.

A shot from the GOP? The actual leader of the party is endorsing him, so nothing interesting from that douche.
Paul Ryan Won't Endorse the Presumptive Republican Nominee—Yet

Truly a shot from the GOP saying Trump is divisive to his own party, or just a savvy media play where, just as the race gets a little further down the road, the GOP can rally dramatically in order to appear unified just when they need the voters to beat Clinton?

I don't know, I am no good a this shit.

I think The Speaker is just setting the stage for future negotiations and pretty much telling Trump to come back to the fold...until after November then he's cleared hot to fuck some shit up. Honestly, this vote comes down to one question.

Wonder if the Obama admin will "trash" the WH like the Clinton staff did when they left?
A shot from the GOP? The actual leader of the party is endorsing him, so nothing interesting from that douche.
The speaker of the house is a pretty high ranking republican to speak out though, isn't it?

If Ryan is willing to take that line, there has to be some number of Rep's in the party that share his distaste right? Maybe I misspoke- I don't think Ryan is speaking for the GOP, I think he represents a population inside of the GOP that dislike Trump and won't back him. The problem for the Rep's is "how many people in the GOP feel this way?"
A lot of these GOP guys who hate Trump are guys who want the GOP to be more like the Democrats. And what's the point of that? Might as well just vote for a Democrat.

I suspect Trump and his people will spend the next few months mending fences and networking within the GOP establishment prior to the convention...and I look for him to tone down the flamboyance and the rhetoric. We'll see.

I agree that the choices we have this election are not the most desirable but they never are. Trump is not Ronald Reagan and HRC is in my jaded and biased opinion a despicable woman with a dirtbag for a husband.
A lot of these GOP guys who hate Trump are guys who want the GOP to be more like the Democrats. And what's the point of that? Might as well just vote for a Democrat.

I suspect Trump and his people will spend the next few months mending fences and networking within the GOP establishment prior to the convention...and I look for him to tone down the flamboyance and the rhetoric. We'll see.

I agree that the choices we have this election are not the most desirable but they never are. Trump is not Ronald Reagan and HRC is in my jaded and biased opinion a despicable woman with a dirtbag for a husband.

Trump is basically a democrat.
I think The Speaker is just setting the stage for future negotiations and pretty much telling Trump to come back to the fold...until after November then he's cleared hot to fuck some shit up. Honestly, this vote comes down to one question.

Wonder if the Obama admin will "trash" the WH like the Clinton staff did when they left?

It's already trashed. I doubt not so much as a wash cloth will be left behind.
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