2016 Presidential Race

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Interesting ticket! Not plausible (IMO) but could be a threat to the Republicans because of the strong anti-Trump emotions out there.

Sanders leaves door open to being Clinton's VP - CNNPolitics.com

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How so? Serious question.

For starters, Trump has a long time cozy relationship with the Clintons. A quick Google search will net you dozens of articles/photos of them together - including weddings.

I have seen little on Trump's desire to cut spending. Instead I have read article after article of his plans to "borrow our way out of debt" to stimulate growth, and if things collapse, we'll just negotiate our way out of debt.

During a 2004 CNN interview Trump said, “I probably identify more as a Democrat". During the same interview he said, “It just seems that the economy does better under Democrats than the Republicans”

Until 2010, Democrats have received the bulk of his donations.

In 2007, he said of Hillary Clinton (who was looking to run in 08'), “Hillary’s always surrounded herself with very good people. I think Hillary would do a good job”

According to the Clinton Foundation's nonprofit records, Trump has given between $100,0001 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

On four separate occasions, Trump has donated to Hillary Clinton, in 2002, 2005, 2006 and in 2007.

Trump also gave to Clinton's Senate campaign indirectly, due to a $125,000 donation from Trump to the Democratic Campaign Committee of New York.

In the past, Trump has been a vocal supporter of nationalized health care .

In Aug of last year, he supported Canada's single payer system. Trump praises Canadian healthcare

Trump supports higher taxes - He has also supported a 14.25 percent wealth tax beyond the hike in income taxes. That tax alone would have been the largest tax increase in history.

I do not trust him when it comes to guns. In 2000 he supported a ban on "assault weapons" Donald Trump in 2000: “I Support the Ban on Assault Weapons”

In the end, Trump is as much a politician as Bernie, Cruz, or Hillary. I have seen numerous instances where his message changes depending on the audience he is speaking to. He is very good at reading the tea-leaves and knowing what to (or not) say.
For starters, Trump has a long time cozy relationship with the Clintons. A quick Google search will net you dozens of articles/photos of them together - including weddings.

I have seen little on Trump's desire to cut spending. Instead I have read article after article of his plans to "borrow our way out of debt" to stimulate growth, and if things collapse, we'll just negotiate our way out of debt.

During a 2004 CNN interview Trump said, “I probably identify more as a Democrat". During the same interview he said, “It just seems that the economy does better under Democrats than the Republicans”

Until 2010, Democrats have received the bulk of his donations.

In 2007, he said of Hillary Clinton (who was looking to run in 08'), “Hillary’s always surrounded herself with very good people. I think Hillary would do a good job”

According to the Clinton Foundation's nonprofit records, Trump has given between $100,0001 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

On four separate occasions, Trump has donated to Hillary Clinton, in 2002, 2005, 2006 and in 2007.

Trump also gave to Clinton's Senate campaign indirectly, due to a $125,000 donation from Trump to the Democratic Campaign Committee of New York.

In the past, Trump has been a vocal supporter of nationalized health care .

In Aug of last year, he supported Canada's single payer system. Trump praises Canadian healthcare

Trump supports higher taxes - He has also supported a 14.25 percent wealth tax beyond the hike in income taxes. That tax alone would have been the largest tax increase in history.

I do not trust him when it comes to guns. In 2000 he supported a ban on "assault weapons" Donald Trump in 2000: “I Support the Ban on Assault Weapons”

In the end, Trump is as much a politician as Bernie, Cruz, or Hillary. I have seen numerous instances where his message changes depending on the audience he is speaking to. He is very good at reading the tea-leaves and knowing what to (or not) say.

Most of my points there.
For you Shadow Spear Sanders supporters, who is your favorite socialist?

A. Hitler
B. Stalin
C. Mao
D. None of the above.

This is a question I offered up to a Sanders fan I recently met. Said person had no idea that Nazi was short for national socialist. He told me, "Hitler wasn't a socialist, he was a Nazi." I don't think he had any idea who Mao was.
The Nazis were socialist like the DPRK is democratic.

Shit, the specific reason for the creation of Dachau was to house the communist and socialist opponents of the Nazi party.
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Dear Hillary...

Interesting article, an "anti-Republican" calling HRC out, basically telling her that her campaign sure ain't a "gimme." Add that she and Trump are now essentially tied in three states where she had been polling significantly better, this is gonna be a long summer and fall.
Any/all Trump supporters- so, we have had a week where Trump stumbled mightily with his comments about debt which sort of draws attention to the fact that President does not equal businessman. If we are going to say, "Trump is going to take our economy under control and make a dent in the national debt because he is fiscally responsible", isn't this misstep a big enough deal to sort of raise eyebrows?

I'm not really too hip to nitpicking every little thing the news puts out- but he's a wildly successful businessman that won't release his tax statements "due to the audit" although he did in the past when trying to build a casino in Philly. So what if Trump overstated his worth as described in the article? Does this matter (other than lying isn't cool, bruh)? Is this still totally kosher @compforce

Hillary isn't doing any better, frankly. But with the current fact that prominent Republicans wont pledge support and the GOP is in no way united, do you Trump guys and gals out there have some way to square this circle?

ETA- I love that the original birther is withholding a government doc he says is harmless and useless for no good reason. It's irony at it's finest.
Any/all Trump supporters- so, we have had a week where Trump stumbled mightily with his comments about debt which sort of draws attention to the fact that President does not equal businessman. If we are going to say, "Trump is going to take our economy under control and make a dent in the national debt because he is fiscally responsible", isn't this misstep a big enough deal to sort of raise eyebrows?

I'm not really too hip to nitpicking every little thing the news puts out- but he's a wildly successful businessman that won't release his tax statements "due to the audit" although he did in the past when trying to build a casino in Philly. So what if Trump overstated his worth as described in the article? Does this matter (other than lying isn't cool, bruh)? Is this still totally kosher @compforce

Hillary isn't doing any better, frankly. But with the current fact that prominent Republicans wont pledge support and the GOP is in no way united, do you Trump guys and gals out there have some way to square this circle?

ETA- I love that the original birther is withholding a government doc he says is harmless and useless for no good reason. It's irony at it's finest.

I think Trump is having communication issues with the media misquoting his statements in the same way they misquoted his immigration policy earlier. Let me address the points in that article.

1) Renegotiating debt does NOT mean going into default. I actually just did some debt restructuring myself and "found" a big bunch of money by lowering interest rates on some of my older debt. Now I have a chunk of cash in the bank and my monthly payments went down by about $200 a month (with a slightly longer term). That's what I think he meant.

2) On taxes... He said that he would consider changes to his tax plan that raised the tax on the higher wealth FROM HIS ORIGINAL PROPOSAL. He also makes the point that it would still be lower than what they pay under current tax policies. The article is mixing the two and saying that he would be raising what they pay over what they pay now. The author mentions it in the article, but does it by stating it in a way that makes people pass over the one nugget of fact in between the inflammatory statement and the opposition statement. How is it germaine to the article that Hillary said anything? All it does is turn the article from a fact piece to a biased opinion piece.

Seriously, I'm getting really tired of watching the media spin any conservative's statements by willfully omitting parts of the statement or flat out paraphrasing the statements and then providing analysis on their paraphrase rather than the initial statement. They didn't just do it to Trump, they did it to all of the conservative candidates in preparation for now.

I'm not really too hip to nitpicking every little thing the news puts out- but he's a wildly successful businessman that won't release his tax statements "due to the audit" although he did in the past when trying to build a casino in Philly. So what if Trump overstated his worth as described in the article? Does this matter (other than lying isn't cool, bruh)? Is this still totally kosher @compforce

He's already said that he'll release his tax statements after the audit is complete. I also should mention that he's smart not to release them until after the audit. What will the media do if he releases one number and then the IRS decides to disallow some deductions (or finds a deduction he missed) and he has to rerelease the tax statement with different numbers? The press would have a field day with how he "lied"

Those also have absolutely nothing to do with net worth. They have to do with gross income. If you want to see his net worth, you need to see his personal financial statement. It's a different document than a tax statement. The controversy is over the valuation of his brand "Trump" as in "Trump Towers" or "Trump University". Yes, he's probably exaggerated that number (by several billion), but the reality is he can value that on his personal statement however he wants. You write your own personal financial statement. I have mine here and I will definitely say that I spent a considerable amount of time looking for ways to make it look better that I could defend. You see, banks make business loans based on the numbers in that statement. The better it is, the more they will loan. In Trump's case, he can make an argument that his name is worth something. The hypocrisy of that article is that they are using Trump's name to drive advertising sales, actually validating that his name has a lot of value.

Here’s the bottom line: Without knowing how much Trump’s business pays in taxes, it’s impossible to calculate his net worth. (from the article)

Bullshit. Just because I pay (or receive a refund of) x amount of federal taxes on my mortgage payment does not mean that is what my house is worth... Trump's wealth is primarily from property ownership. It really is exactly the same thing. If you have a house you own and rent out to someone is the rent what the house is worth? Of course not, but that's what the article is arguing.

The funny thing about that article is that it's disingenuous as well. They are picking at him over the term "make" where Trump uses revenue rather than net income in his statement. Businesses use EBIT (Earnings before interest and taxes) or EBITDA as the benchmark for valuation, not taxes. Altogether, that article clouds the issue completely and is inaccurate at best.

If they want to calculate his net worth, they need to get a personal financial statement or a balance sheet not the "personal financial disclosure from the FEC which is an income and debt statement.

Oh, wait... Donald Trump's self-described net worth is $8.7 billion — here's the breakdown

This is why we need someone that understands finance in office...

Despite collecting record revenues over the span of the first seven months of fiscal 2016, the federal government still ran a deficit of $354,592,000,000 during the period--as federal government spent $2,269,242,000,000 in those seven months.

$1,914,651,000,000: FY2016 Taxes Set Record Through April; $12,679 Per Worker; Feds Still Run Deficit of $354,592,000,000

So to translate... The US had more revenue than we've ever had before and still managed to spend more than we made...

Let me draw an equivalent. If you make 50K a year and spent 75k last year, you now have 25k in debt (unless you spend out of your savings, of which we no longer have any as a country) for which you are going to pay interest for the next several years. If you continue to outspend your income, eventually the creditors will come after you...and you have to file bankruptcy. We've been doing the same thing as a country for the past 7 years. If you look at the article, you'll see that we currently spend about half as much on debt payments as we do for the entire DoD. How long before we can no longer grow our revenue to support our debt payments?

Ask Puerto Rico how that is working out for them. Regulations have tied their hands (along with some really stupid local decisions) and now they are defaulting. Do we really want to go down this path for the rest of the country?

We need someone that understands finance and doesn't use our money as their own personal checking account.
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Great points above.

I registered as a libertarian today because fuck this shit. Feels good man.
Know what pisses me off? Being a libertarian is the most attractive option for me. Max freedom, beholden to our core docs, minimum government involvement, everyone do your own thing and don't infringe on others doing theirs, etc etc.

BUT IT'S TOTALLY NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL and they always put the biggest assholes out in front of their cause.
This so many times. I associate as a small "l" libertarian and generally support the actual party's stance on Social issues. I can't stand the people in the party though- especially the star thinkers and candidates they support.
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