2016 Presidential Race

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Things he's said through the lens of the media.


At this point I'll probably still vote against HRC...but with reservations. The problem is, I think a lot of ardent Trump supporters, like me, who really liked many of the things he was saying early on were expecting him to start acting a bit more presidential after the nomination. Maybe that's too much to expect from such a flamboyant personality. But I still can't summon up the bile to vote for that bitch. God help us.

At this point I'll probably still vote against HRC...but with reservations. The problem is, I think a lot of ardent Trump supporters, like me, who really liked many of the things he was saying early on were expecting him to start acting a bit more presidential after the nomination. Maybe that's too much to expect from such a flamboyant personality. But I still can't summon up the bile to vote for that bitch. God help us.

His son suggested in an interview that the months following the convention are typically the worse. Attacks will increase to manipulate one way or another. We're all just sheep
Do you believe that the media distorts the things he says?

It's not a distortion when it's a direct quote, but it is manipulating when they take the more offensive and outlandish things and let them stand on their own. Just see the things he said about Kahn. There's plenty of him giving respect to him but you wouldn't know it
Do you believe that the media distorts the things he says?

The media engages in selective editing. All the time. They all do it depending on their agenda and they all have an agenda. You can take a simple story of a guy robbing a bank and slant it dozens of ways to shift the blame in any direction you want...and still be telling enough of the truth to get away with it. Trump is so outspoken he makes it easy for them.
Is Trump a Putin pawn? Found this article pretty interesting. Especially this paragraph- I've watch Putin on 60 Minutes, he is charismatic.

A career intelligence officer, the Russian leader is' trained to identify vulnerabilities in an individual and to exploit them,' the former CIA head said. 'Mr. Putin played upon Mr. Trump’s vulnerabilities by complimenting him. He responded just as Mr. Putin had calculated.'

Former head of CIA endorses Clinton and says Trump is Putin's pawn
Is Trump a Putin pawn? Found this article pretty interesting. Especially this paragraph- I've watch Putin on 60 Minutes, he is charismatic.

A career intelligence officer, the Russian leader is' trained to identify vulnerabilities in an individual and to exploit them,' the former CIA head said. 'Mr. Putin played upon Mr. Trump’s vulnerabilities by complimenting him. He responded just as Mr. Putin had calculated.'

Former head of CIA endorses Clinton and says Trump is Putin's pawn
Does the article address private e-mail servers?
Does the article address private e-mail servers?

I guess I should've been more clear. My question is more along the lines of people's opinion on whether or not Putin is looking for ways to help trump succeed, because he feels he can control trump more than he can influence Hillary.
Came across this nice little graphic the other day which compares the stated* policy positions of the top 3 candidates. No spin, no bluster, just a straight-up comparison. I'll grant that it is probably a little biased towards Johnson, since it tends to contextualize some of his comments, but I'm fine with that.


*Only includes official positions, not spur-the-moment commentary stuff
Things he's said through the lens of the media.

Oh, totally agree but perception is reality.

According to the press Trump is an idiot, Hillary is a liar, and the US paid $400 mil for hostage release*.

*Pretty shitty that Foley's family wanted to pay for his release but the USG wouldn't allow it.

Is Trump a Putin pawn? Found this article pretty interesting. Especially this paragraph- I've watch Putin on 60 Minutes, he is charismatic.

A career intelligence officer, the Russian leader is' trained to identify vulnerabilities in an individual and to exploit them,' the former CIA head said. 'Mr. Putin played upon Mr. Trump’s vulnerabilities by complimenting him. He responded just as Mr. Putin had calculated.'

Former head of CIA endorses Clinton and says Trump is Putin's pawn

Did he discuss the Clinton's connection to Uranium One, a Russian state-owned company?
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File this under, "Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!" and "it depends on what the definition of the word is, is"

Clinton again claims FBI said she was 'truthful' about her emails

Clinton told a roomful of journalists, 'What I told the FBI, which he said was truthful, is consistent with what I have said publicly.'
'So I may have short-circuited, and for that, I will try to clarify because, I think Chris Wallace and I were probably talking past each other.'
Came across this nice little graphic the other day which compares the stated* policy positions of the top 3 candidates. No spin, no bluster, just a straight-up comparison. I'll grant that it is probably a little biased towards Johnson, since it tends to contextualize some of his comments, but I'm fine with that.


*Only includes official positions, not spur-the-moment commentary stuff

Johnson has some pretty anti science stances including global warming, vaccinations, and GMO labeling. Ugh.
Ever see that episode of South Park where they have to vote for a new school mascot? The choice they have to make is between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich.

That's voters in the US right now.
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