2016 Presidential Race

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The Nazis were socialist like the DPRK is democratic.
The point I was trying to make was that they both identify(ied) as something that's been historically detrimental to the population.

If I'm a mass murder, but I tell you I'm a serial killer- I'm pretty bad either way.
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The point I was trying to make was that they both identify(ied) as something that's been historically detrimental to the population.

If I'm a mass murder, but I tell you I'm a serial killer- I'm pretty bad either way.
I get what you're saying, but it's kind of a lazy argument to make. "Hitler liked/did <thing>, so <thing> is bad". There's even a logical fallacy named after it, Reductio ad Hitlerum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I get what you're saying, but it's kind of a lazy argument to make. "Hitler liked/did <thing>, so <thing> is bad". There's even a logical fallacy named after it, Reductio ad Hitlerum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Also known as "Godwin's Law". Anyway...

It's funny the way this race is going- Every time I look at CNN, there is another story about Trump doing something weird- impersonating his own publicist (maybe), the whole releasing taxes thing which honestly I don't really care that much about, changing stances on several topics, etc. I care that he's willing to be transparent and back up his claims (of personal wealth in this case) and be consistent as opposed to saying, "1, they don't matter and 2, none of your business." I actually like the discussion that follows- "Is it our business?" I am not really all that sure.

But here is the funny part- I keep seeing so many news stories so I am lead to believe that either A) there is so much material for the press to use that it's easy to dominate 3-6 of the top stories on most news outlets per day or B) they're hyper focused on trivial bullshit and not actually releasing what one would call "intellectually responsible" stories.

It almost feels like it's the latter there- can anyone actually point to some non-biased fact based intellectually responsible stories about Trump?
To that point, can you imagine the shit that could be written about any one of us if the press followed us around all day waiting on bated breath? Then again, selective journalism has long been an argument, hasn't it. Maybe this is a case of Occam's razor?
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It almost feels like it's the latter there- can anyone actually point to some non-biased fact based intellectually responsible stories about Trump?

In context of this election? No. In context of him and his businesses? There is stuff all around. But you know election season is like Halloween/Mardi Gras/Carnival for the media. Weird shit happens and all of a sudden they just aren't responsible for anything they write.
To that point, can you imagine the shit that could be written about any one of us if the press followed us around all day waiting on bated breath? Then again, selective journalism has long been an argument, hasn't it. Maybe this is a case of Occam's razor?
I'd love if Occam's razor was at play here- unfortunately, every single scenario has an equal (just about infinite) number of following hypotheticals attached to it so- yeah.

In context of this election? No. In context of him and his businesses? There is stuff all around. But you know election season is like Halloween/Mardi Gras/Carnival for the media. Weird shit happens and all of a sudden they just aren't responsible for anything they write.
Well, I mean- they really aren't responsible for anything they write ever, right? I guess in the case of libel or losing their job with their respective organization.

It's just annoying that the option we are left with seems to be, "Here's a bunch of crap that may or may not be true, and even if it appears to be 100% true ("I want to ban Muslims from coming in the country" is something that Donald Trump said, on video, no less--- and we can pretty well verify that Hillary violated the law with her server scandal), the parties are going to blame the media and re-frame what they 'meant' or 'intended' when they said those things."
I get what you're saying, but it's kind of a lazy argument to make. "Hitler liked/did <thing>, so <thing> is bad". There's even a logical fallacy named after it, Reductio ad Hitlerum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm familiar with the concept, but is it a lazy argument or an easy one?

From the NSDAP, to the RSI, to the USSR- they all share the word socialist in some form. You would think a base understanding of history would render this term a political leper.
I'm familiar with the concept, but is it a lazy argument or an easy one?

From the NSDAP, to the RSI, to the USSR- they all share the word socialist in some form. You would think a base understanding of history would render this term a political leper.
You aren't wrong about the Mao and Stalin comparisons. Both of those systems were brutal communist/socialist regimes. But trying to associate the Nazi party with socialism because of their name is not only a lazy argument, it's inaccurate. Why it's become a right-wing talking point in the last year still baffles me.

Bernie Sanders and "Democratic Socialism"
If I were King, I wouldn't have either one of them in my court.

Did you just "vote" for Clinton?

You aren't wrong about the Mao and Stalin comparisons. Both of those systems were brutal communist/socialist regimes. But trying to associate the Nazi party with socialism because of their name is not only a lazy argument, it's inaccurate. Why it's become a right-wing talking point in the last year still baffles me.

Bernie Sanders and "Democratic Socialism"

Nazism did incorporate many social welfare programs and it was trending socialist until the Strasser brothers were viewed as a threat (one killed and other exiled) to Hitler. It would be accurate to associate Nazis with socialists but really needs caveats.

A decent start to wet one's appetite: Nazis: Still Socialists, by Jonah Goldberg, National Review

Where's @x SF med on this topic?
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Anyone besides HRC and Obama would be an improvement except maybe this guy with the tattoo of the worst president in history.

Report: Romney recruiting Kasich, Sasse for third-party option

The two party system of racketeering and extortion is becoming scarred.

The people are beginning to exercise free will and not the will of the machine.

It's sad that slimy snakes like Romney would rather see an establishment Democrat be elected than the people's choice from his own party.

+1 for abolishing the two party system and sending them all to re-education camps.

Just kidding about the camps, before I'm accused of being some sort of communist reformist.
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This guy has got to be Trump's best apologist. Just like I'm numb to hearing politicians make political arguments, I'm tired of hearing the usual suspects as it pertains to political commentary (like Hannity, Matthews, Beck, Williams, etc.).

Something about an unfamiliar voice, citing something other than his own opinion- it's refreshing.

This guy has got to be Trump's best apologist. Just like I'm numb to hearing politicians make political arguments, I'm tired of hearing the usual suspects as it pertains to political commentary (like Hannity, Matthews, Beck, Williams, etc.).

Something about an unfamiliar voice, citing something other than his own opinion- it's refreshing.

I've been watching milo for some time now and absolutely appreciate his Dangerous Faggot tour across US campuses. The triggering of social justice warriors is great. Between him and Gavin Mcinnes, they are doing great work to destroy modern versions of feminism. Something about calling a gay guy who prefers black men a racist homophobe is funny.

I don't know if I'd call him a Trump apologist though. He does put a good amount of his perspective on the elections and supports Trump everywhere, but mostly I think as it relates to him being a professional provocateur.
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