2016 Presidential Race

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Trump is starting to poll higher, more often. I swear this is going to be an exciting 6 months going into the GE.
Trump is starting to poll higher, more often. I swear this is going to be an exciting 6 months going into the GE.

Well when your only two choices are shit sandwiches you have to nut up and take a bite..
Well when your only two choices are shit sandwiches you have to nut up and take a bite..

Yes. People are either completely resigning to the fact they are voting for one or the other, or making the definitive choice now of not voting at all. Of course, the #neverTrump crowd is breaking apart, and some polls show a slight bump because some are getting on board with Trump.
This is how fascism comes to America

Opinion- this guy is obviously reaching a bit. I do think that Trump is many things, genuinely evil or driving us to fascism aren't two of them...
Yeah, his arms aren't quite long enough to reach the points he was trying to make.

His first point loosely quoted, 'Trump supporters dislike the Republican Party because they won't embrace him fully.' Wrong, folks were pretty tired of the R Party before he came along thanks to names like Boehner, Ryan, Romney, and McCain.
You remember how I argued that the characterization of Hillary as an "ultra-liberal" was asinine?

This right here is why.

Her social "ideas" are pretty liberal but she'll order her staffers to suck off anyone who will pay for access. It cracks me up when she calls Trump a loose cannon.

There are countless tales of Hillary being VERY difficult to work with because of her temper.

You remember how I argued that the characterization of Hillary as an "ultra-liberal" was asinine?

This right here is why.
Hilary is a political profiteer of the highest order.

Politicians can profit big time from war, ask Dick Cheney. Banks are tied to investors, that make contributions to, "Foundations."

She also understands that social liberalism is necessary to subjugate a voter base.
HRC says she will but Bill in charge of the economy when she is POTUS. By the way, ol' Bill made a Time magazine list of top 25 people most responsible for this country's economic mess.
HRC says she will but Bill in charge of the economy when she is POTUS. By the way, ol' Bill made a Time magazine list of top 25 people most responsible for this country's economic mess.

When the economy absolutely, positively has to be destroyed overnight....

HRC says she will but Bill in charge of the economy when she is POTUS. By the way, ol' Bill made a Time magazine list of top 25 people most responsible for this country's economic mess.
There was a lot of buzz, albeit by true conservatives and not the garden variety spineless Republicans, about BHO talking to his wife about decisions and influencing official gov't functions like schools.

There are certain things that require being either elected or officially appointed- I'll be interested to see the legal review on this matter should Bill actually get to do anything.
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First ladies have always influenced policy or even ran the show. They've always been an extension of their husband's office. As much as I hate HRC, if she named Bill to some post or gave him some responsibility it would be wrong, but nothing new.

With that perspective out of the way, we as a nation and system need to get out of the habit of "Well, xxx did it" when justifying one's political actions.
First ladies have always influenced policy or even ran the show. They've always been an extension of their husband's office. As much as I hate HRC, if she named Bill to some post or gave him some responsibility it would be wrong, but nothing new.

With that perspective out of the way, we as a nation and system need to get out of the habit of "Well, xxx did it" when justifying one's political actions.

I suppose they've had important roles such as redecorating or be fashionable as the hostess of the White House. Current one seems to care about childhood obesity. Typically they've been traditional womanly roles. Nothing related to STEM. The FLOTUS Wiki does a pretty good job of identifying what a few of them did.
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There was a lot of buzz, albeit by true conservatives and not the garden variety spineless Republicans, about BHO talking to his wife about decisions and influencing official gov't functions like schools.

There are certain things that require being either elected or officially appointed- I'll be interested to see the legal review on this matter should Bill actually get to do anything.
There was persistent RumInt that HRC kicked Bill's ass over Bosnia and Kosovo, we wouldn't have gone in if she hadn't forced him to make a decision is the gist of the rumor.
I suppose they've have important roles such as redecorating or be fashionable as the hostess of the White House. Current one seems to care about childhood obesity. Typically they've been traditional womanly roles. Nothing related to STEM. The FLOTUS Wiki does a pretty good job of identifying what a few of them did.

Nancy Reagan was a pretty big part of the War On Personal Freedom(drugs).

'Just Say No': How Nancy Reagan Helped America Lose the War on Drugs | VICE News
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